Author: Desire and Belief

  • 3 Keys to Discovering Life’s Purpose

    3 Keys to Discovering Life’s PurposeThe 3 Keys to Discovering Life’s Purpose is with Jean Houston. By attending you will discover how to activate your unique genius.

    Ever pondered the profound question of your life’s purpose? Craving to make an impact and unleash your hidden potential?

    This seminar hosted by the incredible Dr. Jean Houston a spiritual luminary is like no other. Her life’s mission revolves around helping individuals like you uncover and embrace your true calling.


    3 Keys to Discovering Life’s Purpose

    This events full title is  “The 3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Life’s Purpose.”  She will share proven, battle-tested process that will set you on a path to finding your purpose.

    Drawing from her immense wealth of experience and unrivaled expertise, she’ll guide you to infuse purpose into every nook and cranny of your existence.

    Unlocking Your Unique Genius

    Dr. Jean Houston firmly believes that each of us holds a unique code, a wellspring of genius yearning to be set free. She will take you into the recesses of your being as she unveils the extraordinary talents and gifts that lie dormant within you. This will allow you to make an impact on the world around you.

    Activating Your Life’s Purpose

    Ever feel that stirring in your soul, a restless yearning for something greater? During this part of the event you’ll learn to channel that evolutionary impulse and inspiration into powerful, purposeful action.

    It’s time to set your passion ablaze and embrace a life filled with meaning and significance.


    Embracing Transformation and Changing the World

    Jean Houston’s teachings have touched the lives of millions, awakening them to their true purpose and igniting a spark of positive change. By joining this seminar, you’ll become part of a vibrant community dedicated to transforming lives and leaving an indelible impact on the world.

    Together, we hold the power to shape a future brimming with boundless possibilities for ourselves and generations to come.

    3 Keys to Discovering Life’s Purpose

    Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Discover the path of self-discovery and purpose that awaits you. You deserve a life brimming with passion, fulfillment, and meaningful contributions.

    Even if you can’t attend the live event, you can get a recording of the seminar. Remember, the world stands at a critical juncture, eagerly awaiting individuals like you to rise and make a resounding difference.


  • Winning The Game Of Money Brain Training System

    winning the game of money brain training system

    If you have been considering the winning the game of money brain training system but are still unsure about it, now there is a free John Assaraf Mindvalley Masterclass. If you have never heard of John or the system below is just a short overview, you can attend the class online and at no charge and make your own review of it.

    John Assaraf is an entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of the PraxisNow a brain retraining company. He was part of the cast of the movie the secret and is a New York Times best-selling books, John Assaraf Having It All and The Answer. This Win the Inner game of Money free event is going to be the biggest ever done with over 80,000 people expected to attend. During is he’s going to reveal some of the major principles of this science as well as a unique brain-retraining system that’s based on years of research on positive psychology, brain science and cutting-edge technology.

    The Mindvalley Masterclass is entitled Win The Inner Game Of money and it is packed with money making strategies, insights, and new ways of thinking that’ll instantly re-wire your brain and help you reach success. If you have ever read John Assaraf Or Mindvalley Academy reviews you will find this event to be some of the best training yet. He literally walks you through how he created a million dollar passion as well as gives you the tools to do it as well.

    During the John Assaraf seminar you will learn things like:

    • A guided Neuro Retraining Meditation
    • New insights from the world of Neuroscience which can grow your income
    • Discover How to increase financial success by quickly retraining your brain with new habits & beliefs.
    • Learn about the #1 highest vibration frequency in the known universe.
    • Learn about the Winning the Game Of money Brain training System in full
    • Plus Much More

    It is quite rare to get this kind of training and information at no charge so for that reason alone this Mindvalley class is worth attending. Also, the Neuro Retraining Meditation is guided and combines brainwave entrainment, creative visualization, NLP, hypnosis, subliminal, and more. This a meditation for prosperity and abundance backed by the latest science which will reprogram some of your deepest subconscious money beliefs very quickly. Plus the new scientific study that he will share about the highest vibration frequency assists you with your ability to manifest your desires and you’ll get a chance to experience this vibration during the J class.

    To attend the John Assaraf webinar at no charge and learn about the Winning the Game of Money Brain training System simply go HERE.

  • Law Of Attraction Hypnosis Free Download

    Now available is a Law of Attraction Hypnosis Free Download from Karl Moore Hypnosis Live creator. Whether you are a full believer in LOA or you have always wondered does the Law of Attraction Hypnosis work, then this is one free download you are going to want to take advantage of. In this review I will just cover LOA and hypnosis and how it could benefit you.

    The Law of attraction is all about belief, you attract what you think. If you are a skeptic about this law, you can either stop reading now or go straight to the download and see what it is all about. The problem with this law is getting your thoughts to remain consistent with what you want to manifest. In the Secret law of attraction movie and book, they make it sound easy, a for a few it is, for the majority it is not, that’s where free law of attraction hypnosis downloads come in. Hypnosis, is not some crazy thing, where the hypnotist or the audio will have control over you, it is simply getting you to a state of mind where you can change the beliefs or ideas which were created by you or someone else at some point in your life.

