Author: Desire and Belief

  • Manifestation Miracle Review


    If you have been looking for a Manifestation Miracle review, you no longer have to search through endless articles or sift through peoples different opinions. Heather Matthews creator of the system is now offering many complimentary gifts that give you a solid foundation of what her methods are all about. There are several different things offered such as a quiz, a Breakthrough Kit, an eBook, and audios. In this article we will briefly touch on the different items available and what they contained.

    For anyone not familiar with Heather Matthews she is one of several who are considered one of the top Law of Attraction experts around. She is the creator of the Manifestation Miracle system and created it with techniques she discovered after overcoming obstacles in her own life, she has inspired many not only with her story but also by assisting numerous people with the system. Testimonials range from people, who manifested more money, attracted positive soulmate relations, to people living their dream life all together. For the sake of making this a shorter article we will highlight the different gifts that she is giving away because they themselves have enough content for you to be fully informed.

    The Heather Matthews Quiz is a great place to start it is only one minute long and it is a life success quiz. The quiz is customized for you and it reveals your energetic blocks that are holding you back from attracting love, prosperity, health or anything else you may have tried to manifest with the Law of Attraction with little results. The quiz is accompanied by a video that explains how you can unlock abundance in whatever area of life you desire. Now the quiz itself may not be enough for you to establish a full Manifestation Miracle Review of your own but it is worth taking and allows you to take advantage of another free gift.

    Another is the Breakthrough Kit it has a report, a short video, and an mp3 audio. The report although short does go in depth about how you can attract more and what the missing link to the law of attraction is. The Manifestation Miracle free audio download is short as well only about five minutes long, but those five minutes is filled with brain entrainment technology combined with law of attraction abundance affirmations that guides you quickly into a deep state of meditation. This miracle manifestation meditation is so powerful that you will begin to manifest easier without struggle or frustration and you can use it over and over again, like we do, which increases your ability to attract.

    The manifestation miracle book is a pdf download and it is entitled Manifest Money & Success and the book comes with an audio as well, we will not go into the audio because it is like the above in the kit.   Finally with the free gifts there is the Manifestation Miracle meditation audios there are actually three different audios that you will receive which are Wiring Your Mind For More Money, Living Your Best Life , and Abundant Health. They have level 2 binaural beats and guided positive affirmations for abundance affirmations designed to manifest more money, your dream life and great health.

    Your negative beliefs that you have tried to overcome with the law of attraction have actually sunk in to your inner programming leaving your expectations low and making it extremely difficult to have positive vibrational output. You may have already known that but with the several free samples you can get you will learn how to overcome those deep beliefs that allow block to your natural abundance. Now with the quiz, breakthrough kit, book, and guided meditation audios you can not only learn how to overcome your blockages but have enough material to make your own Manifestation Miracle Review.

    Coming soon A full overview of the system

  • Structured Thinking Starter Kit


    There is a new structured thinking starter kit as one of the several Andy Shaw’s a bug free mind starter kit he offers. This complimentary kit is available for immediate download and like our last post entitled Consciousness Raising Techniques Course about Andy’s other free gift Footsteps Through The Mind this kit is jam packed with quality content.

    Andy Shaw is the creator of the Saltori Method for structured thinking and with this mini course you can get a solid foundation of what and how this method works. In short, the structured thinking method is a way to think in small bit size pieces or tiny structures, if you have ever found yourself struggled with problem solving or not attaining your goals, it more than like has to do with your thinking. Most people were taught what to think and not in terms of what one should be doing, by having this way of thinking it causes obstacles and issues we it comes to issues and life achievements. This is not anyone’s fault, there was no manual for parents, or mentors etc. to teach you to think correctly, however there is a way to “think better” to improve every aspect of your life.

    The Structured Thinking Starter kit was as mentioned created by Andy Shaw who is also the creator of a bug free mind, which we have covered on this site before. Inside the kit Andy reveals that without having the structured thinking process in the mind you are put information into a what to think mind and not a how to think mind. This may sound complicated but it is not, and if you have ever taken advantage of a bug free mind free download you already know that Andy has a way of explaining and teaching his methods in a way that is easy for anyone to understand and apply.

    Now if you think you thinking method is fine here are a few questions that will put you to the test, if you answer yes to even one saltori structured thinking can help:

    • Do you want more from life, but without the extra effort?
    • Do you want to let go of life’s unwanted baggage?
    • Does getting smarter sound good to you?
    • Do you want to remove pain and obstacles from your mind?
    • Have you ever had a problem come up and could not find an answer?

    I know we answered yes to more than one of these and if you did taking advantage of the complimentary kit is a great place to start understanding how you can change the above questions as well as improve your overall wellbeing. Inside the Saltori system for structured thinking starter kit you will learn Why most is getting it wrong in regards to thinking, discover how to experience life in vivid detail, How to easily achieve more without trying harder, how to become more successful and much more. These are just some of benefits of the kit plus you get structured thinking training from an expert in the field of brain retraining techniques at no charge.

