Author: Desire and Belief

  • Bounce Back Big In 2023

    Bounce Back Big In 2023There is still plenty of time to bounce back big in 2023 and now Sonia Ricotti has updated her Unsinkable blueprint entitled Bounce Back Big: The Miracle Blueprint to Turn Your Life Around Fast and Achieve Your wildest dreams. In a past post we wrote about the upcoming Sonia Ricotti webinar and if you missed it or have not had a chance to register by taking advantage of this complimentary eBook download you can attend the event as well.

    Sonia Ricotti became quite well known after her book Unsinkable How To Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks you Down. As of today she has helped thousands around the world overcome many different obstacles and create the life they have been wanting. Now you may have seen articles or posts claiming that this eBook or that webinar is the one thing that can help you, and by now you may be a bit skeptical. That is exactly why Sonia has allowed her Bounce Back Big miracle blueprint and her webinar to be free of charge. She wants you to see what her program is about and how her methods can assist you no matter what you may be going through.


    Bounce Back Big In 2023

    You will hear the Sonia Ricotti story during the webinar, however in short Sonia has had her own trials and worse yet they came one right after another. Inside the unsinkable Sonia Ricotti pdf free download she actually guides you through how to overcome any challenge in life quickly and become better than you were before it. One of the main things we cover on this site is reprograming thoughts or retraining the brain, and there are many ways to do so, in this breakthrough eBook Ricotti shows you reprogram and re-wire your brain to manifest massive success, wealth, peace and happiness not just once but automatically.

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    This is a wonderful gift to take advantage of if you have heard about the Unsinkable Bounce Back System or have been thinking about buying her book. Inside the download you get a great idea of how to overcome life’s biggest obstacles plus it’s a quick read so it does not take up a lot of your time and you will get so much out of it.   After going through the book you will want to attend the Unsinkable “Bounce Back” Webinar Workshop because the eBook is sort of prep for the workshop where she expands about what you have already read.

    Bounce Back Big In 2023

    After reading the entire eBook you will understand the easiest and fastest way to create miracles in your life, how power up your results, how to let go of the suffering and anxiety easily, and how to take what life hands you and use it to create a wonderful life that you deserve and dream about. This is a great chance to discover how to finally release what is no longer serving you to make room for the people, places, and things you want in your life experience.

    To get the free Unsinkable Bounce Back Big in 2023 eBook download you can go HERE

  • Sonia Ricotti Reviews

    Sonia Ricotti ReviewsHave you have been reading all the Sonia Ricotti reviews? Perhaps you’re just looking for a review of what she teaches. Either way there are now several ways to learn what and how she teaches.

    For those unfamiliar with Sonia she is a bestselling author, mentor, and a skilled law of attraction expert. Her books include Unsinkable:How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down and The Sonia Ricotti Law of Attraction Plain and Simple.

    She has helped millions improve their lives to where they desire them to be.  With her resources and event she not only shares with you the 3 step proven formula to bounce back, but much more. This successful formula will help you turn problems in your life to opportunities very quickly.

    Sonia Ricotti Reviews

    This event and resources covered below is a wonderful way to stop sifting through all the Sonia Ricotti Reviews. By gaining access to them you will discover if what she teaches if right for you.

    This event is for everyone however if you are going through tough time right now or unhappy with your current situation this life changing training is a must.

    Now if you are thinking what does she know about hard times well she does and she is no stranger to adversity. In fact, you will get to hear her story. With her own methods she is now living a life of abundance, success, and most importantly happiness.

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    Living an Unsinkable Life is one of her books. It is designed to help you navigate through difficult times with ease.

    This book shares:

    • How to overcome challenges extremely quickly with her proven bounce back system
    • the 3-sentence statement that will boost your confidence and immediately raise your vibration
    • The one thing that most people automatically do when faced with major obstacles that is severely damaging and guarantees failure and suffering, plus how learn how to shift this with a simply method
    • Discover how to allow greatness to flow effortlessly and easily into your life immediately
    • Learn how Manifest miracles into your life by using a simply energetic shift
    • Learn the 10-fold maverick goal-setting method that actually works
    • Plus much more

    Unsinkable Movie The Secret to Bouncing Back

    Once you grab the book you will get access to the Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back Movie. This film has stars such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff.

    Additional Resources

    Besides the above mentioned you can also grab:

    Plus you can attend the online event.

    Sonia Ricotti Reviews – All you need

    Sonia Ricotti is held in high regard by many and is considered one of the top transformational teachers.

    In fact people such as Bob Proctor, Loral Langemeier and many others all recommend her the Unsinkable bounce back program.

    No matter what you are going through whether it be related to finances, emotions, health etc. these can help.

    You will discover how to release the negative and open yourself to the Universe so your desires automatically come to you. You’ll learn all these strategies and tools and you’ll begin using them right away.

    By attending the Super Conference and grabbing yourself a copy of one or all of her resources you can really understand Sonia’s methods. By doing so you can make up your own mind of if they work instead of reading all the Sonia Ricotti reviews.