    With a law of attraction hypnosis mp3, the goal is not to automatically get you whatever you desire, but a process of rewiring your thoughts to a place where it is easy to keep the thing you want to manifest present in your mind and in a positive way. Whether it is weight loss or LOA negative inner thoughts and habits that guide you on a daily basis can be difficult to get rid of. There are just a few steps to master:

    1. Get clear on what you really want
    2. Visualize better
    3. Think more positively
    4. Enjoy an attitude of gratitude.

    As mentioned the above are hard to do consistently, because we forget to keep it up if we don’t experience immediate positive results. With the Law of Attraction Hypnosis Free Download it helps you to automatically change your thinking to a more positive one, and install the beliefs of easy manifestation into your mind. You can literally rewire your brain to visualize more successfully, think positively, and never forget to be grateful.

    Law of Attraction Hypnosis really should have been mentioned in the movie the Secret. The key is not to get frustrated or lose hope that is why you fail to get what you want. Now do keep in mind that this law of attraction hypnosis download will not work if you do not listen to it. Many ask how many times a day should I listen to my hypnosis session. The answer really is as many as you have time for, but twice a day minimum. Not only do you get the results from the actual session but there are other great benefits to hypnosis, such as better sleep and less stress.

    To get the Law of Attraction Free download from Hypnosis Live you can go HERE.

  • Tapping Meditation Overwhelm To Calm

    In my last post I wrote about the Tapping World Summit  and mentioned that there is Tapping Solution video series that has been released in preparation for the event. The latest release is 3 different EFT meditations that you watch and download for future use! One is the ever popular tapping meditation from overwhelm to calm designed to have you feeling calm in minutes.

    This tapping meditation video has been one of the most popular of the Tapping solutions. It guides you through the different meridian points while using positive affirmations to release tension and stress. The other 2 free videos are “Releasing Feelings of Not Being Enough” and “Overcoming Procrastination”. If you are looking for an EFT meditation for anxiety then all of these address that issue, after just doing the first one in minutes you feel relief.

    The Emotional Freedom Technique is known by many names such as EFT, Meridian tapping, but for most just tapping. It one of the quickest ways to reduce, stress, ease pain, improve thoughts, and more that I have ever used. I have recommend this technique to many and they have found great relief, now with the Tapping World summit coming up, not only do you get free downloads but also get to attend the event at no charge.

    What I really love about the summit is that there are no real pitches during the event; it is one hundred percent content. You learn the meridian points, as well as get guided tapping meditations from experts in the field. You also learn about the history and the science behind the process. Although it is not a big part of the event, Emotional Freedom technique research is shared with you which for some if very important. For myself, the research is wonderful, but what really matters to me is does EFT really work, and for me it does.

    The tapping meditation overwhelm to calm and the other 2 are available HERE , you can also find the tapping world summit registration as well. I wrote in the past that this blog will be having a big change and obviously I have not gotten around to doing it. I was not planning on writing until I did but I am such a fan of the summit, and believer in the benefits of EFT, that I had to share it now. Plus, the fact that everyone gets the free tapping meditations.

  • Mind Movies Free Download

    mindmoviesfreedownloadWell it has been a while since I have written and this blog is going to get a complete overhaul in design and the whole works, but I wanted to do a quick post about the upcoming launch of Mind Movies 4.0.  Co-founder Natalie Ledwell has put out a series of videos that start today which lead up to the release of 4.0. Plus she is offering a Mind Movies Free Download, which you can read more about below.

    There are many differing opinions out there about the digital vision board software as some call it, but my personal opinion is that it is phenomenal. I believe having an online vision board maker as well as having one in home or office will duplicate your manifesting much fast, but enough of my opinion. The Mind Movie creator is the visualization tool combining music, positive affirmations and inspiring images, allowing you to manifest much quicker. The first of the free videos is a Natalie Ledwell Bob Proctor video. There are a few very cool things about this vid.

    First, if you are aware of Mind Movies software and may have wondered how it was founded and what it took to get it going, Natalie completely opens up on this. She shares story of how she and Glen Ledwell, went from nothing in Australia, to living the life of their dreams in California. It is worth the watch for just hearing her story alone but also this video also contains an interview with Bob Proctor. Bob shares some amazing insights on how to bring success and abundance and he reveals his one secret for mastering manifesting.

    Now here is the really great part, Natalie is offering a Mind Movies Free Download which is 6 premade Mind Movies which cover Courage & Confidence, Loving & Appreciating Myself, Attracting Friends & a Great Social Life, Vibrant Health, Inner Peace, and Wealth Abundance, it is over a 200 dollar value and you can download them just for watching the video. You can click HERE take you the video and get your free gifts and if you have any opinions on the Mind Movies creator I would love to hear them.

  • A Bug Free Mind

    bugfreemindSome have heard of a Bug Free Mind by Andy Shaw and many have not, but there is great news for either. Andy Shaw is giving away a free 4 Part A Bug Free Mind Starter Kit. That way if you have been sitting on the fence about Andy Shaws book or program you can now try it at no cost.

    The title of the 4 part kit is Breakthrough To A Bug Free Mind and it containd everything you need to get rid fo the “bugs” that are holding you back.  There is another Bug Free Mind Review in the description in the video below so I will not go into alot of detail here. However, if you would not like to read a full review you can go here to get your Bug Free Mind free kit right now.  Otherwise go to review beneath the video below.