Author: Desire and Belief

  • Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

    Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum PowersThe 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers is with Jean Houston. During it you will Challenge Reality and Unleash the Unfathomable.

    Do you dare to dream of powers that defy the laws of nature and reshape your existence? Powers that transcend the boundaries of the ordinary and into your limitless potential?

    Picture yourself experiencing transformations, leaving a mark on the world, expanding your creativity, accelerating personal growth, and attracting abundance.

    Dr. Jean Houston, a  luminary in the Human Potential movement, unravels the enigma of 5 dormant “Quantum Powers” within you.

    This event will leave you questioning everything, and unleashing the forces that lie dormant within you. The powers that will redefine what it means to be human.


    The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

    Dr. Jean Houston’s research unveils a mind-altering truth: each one of us possesses dormant Quantum Powers that have yet to be awakened.

    These extraordinary powers serve as the key to unlocking your potential. They allow you to transcend the mundane and embrace new possibilities.

    Dr. Jean Houston: A Trailblazer in the Uncharted Terrain of Human Potential

    Dr. Jean Houston has influenced the lives of millions, including world leaders and organizations. She is driven by an hunger to unlock the hidden potential within humanity.  She has devoted her life to empowering individuals like you to tap into their Quantum Powers and create a ripple effect of positive change.

    Through her teachings, writings, and  collaborations, Dr. Houston has become an  beacon of inspiration and guidance for those seeking to unleash their full potential.

    Unveiling the Extraordinary: 5 Mind-Bending Quantum Powers

    You will learn about the 5 mind-bending Quantum Powers. Each power possesses a potential that expand your consciousness into unexplored dimensions.

    You will hear about techniques to expand time, allowing you to accomplish more. You can go beyond the constraints of time allowing you to reach your full potential.

    Dr. Houston will share  practices that will reignite your passion, vitality, and resilience as you  harmonize with the Universe.

    She will also reaveal the secrets of aligning with the cosmic energy of the Universe. You will discover how to harness the interconnectivity of existence. Plus, you can surrender to the cosmic flow, and unlock a realm of synchronicity and guidance.


    Unleash Creative Brilliance

    Break free from the chains of conformity and embrace the full spectrum of your creative brilliance. Dr. Houston will guide you through a mind-expanding journey to unlock, expand, and express your innate creativity. Prepare to cultivate a curious and playful mindset, fearlessly experiment, and dedicate time to nurturing your creative spirit. Unleash the torrent of your imagination as you tap into the wellspring of innovation, birthing visionary ideas and groundbreaking solutions.

    Magnetize People and Resources

    Begin to  attract the perfect synergy of individuals and resources into your orbit. You can learn the  art of embodying an abundance mindset. As well as  foster authentic connections, and nurturing a spirit of reciprocity.

    The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

    Secure your coveted ticket to Dr. Jean Houston’s mind-bending online event, “The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers.” This event will stretch the limits of your mind and shatter the confines of your beliefs.

    You’ll gain practical techniques, and resources that will amplify your skills and extend your reach beyond the ordinary.

    As you unleash your Quantum Powers, you contribute to the collective awakening, forever altering the trajectory of your life and the world around you.

    Register now and embark on an exhilarating odyssey where the extraordinary becomes your reality.


  • The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

    The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert MossThe Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss is a free event. During it you will discover How to Use Your Dreamtime for Healing and Transformation.

    Dreams, often dismissed as fleeting nocturnal spectacles, hold profound potential for transformation and guidance.

    Across cultures, shamans have embraced dreams as portals to higher realities. They use them for healing and personal growth.

    Modern science has begun to recognize the immense power of dreams. They allow you to tap into self-awareness in the Dreamtime, unlocking new dimensions of consciousness.

    During this event you will learn the wisdom of dreams with Robert Moss.


    The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

    Beyond mere fleeting thoughts, dreams become a conduit through which our souls communicate. They grant us access to a multidimensional reality.

    Drawing from ancient practices validated by modern science, we discover the immense power hidden within our Dreamtime.

    Robert Moss: Illuminating the Path

    Robert Moss is a bestselling author renowned for his work on dreams and their transformative potential. With works such as “Dreaming the Soul Back Home,” Moss offers a paradigm shift in how we perceive dreams, the soul, and even waking reality itself.

    His teachings embrace a shamanic approach to dreaming. He invites you to engage in Active Dreaming  which is a practice that opens new gateways to spiritual awareness and personal growth.


    The Power of Active Dreaming: A Virtual Workshop Overview

    This immersive experience promises to expand your perception of dreams. It will show you how to harness their power for healing and guidance.

    Throughout the workshop, you’ll explore practical techniques and profound insights, including:

    Using Active Dreaming to gain accurate glimpses of your future.