  • Free Full Hypnosis Mp3 Downloads

    Free Full Hypnosis Mp3 Downloads

    Hypnosis Live is now offering free full hypnosis mp3 downloads with several you can choose from. This company is an online store with that contains hundreds of different audio sessions that you can access on demand. If you are new to hypnosis or have been searching for a certain type of session these free audios is a great chance to try this online hypnosis store out.

    Hypnosis Live is one of the newer hypnosis session download sites that contain instantly downloadable hypnosis MP3 sessions and that are not necessarily a bad thing. Although the practice of hypnotherapy has been around quite some time new developments and techniques are always being discovered, for example using brainwave entrainment. The Hypnosis Live Free download collection gives you several choices which are:

    • Activate the Law of Attraction which is a free law of attraction hypnosis download
    • Hypnosis life purpose session called Find your life purpose
    • Unlock positive thinking – free hypnosis for positive thinking
    • A free hypnosis downloads for stress called Eliminate stress
    • A gratitude hypnosis free download called Attitude of Gratitude
    • Achieve your goals with goal achievement hypnosis
    • Visualization Success hypnosis for success mp3

    These free full hypnosis mp3 downloads Combining both hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques and lasts about 40 minutes. It is best to listen twice a day for long lasting permanent change but once a day will be enough if that is all the time you have. You simply download the session plug in your headphones, and listen. The recording is designed to do the same job as a hypnotherapist, taking you through the process of rewiring your brain with the behaviors you desire. You simply find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, plug in headphones and relax, making it easier for you to enter the state of suggestibility that hypnosis creates.

    Although this is not a hypnosis download app the Hypnosis Live downloads come in MP3 format, so you can transfer them to the device you would like. If you are someone who may be a bit frightened of hypnosis not to worry these mp3s are a great place to start it is just you and your headphones. However to ease your mind here is a short bit about how  Hypnosis works. The Free hypnosis mp3 downloads guide you into a state of relaxation where you can bring your attention to focus and to a point where your mind is calm and you’re open to suggestions. The sessions will help you work on your issues or concerns by using the power of suggestion to change the way you think. It replaces old beliefs with new and positive ones.

    You do not need a Hypnosis Live voucher code to get these free full hypnosis mp3 downloads , you can simply go to the site, pick the session you want and the hypnosis mp3 free audio will be sent to you. As we have mentioned before we are in the process of creating list of hypnosis uses and places where you can find the most reputable sessions available for download. Hypnosis Live it one of them, however the final decision is up to you, so take advantage of this free session, use it daily, and monitor the changes, you will see results.

    You can access the download HERE

  • What Are the 24 Abundance Blocks?

    What Are the 24 Abundance BlocksIf you are wondering what are the 24 Blocks here is some great news. There is an Unlimited Abundance Christie Marie Sheldon event coming up that will reveal common Abundance blocks, how to find them and what to do about them. This event is online and completely complementary but for the sake of your time we will give a short overview of what you can expect from the event.

    When it comes to removing blocks there is no one better to help you than Christie Marie Sheldon. Christie is an energy healer and is considered one of the top experts in abundance and manifesting. During the Unlimited Abundance Live event Christie no only share with you the blocks she has discovered but also enlighten you to much more. The event is 90 minutes of pure content divided into six different sections

    • How Energy Clearing Works
    • Abundance Blocks And Why They’re Holding You Back From Wealth
    • Super easy manifesting formula + how to create your own reality
    • How Much Are Your’s Costing You?
    • How to open yourself to receiving more + tales of unlimited abundance
    • Plus you will get to participate in an energy clearing session with Christie Marie Sheldon
    • And More

    What are The 24 Abundance Blocks? While you can know what they are if you do not know how to release blocks to manifestation they will not help you, however here are a few of them:

    1     Clearing Resistance
    2     Clearing doubt and fear
    3      Clearing the fear of change
    4     Clearing money zapping decisions
    5     Clearing fear of growth
    6     Clearing fear of success
    7     Clearing fear of rejection
    8     Clearing fear of numbers
    9     Clearing indecision
    10    Clearing feeling stuck

    While these are only ten of the Christie Marie Abundance Blocks the rest will be available on the free training. It is important if you are seriously considering changing the state of you financial life that you know what to do with these blocks that is why the Christie decided to hold another Unlimited Abundance live event. Once you understand what abundance blocks are and what they are doing to your financial life, only then can you learn the abundance block clearing technique. Also what Christie shares with you during the event is priceless, the group energy clearing session, the correct way to master the “I AM” formula, the secret to money that you think you know, and actual Unlimited Abundance reviews from people who have had not only great monetary success but also extra manifesting success all by putting into practice Christies teachings.