    You get access to the bug free mind free download Andy Shaw Structured Thinking Starter Kit you can go HERE and once you have gone through it we would love to hear what you think in the comments


  • Law Of Attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit

    Law of attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit

    There is a new one time Law of Attraction of Attraction Natalie Ledwell event coming up that is complimentary and online. This is presented by Mind Movies and is entitled LOA LIVE – The Ultimate Transformation Summit.   This free interactive online event streamed in high definition and not only has Natalie but other speakers as well.

    The LOA Live Ultimate Transformation summit is being called a one of a kind event. Along with Natalie Ledwell there are several other Law of Attraction experts that will be teaching and interacting during this event. These co-hosts are Law of Attraction practitioner Dr. Joe Vitale, John Assaraf Winning the Game of Money creator and Sonia Ricotti Unsinkable author. This Mind Movies law of attraction event is all day and is a onetime event so if you are thinking of attending now is the time to register because these speakers will be deliver their most powerful training yet. Some things you will learn during this summit are how to stop blocks that are standing in the way of what you desire, how to rid yourself of emptiness and find your true purpose, as well as techniques for anyone who has had difficulty using LOA in their life

    If you have ever attended any law of attraction seminars you are already aware of how beneficial they can be to assist anyone with better manifesting. The Law of Attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit contains some of the most proficient manifestors around that can use LOA to work in every single area of their life, simply because they all know the missing link to the law of attraction. Now with this free mind movies training they will share with you their secrets as well as who you why and how you have struggled in the past with loa to bring about kind of success, wealth, happiness and abundance into your life that you desire.

    By harnessing the power of the Law correctly you can begin to not only attract what you desire but also gain Courage and Confidence, achieve financial success, Find your purpose, and have great relationship Success with friends, family, and almost anyone you come in contact with. This law of attraction full live seminar does not come around very often and hardly ever comes along at no charge; however there is reason that they are having this event. If you have ever read any Mind Movies reviews or a Natalie Ledwell review and have found mixed opinions, now you no longer have to rely on others experiences to know if this training is right for you.

    Natalie created this event not only to help people with their difficulty with the Law of Attraction but also to give you a taste of what she teaches. Plus she has included a few of the best masters of the Law of Attraction within this event that you can learn from and discover how and what they teach. By attending the event you get a full day of free knowledge and a solid idea of what Natalie, Sonia Ricotti, Joe Vitale, and John Assaraf’s teaching methods and techniques. As we have mentioned before on this blog taking advantage of the free gifts, webinars etc., is key to deciding what method of self-improvement techniques are right for you.

    To attend the law of attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit LOA LIVE – The Ultimate Transformation Summit you can go HERE afterwards we would love to hear what you thought of it in the comments below.


  • Consciousness Raising Techniques Course


    If you have been wanting to learn consciousness raising techniques Andy Shaw A Bug Free Mind creator is now offering a free course entitled Footsteps Through Your Mind. In this course you will learn How to turn on the power of your mind easily and achieve more with a lot less effort. If you are like most you have probably experienced times when you have tried everything and nothing work or at other times things work with hardly any effort. If you have ever wondered why that is it is fully explained in this free course.

    For Anyone not familiar with Andy or Creating a Bug free Mind, it is a book and course that he created which helped thousands of people to enhance their lives and make positive changes. When it comes to how to raise consciousness there is no one better than Andy Shaw to teach you. He is the creator of the saltori thinking method which is a simple method of thinking to easily create happiness and the lifestyle you desire. Within this consciousness raising techniques course he shows you that what you know is not what you actually know. I know this sounds tricky but after the course you will understand because Andy will show you ways to raise consciousness to achieve your dreams.

    A course like this does not come around to often and the thing about Andy Shaw is that his methods work so well for people that he offers complimentary courses, eBooks, etc. because once you try it and put his consciousness raising approach into action you will be surprised at how easy it is and how quickly it works. Within Footsteps of the Mind he explains that when it comes to having trouble with solving problems or improving your life it is because you are trying to solve them with the same level of consciousness that they are at when they created them. By learning consciousness raising exercises you can rise up to a new level and resolve or change anything that you desire.

    This consciousness raising techniques course will show you How to raise consciousness vibrations every day, How activate your mind and experience of life in a completely different and pleasant way, How achieve more without trying harder and the key to raise consciousness level so you can achieve your dreams, as well as just solve any issues you may have. While this course if for everyone it will especially help those Who would like to think differently, Change their Life, increase their progress in life, and anyone interested in raising consciousness level.

