Author: Desire and Belief

  • John Assaraf Brainathon 2015

    john assaraf brainathon 2015 1

    If you are tired of sifting through all of the Winning the Game of Money reviews, here is some great news. Coming up is the John Assaraf Brainathon 2015 , this is quite a lengthy event around 7 hours but by attending it you can get a full overview of what his brain training program is all about. Many may not want to dedicate that amount of time to learn about it, so below is a review of the Brain-a-Thon live event so you can prepare for it.

    Your brain is a very complex part of the body however we use it recklessly mostly because we do not know how it works and how to make it work optimally.   Every second billions of pieces of information from the outside world are being picked up through your eyes and your non-conscious mind and if you don’t know to process and use that information correctly it can cause damage to your life and finances. This is where the John Assaraf webinar comes in, he has gather 5 experts in the area of the brain, and from field of neuroscience to neuropsychology these experts will explain how to properly manage your mind to manage your wealth.

    When it comes to Winning The Game Of Money reviews you will find different opinions and many times they are for good reason. Individuals who take advantage of John Assaraf products may not have attended the webinar or stayed for the entire duration, or may not have put into practice what is taught in the course. There are many more positive overviews than negative but here is the key to deciding for yourself, if you cannot make it through the ENTIRE webinar than you more than likely will treat the brain training system just the same with half the effort. The experts in attendance will share vital information on the brain and money, as well as much more, here is a bit of whom they are and what they will be covering.

    Dr. Daniel Amen Change your Brain Change your life author will be speaking on what he knows best which is  Change Your Brain, Change Your Income. Sharon Pearson life coach titled segment is From Suicide to $10 Million a Year. Dr. David Kruger will explain and teach you How to Change your Money Story. Dr. Heidi Hanna will teach you how to Eliminate Stress and Worries about Money. Mark Waldman Neuro wisdom will cover how to unshackle the Chains of Your Past: letting go of past failures, traumas or events that are keeping you stuck. Finally Dr. Srini Pillay Harvard Professor will touch on the brain, money, and more. All of this along with John Assaraf will give you a solid foundation of what brain training is and how it can benefit your life and abundance.

    The Brain-a-thon event is extraordinary and if there is one person to hold such an event it is John Assaraf. John understands the mindset, values, and beliefs of the rich, and how one can adapt that in their own lives. You will also during the webinar learn about the winning the game of money 9 level brain re-training system which is another huge reason to attend and for the entire time. By learning what these experts teach and learning about the system, you can make an educated decision the course.

    To attend the John Assaraf Brainathon 2015 event so you can stop reading all the Winning the game of money reviews you can go HERE.


  • Mice and Cherry Blossoms


    Although the Mice and Cherry Blossoms study is not new, some may not have heard of it, and results of the study were very interesting. The study has to do with fear, memories, and past generations, according to New Scientist the study was done by Brian Dias at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. You may be wondering why we would be writing about a scientific study on this site but keep on reading you will see why.

    The mice cherry blossom fear study has to do with Epigenetics which we have written about on this site before as well as fear. The study if very technical so we will let you read it yourself, but will summarize it the best we can. Mice were exposed to alarming stimuli while being exposed to the scent of cherry blossoms as well. Future generations of mice whose parent or grandparents were part of this study were also fearful of the scent of cherry blossoms without being part of the study.   This study showed that memories or in this case fear can be passed from generation to generation, in fact up to several generations back.

    Since the Mice and Cherry blossoms study there have been more studies in this area, however not being scientists we will stick with this study. Fear is one of the most powerful motivators and most of the time individuals are not motivated in a positive direction. Picture this, if your grandparents or great grandparent were exposed to debt, struggle, trauma, poor financial situations it is possible that these may have been passed to you. Let’s take the area of money, if your ancestors lived through the depression, had trouble making money, or had a lack of financial stability, this could be the reason you may be struggling today. It does make complete sense; if it can happen to mice it could happen to humans which would explain why so many people struggle with so many different things.

    Now, don’t get us wrong here, along with DNA being passed from generations to generations there may be more factors involved, however the results of this studies and others that have emerged cannot be ignored. So where are we going with all this? Well, Dawn Clark Recode DNA wealth has released a new book that she is currently offering at no charge. This book is entitled Jumpstart Your wealth Gene is Dawn’s cutting edge work which has been proven in research labs. Dawn is someone to be listened to because along with being an international bestselling author she has also worked with entrepreneurs, coaches, Fortune 100 executives, doctors, and celebrities.

    The Recode DNA Wealth download book is for you if you want to Overcome 6 generations of limiting programming and Unlock your potential for wealth and prosperity. What she explains in the books is how you can Get past these invisible barriers and literally recode your wealth gene DNA at a biological level. No matter where you are financially this book is a must read there is so much quality information that will expand you mind and explain things that we are sure many were not aware of. This book draws not only on the Mice and Cherry Blossoms study but Dawns years of expertise and hard work, to grab your copy you can go HERE.