    If you believe there hidden Abundance Blocks holding your career, finances and personal life back more than likely there are and event if you don’t believe in energy healing or blocks by attending this event you will find that blocks are holding you back and you did not even know it. By joining energy coach Christie Marie Sheldon for this live event you can only walk away with positive changes. To attend the Unlimited Abundance Live Special training and find out the rest of what are the 24 abundance blocks you can go HERE



  • Train Your Brain For Weight Loss


    By learning to train your brain for weight loss you and quickly and easily lose unwanted pounds and keep them off forever. Weight issues are a big problem for many; in fact weight loss programs online searches are some of the highest searches today. While there are many reason people gain weight or have trouble losing weigh in this article we will cover how a weight loss brain retrain program is most likely the best option for many.

    People gain weight for a plethora of reason but most of the time people who gain weight and have trouble losing or keeping it off is largely due to thought patterns and emotions. This of course does not include those who are on medications that cause weight gain however if you do learn to train your brain for weight loss it can help.   Now before we get into the programs and methods available for losing weight we must mention if you are not fully dedicated to sticking with a program for 90 day or more than your true desire is not there and looking any further for this information is worthless. We do not say this to be harsh but one must keep in mind that you did not put the weight on overnight so one should not expect to lose it overnight.

    Hypnosis for weight loss, weight loss brain wave subliminal audios, and many other method are very effective ways to change your brain to lose weight, however one of the best weight loss brain retrain program that you can learn about for free is the Winning the game of weight loss John Assaraf program. We say it is the best for a few reasons, first when deciding on a program to lose weight you must know the method and what is expected from you. John Assaraf offers a free event with a full panel of experts in the field that explain why you are not losing weight and how you can not only lose it but keep it off and not to worry this is not some type of crazy diet or exercise program.

    During the John Assaraf Winning The Game of Weight Loss free event he and the world’s leading brain, diet and fitness experts share with you evidence-based scientific teachings that you can immediately use to help you permanently achieve your weight loss goals. This weight loss brain training event is different than other methods of dropping the pounds so be prepared, because during it you will learn the Neurological Findings the science behind the secret to permanent weight loss and what makes it different from all the tricks out there.

    One big thing that is great about this John Assaraf webinar is that it explains that to lose weight you have to lose the fear and for many whether they know it or not the fear is what is holding you back from shedding the pounds you desire. Another pro about this event is gender neutral so many programs are weight loss programs for women but Winning the Game of weight loss is also weight loss programs for men. Finally, you will also discover that your state of mind is keeping you overweight or at a weight you are uncomfortable with and how you can quickly and easily change that by learning to Train Your Brain For Weight Loss.

    To access the John Assaraf Winning the Game of Weight Loss Free Event you can go HERE

  • Zen12 Meditation Review

    zen12 meditation review

    This article will contain a short Zen12 Meditation Review for anyone who is not a familiar with is or what it is.   Many already the know the benefits of meditation which are less stress, greater brain power such as improved memory and sharper thinking, better health, plus many more benefits. By meditating you can not only calm your mind but enhance your life, whether you are a beginner at meditation for someone who is skilled but interested in the 12-minute meditation technique, Zen12 may be exactly what you are looking for.

    The Zen12 program is an entire at home meditation practice that has twelve different levels. With the program you listen to each level for a month, now if it sounds like a lot is isn’t, for most it takes 40 minutes at minimum to get into the deepest, most beneficial state of meditation, with the Zen12 program that is not the case. The program has special brainwave entrainment to get you to the deepest level possible and the time is takes……only 12 minutes, hence the name Zen12, giving you the benefits of one full hour. You are also not assigned to just one type of meditation; there is a plethora of choices available such as sounds of nature and or guided meditation and several others. Using the system is a snap, pick what you want to listen to, plug in your headphones, relax and done.

    But does this meditation really work? Yes it does but luckily the creators don’t want you to just take the word of some random Zen12 meditation review they are offering a complimentary sample. They are letting you download a free meditation brainwave audio to test it out. The free meditation mp3 will be delivered directly to your inbox and you simply download, get in a comfortable position, and relax. After the first time it is used you will notice that any stress or anxiety you had just dissolves, but what is even cooler is that you don’t notice the 12 minute meditation, it is like you are there but not. If that does not make sense it will when you get the download and if you can listen to it in the morning it sets you up for a day of enhanced focus and creativity as well as increases mood and energy levels too.

    If you have tried other meditation programs or downloads this is a great one to add to your collection. For me the Zen12 download made me feel happier and more focused which if you have been on this blog long enough you already know me (we) need that. With this 12 minute guided meditation you get the benefits of Zen meditation and don’t have the stress of worrying about having the time to do it. That is a huge issue for people in this day and age, not having enough time to relax, unwind, and recharge, by listening to this at least once a day (we strongly recommend twice) reap the benefits of deep relaxation.

    Although this was a short Zen12 meditation review, the true test will come from you when you try the complimentary gift HERE. And like our last post make sure that you put the free sample to a full test, use it at least once a day for a few weeks and then evaluate your results.