    To get access to the complimentary Andy Shaw consciousness raising techniques course Footsteps Through Your Mind you can go HERE

  • Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols

    creative visualization lisa nichols reviews

    If you have been reading all the Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols reviews out there you no longer have to get a full overview of what her course is about. There is now a creative visualization for manifesting free download 9 part guide that will not only show you what she teaches but how she teaches. Just knowing the content is not enough in many cases, know the teaching methods is also key. If you are someone who has just been searching wonder if this really works below is a short overview of what the guide will teach you.

    You can continue reading or get it HERE

    Lisa Nichols is considered the best rated teacher of from the movie the “The Secret” and now in her nine part ground breaking course she shares with you the key to a life of inner peace, health, and sustained. In the free download she will also debunk the biggest myths to becoming successful with manifesting. Some of the free creative visualization techniques she share in her guide are aligning all your subconscious resources, how to finish projects faster and easier, trigger healing within your body, how to avoid the ruts that many people have and more.

    Well the above is great how that gets you out of reading all the Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols reviews. Here’s how, as mentioned the guide consists of nine parts, by spending at least two to three days on each part learning it, absorbing it and putting into practice you will be able to answer the question does creative visualization work. Since Lisa Nichols is considered one of the best teachers around if you actually spend the time with the creative visualization workbook free pdf and put into practice what you learn and do not see your own results then you know the product is not for you. That however does not mean it is for someone else, because creative visualization does work.

    If you have ever been thinking about someone or something with positive thoughts for a while and then they pop up out of nowhere you have mastered visualization. The difficult part is when you are trying creative visualization techniques for a certain area of your life where you have beliefs that go against what you are trying to manifest. Or you have success with manifesting your desire but other areas of your life fall apart which is all too common and that is where this guide comes into play. In This free creative visualization workbook Lisa Nichols master visualization without stress and without hurting other areas of your life. Plus this course is not just geared towards a certain area you can use the techniques taught in the guide in area of your life as you see fit.

    In the Mindvalley Creative Visualization course (the mini course) it states that Lisa will show you will discover how to attract the experiences and success you choose. You will also experience more self-confidence, abundance and success, as well as discover your true purpose. Now is it true? Well, yes to question does manifesting using creative visualization work, and as far as I am concerned yes her guide is priceless, whether you are looking for creative visualization for beginners or have manifested successfully this guide will teach you things you more than likely were not aware of.

    So not only do you get a 97 dollar nine part guide free but you can also put the course to the test so you can stop reading all the Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols Reviews. If you have gone through the guide I would love to hear you thoughts in the comments below.

  • Winning The Game Of Fear Review

    winning the game of fear review

    In this short Winning The Game Of Fear Review, we will cover just a bit about this John Assaraf Brain Retraining system, a long overview is not need because you can attend a free webinar that gives you an idea of what and how Assaraf teaches, and make the decision if it is right for you. If you want to go straight to the event and skip the review you can do so HERE

    Fear is probably one of the number one things that hold people from the success of the life that they desire. Fear of failure. Fear of success, Fear of speaking, Fear of being alone or any other one that has control over you can literally drive you to a screeching halt. Even if feel that you are confident and successful which you may very well be, most everyone has something deep inside that scares them. It is completely normal and has been a part of the human dynamic from the prehistoric days when a fear kept people alive.

    If you have ever read a John Assaraf Winning the Game of Fear review you might find that there are mixed opinions, and for good reason, fear. The fear to change is so very strong, and sometimes no matter how strong the desire is to stop being afraid of life, it may still hold you back. For example you may be reading this and may be thinking “yes I should attend the Winning the Game of fear free event” and then you find something else to do, or it you forget to schedule it in, etc. Whether you know it or not that is on a subconscious level a fear or lack of desire to be fully free.

    The same can be said if you have this John Assaraf brain training program, if you get it and don’t use it religiously (which is often done), then no change will occur, which leads to negative reviews. You did become afraid of things overnight there you will not be free from fear overnight, but you can be very quickly with proper brain training. Winning the Game of Fear will show you that all Fear lives in the same area in your brain and sets off triggers and alarms inside you the same ways.   With the new neuroscience studies which most of Assarafs training are based on, you will discover that successful brain retraining can break feelings of fear, doubt, self-esteem and the habits and patterns you have created over the years.

    During this John Assaraf webinar you will learn life-changing, solutions and process that will show you how you can how to stop being afraid of life quickly. You will discover that this training is not about how to deal With Fear; it is about getting it Out Of Your Life For Good.   This broadcast is also different than many you may have looked at or attended in the past it is all scientific evidence-based content instead of just Motivational happy thoughts and philosophy which do not help you with The Deep, Underlying Fears, Feelings and Thoughts that plague you and stop you from trying something outside of your comfort zone!

    Although this is a short John Assaraf Winning the game of Fear review it is enough to let you know how the time will be spent during the event. By attending this NeuroGym event you will attain all the knowledge you need to stop fear and anxiety for good.