Author: Desire and Belief

  • Integral Spiritual Life Practice with Ken Wilber

    Integral Spiritual Life Practice with Ken WilberYou can learn how to create an Integral Spiritual Life Practice with Ken Wilber with this Mindvalley Masterclass. During it you will explore the 4 Stages Of Human Consciousness.

    Get ready for an extraordinary and rare opportunity that only presents itself once in a while.

    The philosopher and visionary, Ken Wilber, takes you on an exclusive 90-minute online Masterclass in partnership with Mindvalley.

    In this enlightening session, you will go into the realms of spiritual awakenings and embark on a transformative journey of conscious development.


    Integral Spiritual Life Practice with Ken Wilber

    Imagine a life where your awareness expands, revealing a heightened understanding of your place in the world.

    Ken Wilber’s Masterclass offers you the keys to unlock this transformative experience. Through his comprehensive ‘Integral Theory’ framework, you will discover the secrets to living a holistic and fulfilled life.

    A life aligning every aspect of your being with your deepest truths as you embrace expanded awareness.

    The Einstein of Consciousness: Encounter Ken Wilber’s Profound Wisdom

    Ken Wilber is a renowned philosopher who has earned the esteemed title of the ‘Einstein of Consciousness,’ bestowed upon him by none other than Deepak Chopra.

    With unparalleled dedication, Ken has dedicated his life to crafting a profound philosophy that transcends traditional boundaries.

    Drawing wisdom from a multitude of disciplines including religion, politics, evolution, science, and spirituality, his  framework unifies diverse perspectives into a coherent worldview.


    Discover the Profound Power of Integral Theory

    Ken Wilber will take you through the profound depths of his framework. Plus, he will reveal the secrets to creating an integral spiritual life practice.

    His model for human consciousness evolution, maps out distinct developmental stages of humanity. The knowledge and insights you gain will provide a blueprint for elevating your consciousness and transforming your existence.

    Unveiling the Path to Transcendence

    This exclusive session is completely free, allowing you to tap into the wisdom of a visionary thinker who has dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of human consciousness.

    Don’t miss out on this remarkable opportunity to elevate your consciousness, embrace fulfillment, and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual awakening.

    Integral Spiritual Life Practice with Ken Wilber

    You will gain a fresh perspective on life, find clarity in your purpose, and cultivate a holistic and fulfilled existence. 

    Ken’s ‘Integral Theory’ framework, is wisdom from diverse disciplines, as he expertly guides you toward elevating your consciousness and transforming every aspect of your being.

    This opportunity to learn directly from Ken Wilber is completely free so reserve your spot now and unlock the keys to profound spiritual awakenings.



  • Supercharge Your Chakra Practice

    Supercharge Your Chakra PracticeThe Supercharge Your Chakra Practice event is with Anodea Judith. By attending you will discover How to Heal Your Energy Centers and Unleash the Full Power of Your Life Force.

    Ever stumbled upon the mystical world of chakra energy centers while exploring spiritual practices ?

    These captivating centers, said to reside within our subtle body, hold a key. The key  to unlocking a realm of elevated well-being, invigorated relationships, vibrant vitality, and unleashed creativity.

    But how do we truly tap into this wellspring of life energy and make it flow continuously? During this event you will hear about practical techniques that allow you to work with our chakras. Plus, overcome energetic hurdles, and awaken the boundless power of our life force.


    Supercharge Your Chakra Practice:Unveiling the Mysteries

    Chakras form an integral part of ancient traditions and holistic healing systems. Yet, these enigmatic energy centers can also be understood and harnessed through a contemporary lens.

    They blend seamlessly with the insights of Western psychology. Anodea will fuse these perspectives together, granting us an understanding of the chakra system’s magic.

    Healing and Balancing the Dance of Chakras

    Each chakra dances to its unique rhythm, intricately woven into our physical and emotional well-being.

    To foster holistic health, we must grasp the distinctive challenges and imbalances that accompany each energy center.

    You will learn practices designed to confront and heal these hurdles. This will pave the way for harmonious restoration within your energetic realm.


    Harmonizing Your Life Force: Unleashing the Symphony

    To reach the pinnacle of well-being, we must achieve an exquisite equilibrium within our energetic system.

    The pendulum swings both ways; an overflow or depletion of chakra energy can disrupt our vitality.

    Anodea Judith will unlock the secrets of assessing the charge pulsating through each chakra. By doing so, it allows us to balance our life force, and invite energy into our existence.

