Author: Desire and Belief

  • Mindvalley Academy Masterclass

    becoming limitless vishen Lakhiani

    There is a new Mindvalley Academy Masterclass coming up entitled Becoming Limitless with Vishen Lakhiani. This event is complimentary and online and the full title of it is Becoming Limitless: How To Merge With Your Highest Self & Live A Mission-Oriented Life. If you are someone who is interested in learning about how to release the chains that bind you are simply want a change this event is one you may want to attend.

    Vishen Lakhiani is a mentor, teacher, and the founder of the Mindvalley Academy, he is considered one of the most inspirational and mission driven individuals around. When it comes to how to live a mission-oriented life or how to know and live your true purpose there is no better teacher then Vishen. During the how to become limitless event he is teaching from his own personal journey of growth, not some idea that just popped into his head. He has been on a path of personal development and evolution for years and is going to share how you can begin to have deep shifts in your models of reality.

    We personally love each Mindvalley Academy Masterclass, while we do not write about each and every one, when one that is taught by Lakhiani we feel the desire to share. How to become limitless in real life is not a myth or some idea that people can just cling to, it can and does happen, and during this event you will learn specific techniques that will allow you to connect with the higher parts of yourself, and receive guidance from Vishen on what is really important to you. Also in this Masterclass he’ll teach you:

    • A framework that will allow you to accelerate your spirituality.
    • How to know what your highest calling is, by using your intuition
    • By learning to use your intuition you will discover that it will always keep you pointing in the right direction.
    • You will learn How to identify your personal consciousness level and how you can use that information to move forward
    • How to release yourself from restrictive ideas and thought and instead learn to create your own reality and make your own rules.
    • Plus Much More

    If you are a fan or have heard of the Vishen Lakhani 6 phase meditation you will be excited to hear that during this Mindvalley Academy course webinar he will be teach you two very special techniques. The first is a daily practice that removes negativity from your system, by releasing this negative energy it creates in you a sense of calmness, creativity, and or limitlessly powerful. The second is a rare mental technique that enables you to get rid of the ego and merge your consciousness with reality itself. These practices will be explained by Vishen in detail so you can use them right away, and by learning from this event you will discover that his methods do work and are a big part of the reason he is so successful today.

    To learn more about the Mindvalley Academy Masterclass Becoming Limitless Vishen Lakhiani training webinar you can register HERE




  • Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch

    Conversations with God with Neale Donald WalschThe Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch is free. During it you will discover the three keys to ending the struggle and making your life work.

    Are you tired of the constant battles with money, relationships, and your health? Do you yearn for a life filled with clarity, ease, and fulfillment? Prepare yourself for an extraordinary opportunity to break free from struggle.

    This  captivating online event is with Neale Donald Walsch, the bestselling author of the renowned Conversations with God series. In this life-altering event titled “The 3 Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work,” Neale will illuminate the path to a transformative existence.


    Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch

    Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of vitality, abundance, and connection to the world around you. Envision navigating through your day without the burdensome weight of stress. You are concrete in knowing that time is on your side.

    During this event Neale reveals three extraordinary secrets that have empowered individuals to embrace of ease and liberation from unnecessary struggle.

    Transforming Relationships, Finances, and Well-being

    Struggles in key areas of life can weigh us down and hinder our overall happiness. What if you could experience a shift in these crucial aspects, leading to fulfillment and achievement?

    Neale’s event will venture into the core realms of relationships, finances, and well-being. You will gain fresh perspectives and  strategies to bid farewell to frustration and struggle.

    Prepare to unlock the doors to thriving relationships, financial abundance, and vibrant health.


    Embracing Clarity, Joy, and Purpose in Life

    Liberating yourself from struggle transcends external circumstances; it demands an inner transformation of mindset and perception.

    Neale will guide you on a soul-stirring journey, helping you access your inner wisdom and embrace life’s challenges with crystal-clear clarity, unbridled joy, and unwavering purpose.

    By embracing the principles shared in this event, you will awaken to a profound understanding of your own divine essence and the infinite possibilities that await you.

    Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch

    Why attend?

    If you yearn to break free from the ceaseless struggle this event is an absolute must. Neale Donald Walsch,will impart his transformative insights. These will empower you to overcome challenges and alleviate spiritual pain.

    By immersing yourself in this event, you will discover a newfound understanding of your true self, your purpose, and your connection to the universe.

    Even if you cannot attend “The 3 Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work” at a certain time the recording will be at your disposal to explore at your convenience.

    This is a wonderful webcast that will fill you boundless joy and awaken you to limitless possibilities.


  • Ultimate Success Masterclass


    The Ultimate Success Masterclass was created by Natalie Ledwell Mind Movies founder. To introduce people to her method of releasing money blocks and her techniques for creating true success she offers a free Success Blocker quiz and an a Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs complimentary online workshop. During this training she will help you find your number one money block and help you to understand the process of releasing it to create a more abundant life.