  • Co-Creating Heaven On Earth


    The Co-Creating Heaven On Earth Summit starts soon; this event is presented by the Shift Network and is for anyone desires to be a part of humanity’s real change. A change that liberates suffering and injustice in the world for everyone enabling them to share their gifts with society. This type of change takes and evolution in conscious thought and of course of society and during this event there is a full line up of speakers that will share their insights. This event is online and complimentary so anyone can attend, however if you are led to learn from these visionaries it is best to register right away.

    There can be a world shift in consciousness by blending the hopes for humanity with practical strategies. This Shift Network summit is three days long and has over fifteen speakers who will be sharing their strategies and visions. Some of these speakers include Andoea Judith, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Andrew Harvey, don Miguel Ruiz, and many more. Is world consciousness changing? Well, during this live stream you will unite with others who have the same hope for the world and discover new paths that will the vision of change achievable. The thought leaders gathered together during this event share ideas of how we can help the world to thrive by extending foundations that have already been built.

    Now if this all sounds too deep not to worry, the expert’s insights during the Co-Creating Heaven On Earth Summit are shared in an understandable manner and are laid out so anyone who desires to change world consciousness will easily be able to do. You can incorporate this vision into your spiritual practice, your relationships and your spheres of influence, as well as become part of global transformation through inspired action. The Summit will express that instead imagining heaven as something that happens in an afterlife seeing it in the here and now can have great impact on the potential for change; This change will bring beauty and perfection into real, living form.

    Here is just a bit of what you will discover by attending the Summit:

    • What Heaven on Earth means for you personally
    • How to end suffering in the world
    • Paradigm-shifting ideas for societal transformation
    • How to achieve higher consciousness
    • How to identify and then make your unique contributions
    • Learn how to experience Heaven on Earth in your life
    • How to use inspired action when faced with challenges

    Together we can change the world but the key world is “together”, the panel of summit presenters will help activate expanded visions for humanity, and so much more. If you see the world today with despair and believe that no matter what you do it is out of your control to change it, this event will inspire you and bring you back to a place of hope not just for world change but personal change as well. To learn more about The Co-Creating Heaven on Earth Summit or to register simply go HERE

  • Evaluate Your Life Day

    Evaluate Your Life Day

    October 19 is  Evaluate Your Life Day 2015 while many seem to not like the day others seem to embrace it. This day is a day to reflect on where you are at in your life, are you accomplishing all that you have wanted in your family life, social life, financial life and so on. To some this day may seem a bit too serious but if you are less than pleased with some area of your life this day may be a great time to figure out why.

    We believe that Life Evaluation is not a bad thing; we also believe it should not be confined to just one day. When it is time to evaluate life one just knows, either something is not going right, they are unhappy, or things just seem a bit unbalanced. Taking stock of what you have and what you desire in the future is not to “serious” as some say and does not have to be a scary thing, however just like everything else moderation is key. If you find yourself evaluating life decisions far too often then you need to give yourself a break and look forward not back, if you consider yourself in a “bad” place then using this day to reflect and focus on your what is good.

    Evaluate Your Life Day is not a day to be harsh on yourself, it is a time to lovingly accept where you are and create where you want to be. To move you along the right path here are some great quotes about reevaluating life:

    Take a step back, evaluate what is important, and enjoy life. – Teri Garr

    “You are the only common denominator in everything that has happened to you in life, be it good or bad. To learn/grow from these experiences, you must accept the role you played in each of them. ― A.C. Anderson

    “It takes courage…to endure the sharp pains of self-discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” ― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

    “Evaluate what you want – because what gets measured gets produced.”- James A. Belasco

    “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioning ability of man to evaluate his life by a conscious endeavor” – Henry David Thoreau

    “A Truthful Evaluation Of Yourself Gives Feedback For Growth and Success”― Brenda Johnson Padgitt

    Some things you can do to gauge where you want to be is to take a life evaluation quiz or complete life evaluation questionnaire. If you find those options to impersonal simply start by making a grateful list of all the wonderful things you have from the food you eat to the people in your life. Next make a Desires List what do you truly want to flow into your life, is it more happiness, if so what makes you happy? Do you desire a new home or a child, whatever it make be write it out, and write it out in two ways:

    • I desire the white house on 2nd street
    • I am grateful I live on the white house on 2nd street

    By doing you this you can picture in your mind what you desire and what it is like being in that place or having that thing.

    We are curious however about what are readers thing about Evaluate Your Life Day, do you think it is a good idea or not? Comment below and let us know!


  • Need Vs Want Vs Desire

    Need Vs Want Vs Desire

    The need vs want vs desire actions and thoughts are ones that everyone has, these thoughts and actions are what makes tasks easy, difficult, and even unbearable. To align your thoughts and actions to make your life less stressful one must understand the difference between all three of the areas.