    Receive valuable guidance for decision-making.

    Establishing a direct connection with spirit guides through your dreams.

    Unlocking deeper spiritual awareness.

    Re-entering dreamscapes to continue your journey.

    Embracing dreams as “medicine” from a shamanic perspective.

    The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

    Register now for the mind-expanding virtual workshop with Robert Moss. You’ll gain insights into the true nature of dreaming as a relevant and authentic spiritual practice.

    You can choose your preferred day and time to attend as you move towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the realm of dreams.

    Open yourself to new dimensions of consciousness with the world of dreams. A new experience offering guidance, wisdom, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.


  • What To Do When Life Falls Apart

    what to do when life falls apartMany search for the answer of what to do when life falls apart, it may seem like everything is lost but there is more hope than you realize and you can put your life together. There is a new Soulvana Masterclass that is free and online, this event is entitled The Secrets to an Unsinkable life with Sonia Ricotti, however before we get into the review of the webinar let’s examine how many people had their life fall apart and bounced back bigger than ever.

    Steve Jobs Apple Founder was fired from his own company only to return and make the single most valuable company in history. Then there was Or Andre Agassi, who went from ranked number one tennis player in the world, only to drop down to rank 141 with no love or passion for the game at this point it may seem like life has fallen apart but then is went right back to the top, creating his legacy as one of the tennis greats. Also, Abraham Lincoln failed in business and was defeated in eight elections, and yet he would later become the 16th President of The United States of America. These are all examples of people who seemed to have lost it all but these individual knew how to recover when your life has fallen apart and each one recovered better than they were before.

    The Sonia Ricotti webinar is all about what to do when life falls apart and how to put life back into perspective. She is fully qualified to speak on this subject because she at one point was faced with adversity and struggle, losing her health, her relationship, her home and her money, yet despite all this hardship, she managed to turn her life around. She will share with you how to recover and the strategies and tools are complimentary, she will explain that although there may be events outside of your control that may happen it doesn’t mean you need to accept the circumstances and struggle. If you have read Unsinkable by Sonia Ricotti you are already aware that what she teaches if from true life experiences and from the heart, if you have not read the book or are unfamiliar with here is short overview of what she will share during the Secrets to an Unsinkable Life:

    • The 3 step proven formula to bounce back from everything life could throw your way.
    • How to shift your energy allowing you to release fear, stress, and worry instantly.
    • How to master this shift which raises your vibration
    • How begin manifesting your dream life.
    • The one thing everyone should know that is damaging when faced with major obstacles, and by not recognizing it and stopping this it guarantees you will continue to suffer
    • Your three-sentence statement that increase your self-esteem and self confidence
    • And More

    When everything seems to crumble you may think “help my life has fallen apart” however after attending this event you will begin to see things in a new light. Sonia will not only share with you what to do when life falls apart but also show you exactly how you put your life back on track and become better than before. To learn more about this Soulvana Masterclass or to attend you can go HERE.


  • Secret To Maximizing Your Life

    secret to maximizing your lifeThe Secret To Maximizing Your Life is a new video presentation by Andy Shaw Saltori System for Structured Thinking creator. This video presentation is complimentary and shows you How to get everything you ever wanted from life easily. Within it you will discover How to go from failure to success and learn to simplify achievement and maximize your results.

    Instead of just putting up with life like so many do, within this training you will learn how to increase your potential so you can enjoy your life fully within the next 90 days. We are taught to believe to just be happy with what you have and while this is true there is nothing wrong with desiring more. Andy Shaw teaches you in this presentation how to get from where you are to where you want to be in the shortest time possible.  The Secret To Maximizing your life is a 40 minute presentation that which contains techniques and methods that easy to understand and implement.

    But why should anyone listen to Andy? Well if you have already taken his free Discovering Happiness quiz or have read any of his Bug Free Mind Books then you already know this is one man who knows what he is talking about, If you have not you can take the quiz and grab some of his books at no charge. Andy is a story you may have heard before, he was successful, lost money, and came back better than ever. Andy and people who have done this are exactly the type of people you want to listen to because they have the mindset and know how to recover after life has fallen apart.

    If you have been searching for the best way on how to increase your potential the Secret To Maximizing your Life video presentation is for you. It is rare to get this kind of self-improvement training at no charge, Andy could easily charge for it, but for now it is free so watch it while you can. The training will enlighten you to why people cannot get what they want and how to remedy it. The Andy Shaw training also goes into:

    • Why all your Shelf Help books (personal growth etc.) are not working for you and you can take them all and make them work
    • How your mind works and why many times it seems to be working against you
    • Uncontrollable Thinking and how it sabotages your ability to get what you want from life
    • How an easy goal setting process and simplify your achievement
    • Learn to embrace your natural born language that almost guarantees success
    • Plus more

    This breakthrough training does explain how you can shift your potential by using your mind’s natural language, plus it reveals some unique insights into why it becomes harder for people to make progress in life as they age. We found this part to be very interesting because despite all the knowledge individuals’ gain throughout their years it should make success and potential easier, Andy explains why this happens. To learn more or to watch the Andy Shaw Saltori Secret to Maximizing your life video presentation go HERE to the main site.