    Shattering Energetic Barriers: Unleash Your Potential

    Life’s journey accumulates energetic barriers that ensnare the vibrant flow of our life force.

    These formidable walls manifest as physical, emotional, or mental obstructions, thwarting us from reaching our full potential.

    You will learn how to overcome these barriers, creating a surge of energy to amplifying your vitality.

    Unleashing the Inner Dynamo: Embrace the Power

    Renowned bestselling author and authority on chakras, Anodea Judith, has devoted her life to unraveling the mysteries of these energy centers.

    Drawing upon four decades of immersive study, personal practice, and imparting wisdom, she has curated practical techniques capable of aligning and activating our chakras.

    Supercharge Your Chakra Practice

    Unlocking the extraordinary potential of our chakras has the power to reshape our entire existence. By delving deep into the chakra system, mending and harmonizing your energy centers.

    Join Anodea Judith for this virtual event, where she will illuminate techniques to optimize your energy system. This will lead to holistic well-being and awakening the dormant forces that reside within you.


  • Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance

    Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance The Marisa Peer Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance is a free event. By attending you will discover the 5 Steps to Reprogram Your Mind for Abundance.

    Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a pursuit, only to witness it crumble? Whether you were saving for a specific purpose, there always seems to be an obstacle thwarting our progress.

    During these moments, self-doubt creeps in, whispering that we are incapable, doomed to fail, or that we should abandon our dreams altogether. But here’s the undeniable truth: our minds often become unwitting adversaries, subconsciously working against us.


    You do possess the power to reject this mental programming and reclaim mastery over your own mind. This masterclass led by the hypnotherapist Marisa Peer will uncover the 5 Steps to Reprogram Your Mind for Abundance.

    Is Hypnotherapy Truly Distinct from Traditional Therapy?

    Hypnotherapy may not be an entirely foreign concept to you. While traditional therapy eventually aims to address challenges, and personal issues, it often demands a significant investment of time and primarily tackles surface-level symptoms, failing to unearth the underlying causes.

    Although personal development books and meditation can yield positive results, they rarely target the crucial facets that exert a monumental impact on our lives: wealth, health, and love.

    The Potential of Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance

    Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy stands as a purpose-built solution, specifically designed to dismantle mental barriers. 

    Esteemed figures from various domains, including CEOs, celebrities, and Olympic athletes, have sought Marisa’s guidance to break free from the shackles of their own minds and achieve enduring success.

    To demonstrate that anyone, including yourself, possesses the ability to cultivate life-altering abundance, the Masterclass presents a guided 20-minute hypnotherapy session. This session is crafted to activate your brain’s clandestine superpower for manifesting abundance. As you prepare for this session, create a serene and distraction-free environment to maximize its impact.

    To ensure an optimal and transformative experience, designate a tranquil, disturbance-free space where you can comfortably immerse yourself in the session. This dedicated time and environment will enable you to reap the full spectrum of benefits provided by this profound and life-altering encounter.


    A Sneak Peek into the 90-Minute Masterclass

    Therapy, including hypnotherapy, may have piqued your curiosity, but perhaps you find yourself engulfed in a sea of misinformation.  Marisa Peer, unveils the truth behind this technique, empowering you to:

    •    Unearth the root causes behind your challenges
    •    Cast aside negative programming
    • Foster life-changing abundance in health, wealth, and love, potentially forever
    • Gain mastery over your subconscious mind, enable you to dictate your path while your mind dutifully follows.
    • Unveiling the  revelations concerning your brain’s control \ and harnessing this potential to heal. Plus,  your ability to liberate yourself from ailments, premature aging, weight gain, and more.
    • Exploring your relationship with money and comprehending its influence on your prosperity.
    • Engaging in an exercise that empowers you to heal conflicts with your loved ones, reinstating love and empathy within your relationships.

    Claim Your Personal Invitation to Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance 

    If you haven’t already, take this opportunity to claim your personal invitation to Mindvalley’s latest Masterclass with Marisa Peer. It will allow you to release the potential within your subconscious mind.

    Remember, you hold the key to reprogramming your mind and manifesting the abundance you seek. Do not allow doubts or limitations to stifle your progress.

    Discover the simple yet profound technique capable of unlocking a life brimming with abundant wealth, health, and love. Activate the switch of abundance within your brain and embrace a reality where limitless possibilities await.


  • Living an Enneagram-Informed Life

    Living an Enneagram-Informed LifeAwakening Into Higher Consciousness by Living an Enneagram-Informed Life with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb. This complimentary event will give you An Introduction to the Foundations of the Enneagram.


    Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. If you’ve recently developed a strong curiosity about the Enneagram or already have a basic understanding this for you.

    This event is designed to help you  understand the fundamentals. By doing so, you can confidently embark on a journey of deeper inner work.

    As you gently shift and up-level your consciousness, you contribute to a life-and-world-changing movement toward a new and just reality—for yourself and for all.

    Introduction to the Foundations of the Enneagram

    During this event, Russ and Jessica will introduce you to the most important elements the Enneagram. You’ll discover what it means to truly understand it. Also, how it can radically transform not only yourself but also those around you.

    Prepare to be astounded by the profound insights and practical tools that the Enneagram offers for personal growth and self-awareness.


    Explore the Essence of Living an Enneagram-Informed Life

    During this 60-minute online event, you’ll have the opportunity to:

    • Experience a guided opening presence practice that brings you into a state of centered awareness.
    • Discover what it truly means to live an Enneagram-informed life and how it can enhance your relationships, work, and personal well-being.
    • Delve into the true wisdom, purpose, and depth of the Enneagram system and its transformative potential.
    • Explore the three centers of intelligence—head, heart, and body—and how they relate to the Enneagram types.
    • Hear the call for a commitment to change and evolve through the extensive excavation work that the Enneagram invites us to undertake.

    Cultivate Presence, Compassion, and Courage

    By the end of this inspirational hour with Russ and Jessica, you’ll become present, grounded, and centered in your life. You’ll develop the ability to be a compassionate witness to your personality, behaviors, and responses. Also fostering deeper self-awareness and self-acceptance.

    Through intensive wisdom teachings and transformative practices you will access the depths of your being. You will also find hidden aspects of your personality and gaining a deeper understanding of your patterns.

    You will Cultivate the courage, confidence, and curiosity to look within yourself.  This will become a lifelong way of being as you continue on your journey of personal growth and transformation.

    Ignite Your Inner Transformation by Living an Enneagram-Informed Life

    This event offers a unique opportunity to ignite your inner transformation.  You will delve into the wisdom teachings and transformative practices of the Enneagram.

    You will also accelerate your spiritual evolution and experience a profound shift in consciousness. Join today’s leading teachers and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This is your chance to unlock  transformative power and discover your authentic self.

    By joining Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb  you will be supported by their expertise and guidance as they share their wealth of knowledge and insights. They will provide you with practical tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of your inner world, empowering you to make conscious choices and align your actions with your true essence.


  • Lifebook Online Masterclass

    Lifebook Online MasterclassThe Lifebook Online Masterclass is with Jon and Missy Butcher. During this event you will discover how to redesign your life.

    Do you ever feel an inner longing for something more? Perhaps, a persistent sense that you haven’t yet tapped into your true capabilities?

    This sentiment is all too familiar to those who aspire to reach greater heights and unleash their gifts. Often, the missing piece of the puzzle lies in having a clear direction that allows our dreams to become realities.


    Lifebook Online Masterclass

    Lifebook, an exceptional system for designing a fulfilling lifestyle. It has been  crafted by the visionary Jon Butcher. Jon has achieved unparalleled success in every aspect of his life without compromising his values.

    Alongside his wife, Missy, Jon is hosting a Masterclass that unveils the inner workings of this system and equips you with the tools to apply it in your own life.

    By the end of this event you will learn how to keep connected to your desires and propel you towards a life of fulfillment.

    Jon and Missy Butcher

    Jon and Missy Butcher’s Masterclass is presented in collaboration with Mindvalley. This experience will empower you to design the life you’ve always dreamed of. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect to explore during this transformative event:

    1. Unveiling the 3 Silent Saboteurs of Your Hopes and Dreams. You will peel back the layers to uncover the  obstacles that have sabotaged your progress. Plus, you’ll gain an understanding of these barriers and develop strategies to overcome them, clearing the way for your ultimate success.
    2. Escaping the Deadly Trap of Career and Wealth Focus.  In a society fixated on career and wealth, it’s easy to fall into the trap of neglecting other areas of life. Discover how to break free from this conventional mindset and create  balance in your life. By doing so, you will achieve abundance and  well-being.
    3. Discover Your Personal Life Quality Score. Begin to evaluate the current state of your life using the Life Quality Score framework. This is an empowering tool that offers an assessment of your overall well-being. Identify areas that require attention and improvement. As well as gain insights  to elevate the quality of your life.