    Ledwell is a researcher of the mind, studying neuroscience, personal growth and psychology, a bestselling author, an as mentioned founder of Mind Movies. She has helped many around the world create a more successful, abundant life with her many programs. Now if you have read an Ultimate Success Masterclass reviews you may see mixed opinions, which is a very common occurrence for any program. However, Natalie has offered her quiz and training event at no charge so that you can absorb her methods and techniques and evaluate your results for yourself.

    When it comes to finances and careers many overspend, procrastinate, overthink, and many more fear based actions. Basing decisions on fear rather than a sense of abundance is self-destructive behavior is actually a direct result of deep-set limiting beliefs that are in our subconscious minds since we were young. USM Natalie Ledwell believes this is the main cause of nearly all financial challenges that an individual faces. After her years of study she created a process to find these hidden beliefs and replace them with powerful beliefs. During the webinar training she will be sharing this step by step process to help liberate attendees for their hidden beliefs.

    By taking the quiz and attending the Mind Movies webinar you will learn the process that will allow you to make the right choices in your career and finances, begin to gravitate towards people, places and situations that our inspiring rather that exhausting, you will begin to automatically release self-doubt and fear and much more. That is however if you take what Natalie teaches you during the webinar and put into practice. If you are expecting to attend the event learn the process try it once and then expect your entire world to change then please pay close attention to the next sentence. You did not just decide one day to have limiting beliefs about money they were established over a period of years therefore it may take a few times of repeating Natalie’s Ledwells process to undo eliminate these beliefs.

    The Ultimate Success Masterclass Natalie Ledwell webinar is well worth attending and you have nothing to lose because the event is entirely free. The same goes for the Success Blocker Quiz, by taking it you can find out what your number one hidden belief about money is. By taking advantage of both these complimentary gifts you can not only discover what may be hold you back but also be able to make your own review about Natalie, her techniques and her way of teaching.

    If you have attended the USM Mind Movies event we would love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.


  • Death of Wayne Dyer – Honoring His Memory

    death of wayne dyer

    We were deeply saddened to hear about the death of Wayne Dyer, if you have not heard already he died late Saturday or early Sunday morning of a heart attack. Wayne was incredible in the self-improvement and self-help arena and his is going to be missed by all who were helped by his incredible insights, books, and so much more that he contributed.

    Many are honoring Wayne in different ways, Hay House is offering the opportunity to watch The Shift for free and they are offering all his eBooks on Amazon for 1.99. Wayne Dyer books include The Power of Intention, I Can See Clearly Now, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, and several more.

    The Healing with the Masters Teleseminar which Wayne appeared on in the past are having a very special tribute to him. Jennifer Mclean and many of the speakers in this season knew Wayne Dyer well so Instead of what they were planning to do they are going to be replaying the “best of” Wayne Dyer workshop shows from previous seasons of Healing With The Masters, to honor his life and work.

    Although we did not know Dr. Wayne Dyer personally, we know his work well and his teachings are some of the most powerful that have come along in years. He made incredible contributions through his books, lectures, live presentations and more. If you are a fan and have not read his latest book “I Can See Clearly Now.” It is wonderful and truly inspiring and we recommend it.

    Although after hearing about death of Wayne Dyer we were grief stricken his death was a reminder to hold close what you cherish. It was time for him to leave his body but his incredible teachings remain, reminding us to change our thoughts, live in the present, and inspire like he inspired so many. If you know of anyone or anything that we have not noted above about how others are honor Wayne Dyer’s memory please comment below and let us know

  • True Prosperity The 3 Great Money Myths

    True Prosperity The 3 Great Money Myths The True Prosperity 3 Great Money Myths & Your Path To Financial Freedom is free to attend. Lynne Twist and Tammy White will share with you the mindset shifts, tools and practices to unlock financial freedom.

    Do you ever find yourself caught, no matter how much money you earn, it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels and going nowhere?

    Does that constant voice of insecurity  and uncertainty about your financial future refuse to fade away, even with a seemingly comfortable income?


    Has money become a source of tension, pulling at the fabric of your relationships? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, you’re not alone.

    Deep-rooted cultural mindsets and habits have blocked your path to true wealth and wellbeing. However,there is a way to break free from this exhausting cycle of scarcity and struggle.

    Embrace the Awakened Force Within – Lynne Twist and Tammy White

    Prepare to experience a shift with this event led by Lynne Twist. She is a  bestselling author and a force in the world of fundraising. With over $200 million raised for The Hunger Project alone, Lynne has traversed the realms of billionaires and impoverished communities. She unravels the underlying causes of the collective money struggles.

    Joined by the Tammy White, they will share their wisdom and guidance. They are making it accessible to a global audience, as they endeavor to shift the culture surrounding money worldwide.