  • Chicken Soup For The Soul Day

    national chicken soup for the soul dayNovember 12 is National Chicken Soup For The Soul Day and this day is a celebration of you! So how do you celebrate this holiday? The answer is any way YOU want! In honor of this day we have gathered together some quotes, thoughts, and some great deals of this series which would make great holiday gifts for someone or even you!

    Most are familiar with this series but if not the Chicken Soup For the Soul Series are a set of different books that contained true stories about ordinary people’s lives. These books were created by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson in the beginning and then was sold, there a many versions of this book and as of 2006 there were over 100 different titles. The Chicken Soup books have branched out into gifts and much more on the main website.

    Chicken Soup For The Soul Quotes :

    True love stories never have endings. – Richard Bach

    Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from the heart. – Author Unknown

    There are much easier things in life than finding a good man. Nailing Jell-O to a tree, for instance. – Author Unknown

    Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. – Dr. Karl Menninger

    I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.  -Edward E. Hale

    For everything you have missed, you have gained something else. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    I visualized where I wanted to be, what kind of player I wanted to become. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and I focused on getting there. – Michael Jordan

    Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other – it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. – Mother Teresa

    Obstacles cannot crush me; every obstacle yields to stern resolve. – Leonardo da Vinci

    It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.  The question is, what are we busy about? – Henry David Thoreau

    History never looks like history when you are living through it. – John W. Gardner

    “I’m not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship” – Helen Keller

    “You will find as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you have truly lived, are the moments when you have done things in the sprit of love”- Henry Drummond

    “Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes…just be an illusion”- Javan

    All of these quotes were taken from different Chicken Soup From the Soul Books and in along with the quotes for National Chicken Soup For the Soul Day we have found the best place to buy any items you may want for yourself or someone else HERE

    How do you plan to celebrate National Chicken Soup From The Soul Day?


  • Saltori Happiness Quotient Quiz

    saltori happiness quotientThere is a new Andy Shaw Saltori Happiness Quotient Quiz that is complimentary. This quiz is different than many others that you have seen before because it gives much more accurate and detailed results. Shaw has created this test and allowed it to be at no charge so that you can see for yourself how accurate is it and how it can help you increase your level of joy.

    If you are not familiar with Andy Shaw he is the creator of the Bug Free Mind books, author of Saltori Structured Thinking, Footsteps through your mind, and many more as well as the quiz creator. His books and course are highly sought after because they are easy to understand¸ they take information you may have heard before and put them into techniques and methods that are easy to apply and actually work. The discovering Happiness quiz is brand new and just like many of Andy’s creations he has made this free so you can see how accurate this results are and how you can use them to increase your Bliss.

    Now you may have heard this before but there are several reasons why the Saltori Happiness Quotient quiz is different. This quiz not only gives you an overall happiness score, but you also get a score out of 100 in these 6 key areas that affect your overall happiness in life: Attitude, Awareness, Confidence, Fulfillment, Outlook and Connection. Many tests or polls like this may give you simplistic results and sometimes even silly like “you are Eeyore”. While these types of results may be entertaining this quiz actually measures your level of happiness and how happy you can be from thirty to ninety days from now.

    If you have been struggling with how to be happy then actually knowing where you sit in these 6 areas is crucial. Instead of just taking a Happiness Quotient Questionnaire you will get personally customized results in the six areas of life that affect happiness. This can help you because if your confidence is low but your connection is high you know that spending more time on you level of self-confidence will also increase you happiness. When results are measured that can be improved and that is exactly what this quiz does, it pinpoints where you need to focus your energy to increase you overall outlook on life.

    There is no need to struggle endlessly with despair or indifference especially when there are so many free ways to change it. The Andy Shaw quiz is a great place to start if you have been wondering why it is hard to be happy or if you feel you have exhausted your options and that a content life is not in the cards for you.   If you are a skeptic and think you have taken every quiz, poll, test, etc. out there don’t give up and give this one a shot, when you discover how it pinpoints areas that you can improve and forecasts how you can be a month to three months from now you will begin to have hope for the future and hope foster joy.

    To learn more or to take the Saltori Happiness Quotient Quiz you can go to the main site, and if you have already taken the quiz tell us what did you think of the results?