    Reclaiming Your Potential: Unleash Your Extraordinary Self

    Far too often, individuals merely skim the surface of their true potential. They leave their dreams and talents dormant. The primary culprit behind this stagnation? A lack of direction.

    However, with Lifebook, the brainchild of Jon and Missy Butcher, you can break free from this cycle. Through their Masterclass, they will empower you to reclaim your personal power and reinvent yourself.

    Creating Your Lifebook: Your Personal Blueprint for Extraordinary Living

    By the end of this life-altering Masterclass, you will have created one of the most important documents of your life—your very own Lifebook.

    Serving as a compass, it will keep you connected to your desires, providing  clarity,momentum, and a source of personal power to manifest your dreams into reality.

    Lifebook Online Masterclass

    Reclaiming your personal power and designing your best life begins with a single, courageous step. This is a commitment to your own growth and untapped potential.

    Jon and Missy Butcher’s Lifebook Masterclass represents your gateway to this transformative journey.  Click the link below to secure your free spot in the Lifebook Online Masterclass and embark on this  journey alongside Jon and Missy Butcher.



  • Energy Medicine: The Secrets Of A Master Practitioner

    Energy Medicine: The Secrets Of A Master Practitioner The Donna Eden Energy Medicine: The Secrets Of A Master Practitioner is a free masterclass.

    Imagine being close to a  banquet, only to find yourself bound and unable to partake in its offerings.

    This is a cruel form of starvation, and for countless individuals, it mirrors their quest for optimal health. They yearn for vitality and will go to great lengths to achieve it, yet it remains elusive.

    It is no wonder that alternative medicine modalities are currently experiencing an surge in popularity. Among these transformative approaches, energy medicine emerges as a powerful force, infiltrating domains of the healthcare landscape.


    During this event you will explore the extraordinary potential of energy medicine with the revered healer, Donna Eden.

    Energy Medicine: The Secrets Of A Master Practitioner

    In recent years, the  field of energy medicine has witnessed a rise, captivating the imagination of seekers of holistic well-being.

    Energy medicine is the understanding that our bodies are intricate of energy systems. It offers techniques to reclaim our health and vitality naturally.

    Donna Eden, an icon in the realm of healing has the belief that our bodies are nothing short of wondrous collections of energy systems.

    She has a remarkable clairvoyant-like ability to perceive nine distinct bodily energy systems. With them she has crafted a simple framework that empowers individuals without her extraordinary gift to harness their own energies.

    Introducing  the Energy Medicine Masterclass

    This remarkable class grants you access to invaluable tools that can revolutionize your perception of health and vitality.

    It is a  call for you to reclaim ownership of your well-being by tapping into the power of energy.  By attending you will come to understand that you may have the potential to ease aches, pains, while bestowing upon you a deeper sense of happiness, satisfaction, and productivity.

    This event will help you in renewing balance, harmony, and overall well-being. The astounding part? These transformative techniques are simple, non-invasive hand gestures that effortlessly resonate with your being.


    A Glimpse into the Masterclass

    During this captivating 60-minute odyssey, Donna Eden herself shall illuminate your path, offering wisdom, techniques, and exercises that will alter your perception of health and wellness. Here is some of what you will learn.

    1. Tapping into Hidden Reserves of Life Energy:  You will unlock the gateway to your dormant vitality. You shall learn to heal, restore, and revitalize yourself naturally, transcending the limits of your current state.
    2. Overcoming Afternoon Slumps: Bid farewell to those midday energy slumps with an instant Energy Medicine technique that takes less than 30 seconds.
    3. Conquering Stressful Situations: Hear about two captivating energetic shortcuts that will empower you to conquer even the most  stressful situations. These transformative techniques will  enhance your personal resilience.
    4. Using Energy to Choose the Right Food: You will learn an energetic testing exercise, revealing the dietary choices that shall bestow optimal nourishment upon your being. By doing so, you can revolutionize your relationship with food,  guided by the wisdom of your energy.
    5. Everyday Objects as Healing Tools: Eden will demonstrate the power of energy medicine within a simple kitchen utensil.

    Energy Medicine: The Secrets Of A Master Practitioner

    Journey alongside Donna Eden and Mindvalley Academy as they illuminate the path toward optimal health and vitality. By doing so , you ‘ll transcend the confines of conventional thinking and take hold of your own well-being.

    You can transforming your existence from the inside out. Your life can be filled with vitality and well-being. Claim your complimentary spot in the Energy Medicine Masterclass.