Author: Desire and Belief

  • The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon

    The hundredth monkey effect was supposedly based on research of a group of monkeys on one particular island. This group lived on a Japanese island and was given sweet potatoes covered in sand.

    These monkeys learned to wash these potatoes and the behavior began to spread to younger generations of monkeys. The scientists then went onto report that this behavior seemed to spontaneously appear on other islands among other monkeys that did not have any contact with the first group.

    The study was published but has now been discredited; individuals have said it was part of “New Age Mythology”. It was discredited in part because at least one monkey who knew how to wash the potatoes may have swam to another island and spent an amount of time there.

    Scientists disprove things often and at times are right and wrong. Could this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon be true and if so what does it mean?

    If the hundredth monkey phenomenon is true that would mean that at a certain level of awareness this information could be communicated. With this vast universe and all the things we do not fully understand, is it silly to believe it is not possible.

    However, scientific “tests” are accurate. If the level of precision was not there for any scientists liking (especially those who are out to disprove such a phenomenon) then it must be inaccurate.

    Finding a test to measure mass consciousness may be quite difficult. Science may never agree with the Hundredth Monkey Theory or any other relating to a communications among the minds.

    With all that we do not know the idea of having a communicating consciousness can be pretty scary to many. Fear drives people and perhaps that is why there is always such a fervor to disprove anything that seems impossible.

    What is your opinion about The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon?

  • Individual Hypnosis Can Combat Stress and Anxiety

    Stress and anxiety are things we deal with daily. This begins the moment you wake up in the morning until the time you come home. If you were a better person, you know you shouldn’t let this control you. For those that need help, individual hypnosis may just be the answer you are looking for.

    But why should you try individual hypnosis? Well unlike conventional drugs being sold in the market, it does not have any serious side effects. You can attend as many sessions as you want until you feel you don’t need it anymore.

    What happens during individual hypnosis is that you get to relax and rejuvenate so you are able to return back to reality feeling refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge.

    To make this happen, you have to understand what hypnosis is and it is a process by which an individual is able to leave his conscious mind and then go to the subconscious state.

    The only way this can work is with the right attitude and the willingness to be hypnotized otherwise you are just wasting your time. This is known as the first stage of hypnosis called preparation.

    A hypnotist will guide you further before the session begins by asking you some questions and then figuring what keywords you will best respond to later on.

    When the specialist sees you are ready, you will now be instructed to sit down comfortably or lie down. They will tell you to focus your attention on their voice or by gazing at a fixed object.

    If this does not work, the hypnotist will try other means to get you into the zone and another option is called progressive relaxation. It is slower than gazing to an object or listening to the hypnotist’s voice. Slow music is played in the background and then the hypnotist will talk to the patient until he or she is finally in an induced state.

    Just like other problems that can be solved using hypnosis, stress and anxiety are caused by certain events or even people.

    Sometimes, these are things beyond our control especially if the one causing stress is your boss so the purpose of hypnosis is to overcome that by helping you forget about the negative energy so you are able to perform better the following day.

    Individual hypnosis could also let you see things from another angle so you don’t get mad but try to understand the individual or the event causing that stress so you are able to act properly when the situation presents itself.

    There is no doubt that hypnosis can help combat stress and anxiety. If it has worked for others, there is a chance that this could also work for you. The only thing that a specialist will ask from you is your willingness to do it because nothing is going to happen if you are skeptic about this technique.

    The willingness to take control of your life and not have stress or anxiety control it is the objective of individual hypnosis. If you don’t have time to visit the hypnotist, try out some self-hypnosis recordings which you can buy at the records store that are just as effective as a one on one session with a specialist.

  • Is Hypnosis Real?

    A lot of people who begin their research into hypnosis often ask the question “Is hypnosis real?” This is a very valid question, and is not one that should be dismissed.

    The answer is of course that hypnosis is very real, but with hypnosis being an unregulated industry, there are a number of so called “gurus” and “hypnotists” who really don’t have a level of training that is consistent with more professional hypnotists.

    This can of course lead people to believe, after one or two failed attempts with hypnosis, that hypnosis doesn’t work. The reason hypnosis fails is never because hypnosis doesn’t work on the person. Everyone can be hypnotized, despite what some hypnotists may say. It simply comes down to the skill of the hypnotist concerned.

    Recent research into hypnosis has shown that people can be broken into two “suggestibility” types. These include physical and emotional suggestibility. One easy way to think of it is that emotional suggestibility is more common to people who are introvert, whilst physical suggestibility is more common to people who are introvert.

    Hypnosis has come a long way within the past thirty years. What was once a field that was used merely as a way to treat psychological ailments and for entertainment, has now become a field that can be used to persuade people to do many, many things.

    Traditionally, hypnosis was used very directly, and it is still used in this manner today by many hypnotists. The fact of the matter however, is that only physical suggestibles respond to direct suggestions. Emotional suggestibles respond to indirect suggestions, and it wasn’t until the time of Dr. Milton Erickson that a new discreet form of hypnosis began to emerge.

    Erickson devised ways to use hypnosis in discreet settings, in a way that co-operated with a person, as opposed to a way that worked against them. Erickson allowed the apparent 50% of the population that “couldn’t be hypnotized” to be hypnotized. So when people ask “Is hypnosis real?” just remember that it may be due to a failed experience by a hypnotist who wasn’t aware of this new suggestibility typing.