    True Prosperity The 3 Great Money Myths

    Bestselling author Lynne Twist and acclaimed wealth coach Tammy White,reveal the existence of the Three Great Money Myths that have been masquerading as truth.

    These myths have cultivated worry and unease around money, leaving you  feeling bewildered and powerless.

    Once you rid yourself of these deceptions, you can unleash your true potential and pave the way to uncharted financial freedom.


    Untangling the Blocks and Igniting the Surge of True Wealth & Wellbeing

    Lynne Twist and Tammy White have witnessed firsthand the explosive power that emerges from shifting our mindset and transforming our money habits.

    With their guidance, you too can reclaim your sense of freedom and empowerment in the realm of finance. It’s time to break free from the stranglehold of these Myths and unlock the vault of possibilities that await you:

    •     Ignite an unwavering confidence in your innate ability to generate the wealth needed to thrive and create an extraordinary life, even in the face of economic turbulence.
    •     Master the art of gracefully maneuvering through unexpected expenses, leaving behind the chaotic aftermath of financial surprises.
    •     Align your spending choices with your deepest values, creating strength, and holistic wellbeing.
    •     Experience a sense of satisfaction when meeting your financial obligations. Watch as bills transform from burdens to opportunities for abundance.
    •     Liberate yourself to pursue your passions and fulfill your purpose, armed with the time and resources to follow the calling of your soul.
    •     Unleash your earning potential, amplifying your income and maximizing the impact of your financial endeavors.
    •     Venture into saving and investment strategies that invigorate your spirit. This allows you to create wealth while experiencing peace and excitement.
    •     Embrace an sense of prosperity, empowering you to contribute to the causes.

    Untangle the Threads and Unleash the Surge of Financial Freedom

    During this extraordinary event, Lynne and Tammy will show you how to navigate the terrains of debt, savings, retirement, job entrapment, homeownership, and more.

    You will gain  inspiration and insights that will propel you towards the prosperous and fulfilling life you’ve always envisioned.

    True Prosperity The 3 Great Money Myths

    No matter your current income or the challenges that stand in your way, remember that you possess an extraordinary power.The power to break free from the chains that bind you and experience the true abundance that awaits.

    By embracing these teachings you gain the opportunity to live the life you were destined for. As you make generous contributions to the causes that ignite your soul, you’ll witness the surge of prosperity that surrounds you.

    This event is where the mysteries of financial freedom will be unveiled, and a life of prosperity and fulfillment will be within your grasp.


  • Secrets of A Spiritual Millionaire

    Secrets of A Spiritual Millionaire

    If you have heard of the Secrets of a Spiritual Millionaire T Harv Eker is now having an online event it is the Mindvalley spiritual millionaire masterclass. This live webcast is complementary and is entitled Spiritual Laws of Money. During the event he will cover the how you can undo the 8 spiritual money blocks. If you are not familiar with Mr. Eker below is a brief overview as well as a review of the event.

    T Harv Eker Secrets of The Millionaire Mind author is also the creator of the Millionaire mind intensive. He is not just “some guy” who decided to write a book, he struggled for years with money and made a vow that if he ever truly became rich he would help others do the same. Even Tony Robbins Money Master the game author asks his students to commit to memory Harvs teachings. Whether you are currently struggling financially or think you are in a good monetary place the information that he will share with you during the event is much different then finance information that you may have heard of before.

    Eker combines both money and spirituality when it comes to wealth hence the name Secrets of a Spiritual Millionaire. If your first thought while reading this is that you cannot be truly spiritual and be rich, then this event is a must for you. If you believe there can be a balance of wealth and spirituality attending the spiritual millionaire webinar will still be worth attending because during it he will reveal what he calls the 8 millionaire blocks also known as the 8 spiritual money blocks to some. Harv details every one of these blocks and how they effect from becoming both spiritual and wealthy.

    During the spiritual laws of making money webinar not only does Harv share the eight most common money blocks of becoming very rich and deeply spiritual but shares how you can overcome them. He explains these types of limiting beliefs keep you believing that being both financially successful and a good, spiritual person cannot happen but in his teachings they are mutually exclusive. During this T Harv Eker training you will Learn A Proven Way To Eliminate Scarcity, find your true Purpose and tune into it fully , while still making the money you desire and yes still being a good person.

    Now if you have read secrets of the millionaire mind by T harv Eker you know he does not teach fluff and even though this event is free of charge, it is filled with quality content. Whether you are looking to Eliminate Your Financial Stress or not by attending this Mindvalley event you will come away from it Happier and full of knowledge you did not have before. If you are in a place wondering how to deal with money stress what you gain from this webcast will help you Eliminate Failure and Experience Financial Success.

    To attend the Secrets of a Spiritual Millionaire T Harv Eker Spiritual Laws of Money event you can go HERE