Author: Desire and Belief

  • The Law of Attraction and Confusion with Religion

    If you were at all like me and grew up with some form of religion in your life, you may have doubts, fears, or worries about the Law of Attraction.  I have many times thought, is the Law of Attraction real and does it offend God?

    I must say that my past structured beliefs in God and religion still have me stuck once in a while and I ask myself the question “Can the Law of Attraction go with God?”  A very interesting question and I am sure I am not the only one who has thought of this.

    When I take that question further, I often wonder if God and the Law of Attraction go together.  Some might consider this blaspheme while others may have considered this in depth.

    Taking a closer look, it is possible that the two could go together.  I am not going to quote Bible verses here, however there is a verse that says something like “ask in faith and it shall be given.”   Could God have given us that freewill to ask for something we want and if you have enough belief or faith it shall come?

    The religious, I imagine, would say no, while I still ponder the question.  For example, I want good health and believe that God can heal and expect that he will, do I then receive healing?  If that is the case, would this line of thinking not be the Law of Attraction, only based on God?

    According to the Abraham- Hicks information, that is not really the case.  There is not necessarily one divine being that orchestrates everything.  However, one must still wonder why could it not be the case?

    This, as I said, causes confusion for many and I would love to hear your viewpoint on this.  Appreciation is extended ahead of time for your opinions.

  • Live Like It’s Your Last Day

    Many people get caught up in the day to day tasks that need to be done.  We get sucked into what may happen in the future or what has happened in the past.  I am no exception to this, many times throughout each day I get caught up in tasks, the past or present.

    Often I have to remind myself that if this was my last day on earth, would I spend it doing what I’m doing or thinking about what I’m thinking about.  Most of the time, the answer to these questions is no.

    While some things cannot be avoided such as work or home tasks, there is a different perspective we can put on these tasks to make them better.  For example, start sharing the tasks with someone you love or think about if this was the last time you did this task how would you like to set an example.

    Putting a simple spin on the mundane tasks of the day can really change your level of enjoyment of them.  If it were your last day on earth, my guess is that you would want to be enjoying it.

    By living each day as if it were your last you will find yourself shifting your behaviors and thoughts.  You will begin to embrace what you once found tedious.  You may begin to see more special qualities in people you found flaws in.

    This shift in perspective can change your entire life.  If each day was your last, what would you want to be doing and with whom would you want to be doing it with.  As I said, some tasks need to be done, but with this shift in perspective you will find that you will begin to value everything and everyone more.

  • I Will Be Happy When……….

    One big mistake people make, including me, is setting goals that will make them happy.  What I mean by that is setting goals to achieve happiness instead of being happy with what is actually going on now.  I have had much difficulty with this and during these times I have noticed myself making “I’ll be happy when” goals.

    Some examples of “I’ll be happy when goals” include:

    I’ll be happy when I lose weight

    I’ll be happy when I find a mate

    I’ll be happy when I make X number of dollars

    While having goals are good for people and can help many get from point A to point B, it can be very detrimental if your happiness relies on it.  By making “I’ll be happy when” goals you are ignoring the present and the happiness you could have now.

    What if you never achieve your “I’ll be happy when” goals, then you would never be happy.  One must admit that all goals that are set are not always met.  Therefore, you leave yourself open to nothing but unhappiness in the present.

    What is the alternative?  Setting goals but being happy with what you have already achieved.

    One of the best ways to practice this is to evaluate your days each night before going to sleep.  What are you happy with?  Keep those thoughts in mind as you drift off into sleep.  You may even find by doing this you sleep better and wake up in a much better mood.

  • The Power of Now Review

    I must be on a review kick, but Echkart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now” was such a great personal development read that I could not go without putting out a review.

    “The Power of Now a Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle really drives home the fact that life can be a misery when you are focused too much on the past and/or the future. Tolle discusses how this type of focus takes away from the only moment that truly “is” and that moment is now.

    There are ten main chapters in Tolle’s book and they are as follows:

    You Are Not Your Mind
    Consciousness: The Way Out Of Pain
    Moving Deeply Into The Now
    Mind Strategies For Avoiding The Now
    The State Of Presence
    The Inner Body
    Portals Into The Unmanifested
    Enlightened Relationships
    Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
    The Meaning Of Surrender

    Each chapter offers profound insight into coming into the now, how we avoid it, and how to stay there. The basic premise of the book is that now is the only real time there is. All anxiety, worry, etc. comes from thoughts that are past and present.

    In the book, it talks about how the human mind spends much of its time in the past or present and most often neglects the future. Tolle offers great knowledge in how to deal with the issue of not being in the now and, if practiced, I believe being in the now may relieve much stress for many.

    This book can be read through in one sitting but is definitely one that you will want to refer to again and again. Perhaps even read two to three more times. I would highly recommend “The Power of Now” to anyone looking to improve, expand, or enhance their life.