    In order for someone to be hypnotized, their suggestibility typing must first be identified. Once this is done, inducing someone into a state of hypnosis becomes a very easy process.

    So as you can see, the answer to the question “Is hypnosis real?” is a definite “yes”, however it comes down to the skill of the hypnotist concerned as to whether or not hypnosis will be effective on you, now whether or not “is hypnosis real”.

  • Reframing Your Thoughts

    A great way to improve your thoughts and bring them into a positive light is through reframing. Reframing is a technique in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) where an undesirable behavior or trait is conferred a positive intention.

    A very brief explanation of NLP is any psychotherapy which uses a voice message that is intended to condition the conscious or unconscious mind.

    Now, back to reframing. When you reframe a thought you change the words or meaning to create a different point of view.

    You have established beliefs that have been constructed throughout your life. You were taught them by your parents, mentors, etc all I am sure with positive intent in mind. However, those beliefs today may no longer suit you or your desires for your life experience.

    Individuals may find themselves stuck in the beliefs of the past, which make it difficult to change current behaviors or thoughts.

    You can reframe your thoughts without the aid of a professional. However, as a hypnotist, even I need help reframing at times.

    To reframe a thought, you should pay close attention to your conscious when making a decision. When you arrive to a conclusion, evaluate how you got there. Was it because you always have thought that way or that is the way the majority thinks? Or was it a thought that you would never have had it the past?

    An example of a good reframe is a story that someone is telling you. As you are hearing that story you may come up with a number of different ways that you think it may end. In fact, you may be so anxious to get to the end you may try and complete the story with all the things you have imagined. When the story ends with a conclusion you never thought of, you have been reframed. The conclusion completely changed your preconceived notions to a new way of thinking.

    From the example above, imagine all the different ways you could have come to a conclusion. Even if these conclusions don’t make sense to you now, imagination provides a good tool to reframe your thoughts.

    If you use your imagination while making decision and come up with a positive choice you would not have made before, Congratulations you have just experienced a reframe. Now that you have a better idea of reframing your thoughts is, you can now use it with all decisions and see how positive the results may become.

  • Conversational Hypnosis

    Throughout the years of practicing hypnosis I have gotten one question often. My clients have asked me how to use hypnosis in everyday life.

    Some people have the knack for speaking, writing, etc. hypnotically. There are many books on the subject, however the reality is that using hypnosis in everyday life is automatic once you master it. Using hypnosis techniques in your daily life can become part of your personality if you so desire.

    Before I go any further, I want to clarify that using hypnotic techniques are not evil or manipulating. They are a way to establish great rapport with and individual based on how they think.

    Since I do not have a page dedicated to him, I would like to introduce Steve G. Jones he’s a world renowned, super-educated hypnotherapist. Steve is an expert on how to use hypnosis in both everyday life and therapeutically. After all, that’s just about the only thing Steve has done with his life, professionally speaking, for the last 24 years.

    Steve has created an 18 module system to give you almost-absolute control in everyday situations. You can find out more about his program by going to

    There are two limiting factors when it comes to conversational hypnosis with Steve’s program:

    The individual must have an IQ of 90 (which goes for hypnosis, not just conversationally) and the use of conversational hypnosis can be used on one individual at time.

    If you want to get an edge in everyday communication, lead other people towards your goals and you promise to do it ethically… I urge you to find out more about Steve’s program.

    There are others out there if you want to do the search but from this hypnotist’s standpoint, Steve really provides some great information.

  • Stress Reduction Techniques

    Stress Reduction and Acceptance

    There many things in life that you may find cause you stress, however this does not have to be the case. The only reason they are causing you stress is because you are allowing them too.

    This is sometimes hard to accept for many as it is so much easier to blame someone else for the stresses in your life. If you choose to take accountability for your stress then you may become negative about yourself. Doing either of these things may make your life even more stressful, and the next thing you know you are in a spiral of stress, fatigue, and self-doubt.

    Accepting things that come your way will reduce resistance to positive thoughts. It is easy to read but how easy is it to do? Below are some tips to help you on the road to acceptance and to a life of blissful fulfillment.

    1. Realize that in some way whatever you have to accept was attracted into your world so that you could learn from it
    2. Appreciate the stress, for the stress is telling you that you are out of alignment of where you want to be.
    3. Stop and write. Write down everything that is good about the stress, the areas that are good in your life, and the things you appreciate.
    4. Remember that the stress you are experiencing now will more then likely not matter in a week, let alone a day.
    5. Listen to a motivation CD or read an motivation book
    6. Watch a funny movie or show. Laughter to this day is still the best relief.
    7. Exercise, I know many will skip this, but I don’t mean jog a marathon. Do anything, a walk, 20 sit-ups, anything to boost the endorphins
    8. Try aromatherapy, there are many scents that calm the mind and body
    9. Learn self-hypnosis or meditation, both of these will help center and bring you back into balance
    10. When all else fails, refocus your thoughts on anything else that brings you joy or take a power nap. Many times frustration and stress occur when one is tired and needs rest.

    There are, of course, other ways to reduce stress and bring you back into alignment and you need to do what works for you. However, by not accepting the stress as self-induced and recognizing that your thoughts are causing it may prove to be quite detrimental to your life experience.