Author: Desire and Belief

  • The Healing Codes

    Click Here To Go Straight To The Official Healing Codes Site

    the healing codesI have not written in a while and there is a very good reason why, I have been reading and working with The Healing Codes.     I have reviewed some things on this site but I must say none as powerful as the Healing Codes.  Many of you may already know about this book written by Alexander Loyd with Ben Johnson, but for those who have not heard of it or are still debating on it here is an honest Healing Codes review.

    The Healing Codes book is a manual to explain and instruct what the healing codes are.  The healing codes are a form of energy medicine….but if you do not believe in that do not stop reading yet.  These codes do not interfere with any religious belief nor are they some sort of voodooish practice.

    The codes are actually a set of sequences that  work on the four healing centers of the body.  The way to do the codes is described as your fingers pointing at these healing centers and imagining as if they were little flashlights.  There is a universal code which is presented in the book that can work for almost anything and then there are sets of different sequences for whatever ailment you want to heal.

    When talking about the healing codes and ailments it is not just physical ailments that are addressed however there are testimonial after testimonial of the codes helping with all types of physical ailments.  The codes also work for mental an emotional issues as well.  In fact in the book it points out that memories we have that we may have thought we have gotten over or healed may be still affecting us today.

    I must admit when I was first introduced to the healing codes book I was very skeptical.  I had read about people asking if the healing codes scam was true or not.  If I have learned anything so far it is not to listen to complainers, that being said I found no complaints about the healing codes upon my search (there may be some, but I did not find them) I found only good things.

    I read the healing codes and then did the universal code and I was shocked.  After six minutes of doing the universal code I had a sense of peace I had not experienced for ages.  I was not really working on an issue at that time but simple stress reduction, after that I had to do more.

    I started working on issues I had tried to work on in the past with doctors, mental health practitioners, acupuncturists, reiki practitioners, massage therapists with no luck.  The results I got were phenomenal!  I lost weight, I had less depression, I was calmer, I started becoming more motivated (started a rigorous exercise routine).  I have just recently started on some physical issues and will of course keep you updated.

    Now to answer some questions I have gotten:

    Are the healing codes as scam? –  No, No, No….the book states the only way they do not work is if you do not do them and that is correct.

    What Are the Healing Codes? – A form of energy medicine that works on the four healing centers of the body.  They are hand positions based on what one is trying to work on and they do not interfere with any spiritual beliefs.

    Should the Healing Codes take the place of any medical treatment I am getting now? – Of course not and the healing code book states that.  Do they help YES,  but you should never stop any type of medical or mental health treatment, unless your professional advises you to.

    How to do the healing codes?– Get the book if you want to learn the universal code, proceed to the manual for advanced codes for specific ailments or contact a healing code instructor.

    Alex Lloyd’s The  Healing Codes is one of the best books and methods of healing I have come across.  If you are suffering from anything get the book or contact a certified healing codes instructor.  Keep in mind that my Healing codes review is what I have experienced however if you want to read more about the healing codes and their successes to can go HERE for instant access.

    Click Here To Go Straight To The Official Healing Codes Site

  • Six Minutes To Success

    Just a quick post to let you know about an incredible free video offered by Bob Proctor. As you know I also say TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE:).

    This is a definite must see, really opens your eyes, Bob explains the secret to life.  If you are even looking for a way to enlighten your day, not to mention your life, you should check out Six Minutes To Success.

    In this Six Minutes To Success video Bob Proctor has decided to reveal some information he has given only to his private coaching students.  So do take advantage of the free and make it a great day!

    You can get to the Six Minutes To Success Video by clicking HERE

    PS The site may take some time to load, but well worth the wait!

  • The Secret Of Successful Visualizations

    I am a bit behind on this. These are a series of free videos and as I always say make use of the free. They are already on the third so I apologize. You can catch up though! When I first started manifesting, in many ways, it was like learning to ride my first push bike. There was some frustrating stumbling, falling and failure.

    If you’ve been trying as hard as you can to get it right—well, that’s your first problem (the TRY part!) But the second thing is—it’s really so much easier than you think once you understand a few key elements to your manifesting success.

    And I’m happy to tell you none other than the 2 great Bob’s- Bob Proctor and Bob Doyle- have the answers for you! You may remember the 2 Bob’s from The Secret—and from the absolute gold mine of knowledge they share all over the globe.

    Now, Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies sits them down for 2 very revealing chats…

    First, Bob Doyle explains the The Law of Attraction “101”…and how to use it in your life NOW to manifest whatever it is you most desire. This energizing chat simplifies visualization in a way I’ve never seen before!

    Then, Bob Proctor explains exactly where effective visualization begins. He just has such a fantastic way of laying it all out, I’m sure you’ll get a whole new perspective that will actually be very exciting for you.

    In my opinion, this kind of conversation is way overdue when it comes to the essentials and truth about the Law of Attraction and how it all works.

    Because it’s simply not just some flight of fancy or make-believe exercise—the Universal and unchanging laws that make everything happen for you are grounded in science!

    Practice Makes Perfect—How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want

    The biggest mistake most people make with manifesting is throwing in the towel when what you want doesn’t materialize immediately. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated, or even very time consuming.

    It just has to be done regularly like clockwork. When you do that one thing, some really incredible things will start to happen in your life!

    If you’ve got some financial “issues” you’re really going to want to watch this very closely—it could be the key that unlocks the door to your best life yet. So take a look—and get started doing exactly what the two Bob’s say.

    Practice Makes Perfect—How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want

  • Free Video – The Acceleration Experience

    If you are struggling with finances, health, or other life issues this may be a post you want to read.  I have written about Noah St. John before, his books have helped me immensely in achieving things I desire.

    I have had the honor of speaking with Noah St. John on the phone for one of his private coaching sessions and I must say it was amazing.  Noah has a way of helping you change your pattern of thought to achieve optimum results.

    Recently, Noah brought a group of clients together for a high-level mastermind.  Normally, being invited to one of Noah’s private masterminds is quite pricey…he is a bestselling author.  But Noah decided to give a special gift for the New Year. He videotaped this private mastermind session.

    And for a limited time, he’s given us free access to the videos.  Now you can be a watch as Noah helps his clients solve their most pressing problems like:

    * Making more money
    * Losing weight faster
    * Accelerating business growth
    * Finding more purpose and passion at work

    After reading Noah St. Johns books and having the honor of speaking with him I can truly recommend checking out his new video. It may be the one thing you need to change your life!

    You can check out the video here