    According to the Definition of Need – (noun) a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation (verb) to be under an obligation or to have need of; require. The definition of Want- (Noun) A lack or deficiency of something; (verb) to feel a need or a desire for. The definition of Desire- (Noun) A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen; a yearning; a longing; a craving; an aspiration (verb) to strongly wish for something. By taking into account the definitions of each the thoughts and actions one to should choose are those of desire, by choosing this path you will have the least resistance.

    Now if you have ever been in therapy or have read any personal development books you are probably familiar that many suggest you have want thoughts and actions and not need. By wanting something you feel like it is something that is not a necessity or a pain. However by evaluating the definitions above you can see that when it comes to need vs want vs desire the teaching of want vs need loses its effectiveness. Now let’s break away from semantics for a moment and just put the thoughts and sayings to the test say these aloud:

    I need more money

    I want more money

    I desire more money

    Did you see any difference when you said them aloud? For example, did you feel a sense of unease when you said “need” did you feel better when you said “want” or “desire”, or did you feel nothing at all? Most of the time when the need actions or thoughts come up there is a feeling of lack, because when you need something you don’t have it. However when it comes to want vs desire (definition aside) some people feel the difference less resistance when saying or doing something they desire, because many times when people want something it is because they do not have it as well.

    So what do you do, Do you word to change need thoughts to want thoughts or desire thoughts? We would say whatever feels best; if you say the word need do you feel a lack and do you feel the same when you feel want? Or do you feel the same with all of them? This can be a sticky area for people when it comes to thought changing so here is what we do:

    1. We stay away from need
    2. We are flexible when we want something because sometimes we just want a new pair of shoes when we already has them , while other times we want a house on an island which we do not have
    3. We embrace desire, we shift to desire whenever we can for feel a sense of discomfort with a thought or action that was need or want based
    4. We do not overthink it, and this is key the more you say “no I don’t need it I desire it” you are putting pressure on yourself so work on shifting your thoughts gently

    If you put into practice shifting your thoughts to whatever feels best for you for at least one month, it will become natural. A great way to start this is to start writing twice a day morning and night. In the morning write all the things you desire, and at night write all the thoughts or actions you did during the day that were want or need based and write them as a desire for example:

    I desire to take out the trash because I love it when my house it clean and sanitary

    If you have any additional tips or techniques that you use when it comes to need vs want vs desire we would love to hear them, please leave us a comment that we can share with our readers.

  • National Train Your Brain Day

    National Train Your Brain DayOctober 13 is National Train Your Brain Day. Although we cannot find who created this day it is recognized none the less. It is a day to exercise your mind and increase your brain potential. There are many ways for brain training and tons of mind expanding exercises.  As well as tasks you can do to enhance the power of your mind.

    From Brain Training apps to brain training software the possibilities are endless. Retraining the mind has more benefits than just increasing problem solving skills. It can make you more positive, eliminate worries, stress, and improve your health. There are many free ways retrain your brain intellect, decreases worries and stress, here are some examples you can do at home:

    • Jigsaw Puzzles
    • Crossword Puzzles
    • A Game of Chess
    • Use an app
    • Create a gratitude list
    • Learn from Brain Retraining experts
    • Using Subliminal Messages
    • Meditation

    Annual Brain-A-Thon Webinar

    There are many more options you can do for free that you can brainstorm about:-) however in honor of National Train Your Brain Day we will cover some of the free resources mentioned above, first being the John Assaraf Brainathon event. This event is called “Retrain Your Brain and Unlock Your True Potential” and as mentioned it is complimentary and online. This webinar has five Brain & Mindset Experts that share the Evidence Based Methodologies, Tools & Technologies to re-train your brain. By attending you can discover how to eliminate self-doubt, gain more self-confidence, stop procrastination and much more.

    Subliminal Messages

    Another method is using subliminal messages. There are a few companies and apps that allow you to download free messages. One company in particular is Subliminal Guru which is an online superstore. They currently offer two free subliminal audio downloads of your own choosing. Examples of what they offer are stop procrastinating subliminal mp3, get a photographic memory, and several others.

    There is Also Subliminal 360 which one of several subliminal software programs. Currently they are offering what they call Brain Hacker Mp3s. You can download several of these which focus on happiness, focus and more. Along with the download you can get a tour of how this brain training software works.


    Finally Meditation for brain training. The benefits of meditation are endless, lowering stress, anxiety, better focus, overall sense of ease and much more. A company called Zen12 offers a free meditation audio download. This downloadt guides you into a very deep state of meditation within minutes. It gives you all the benefits of one hour of meditation in twelve minutes. This is great for those who are interested in how to meditate or  to have some quality relaxation time.

    So take advantage of National Train Your Brain day with some of the above free resources or some puzzles, games, or other tools you have at home.