Author: Desire and Belief

  • Vedic Astrology Calendar

    vedic astrology calendar 2016There is a very special Vedic Astrology calendar

    complimentary gift being offered by Kathleen Whalen. This gift is called the Conscious Calendars and People who have used this in the past have been getting impressive results just by referring to it daily. You do not need any knowledge in astrology or even past history of reading horoscopes to gain daily benefits from this gift, because it is designed to be simple, accurate and easy to use.

    The Conscious Calendar is different than the hand on the wall average planner, in fact it is actually a technology and you download the calendar to your computer, tablet or mobile device, and view it. The creator of it is Kathleen Whalen Vedic Astrologer is well regarded in her field and is considered one of the top in the world. She has taken this 7,000-year-old body of wisdom and simplifies astrology, which can be difficult for people to understand, and created a peak performance tool. This tool is one that that even the busiest, most stressed out person can use to make better decisions and improve their outcomes in every area of life.

    Why This Vedic Astrology Calendar

    While it is true there are many out there the Conscious Calendar is different not only in the aspect that it is a technology you download and view it. The days with this calendar are actually color coded and each color represents what the day holds for example Red days you should take it easy and lay low Yellow days are for Being Cautious, green days are for spreading your wings and going all out, and so on. With this easy color coding you can simply glance at the day and know what it holds, there is no need to try to interpret astrological jargon you do not understand.   This color coding helps you because at the beginning of the day you know what to avoid engaging which prevents unnecessary energy expenditure or you know you can plan on green days to use that energy ease and flow to boost success.

    This 2016 Calendar is really a breakthrough for those who love astrology and for those who are skeptical. By downloading the complimentary gift you can put it to the test and once you see that the colors do align with the universe and your life you can begin to focus on the future much more proactively. The Kathleen Whalen Vedic Astrology Calendar 2016 gift is available now so you can know the Upcoming days of danger and abundance in this December and into 2016 with this ancient science of foresight. By gaining access to the complimentary gift you can begin to align your life with Cosmic Rhythm and understand How to get the Universe on your side, every day, it is almost like having your own magic crystal ball.

  • Negative Effects of Holidays

    Negative Effects of Holidays Negative effects of holidays include stress, unhappiness, low self-esteem, bad attitudes, and the list goes on. Now if you are someone who don’t like the holidays for some reason that is not negative that is completely fine, however many don’t like them because of the ill effects they experience. This post was prompted by a recent experience I had and how I decided to remedy it.

    A while back I was helped a member of my family shop for another member, it was a frustrating experience for both of us because the member I was helping was burnt out and seemed tired of it all. One year I brought up and item to buy for a Christmas gift and here was the response I got:

    “Why do we have to do this every year, for everything, why don’t we just write everyone a check and be done with it?”

    I responded calmly and made the purchase however I was beginning to feel negative effects of the holidays due to their response. I felt bad because that person was not happy, no merry enough for me, and then I felt bad because I realized that although I was not as intense I had a similar attitude about the holidays.   I began to realize that I was shopping to “get it done with”, I was wrapping fast to “get it done with”, and I had other things to do than concentrate on these things. Then it dawned on me:

    I was too busy to experience the Joy of Giving!!! WOW! What a wakeup call!

    I began to remember back when I was a child how much I looked forward to each holiday, how fun it was for me and somewhere along the way I lost that joy.

    Negative Effects of Holidays Remedy

    It is said many times when it comes to personal growth, the law of attraction and so on that there is no need to go back, however this time it helped. I made a list of every holiday I could remember that was wonderful for me here is a bit of it:

    • I got my first dog as a Christmas Gift
    • I made my friend a gift that caused her to be so happy and cry with joy
    • I went to see my extended family each year and had a wonderful time

    After I made the list I did something I had not done in years I made a snowman! I won’t say that it fixed everything but I will say that during that time I had a flood of wonderful memories of childhood.

    There are many reasons why some people don’t like the holidays and if you are one of them it may be time to find out why. Is your reason for dislike because you always feel bad or is it that you don’t like them because it is just not your belief to celebrate them? If it is because you experience to much stress, fear, a general sense of discomfort, anxiety, or any negative feeling, then the reason you do not the like the holidays is because of you, too harsh? Here is why I say that:

    You are always responsible for you own feelings as hard as that may be to accept. No one MAKES you feel bad and events don’t MAKE you uncomfortable, it is the way you CHOOSE to react to them that causes the issues.

    If you want to eliminate the negative effects of holidays and you truly want to enjoy them start small:

    1. Make a list of times when you did enjoy the holidays and take time to fully embrace the wonderful feelings that went with it.
    2. If you cannot avoid negative individuals start looking for the small good things about them, it could be as small as you like their shoes
    3. Buy or make a gift with meaning
    4. Volunteer to serve meals or hand out clothing and begin to feel that wonderful joy of giving again.

    You do not have to experience negative effects of the holidays if you begin just letting them be what they are, letting the people you are with be who they are, and most importantly embrace who you are and what you can give, you can use these Holiday Stress Relievers if that is you desire.


  • Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy

    instant transformational hypnotherapy marisa peerInstant Transformational Hypnotherapy is an online Masterclass, complimentary webinar presented by Mindvalley Academy. This incredible complimentary training has instructor Marisa Peer and during the event she will be sharing some valuable information on how you can change your mindset for peak performance. As a Hypnotist myself I am very excited about this event, I love to learn from and experience the teachings and methods of the top instructors in this field.

    Marisa Peer hypnotherapist has been end the field for over 25 years and she is considered a specialist when it comes to fast results, many of her coaching clients include some of the world’s most powerful people including billionaires and athletes. Whether you are new to the area of hypnotherapy, been hypnotized before, or are an expert yourself this is one event not to be missed. She will be sharing how you can have the mindset just like the top overachievers have, people who not only have stellar productivity and success but also maintain a high level of happiness. During the Mindvalley Academy Masterclass, Marisa will go through transformational hypnotherapy sessions that will allow you to quickly rid yourself of limiting beliefs, reprogram your mind for a high performance level and still be able to attain maximum happiness.

    During This Marisa Peer Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy class she will reveal the science behind how she puts her clients in a state of peak performance and happiness in just a matter of minutes. However during this special masterclass you will get to experience it for yourself as well as she takes you’re through a powerful exercise. You will also learn:

    • The Key to breakthrough any area of your life
    • How to live a life full of success, abundance, and happiness quickly without a long waiting period
    • Learn what is happening behind the scenes in your brain when your use transformational hypnotherapy
    • How to use this method to eliminate self-limiting beliefs as well as install new empowering beliefs
    • Experience a powerful Brain Reconditioning Exercise that will change the main belief that most people have that causes lack of success and achievements in life.
    • How to get crystal clear on the beliefs that are impacting your reality
    • Learn how adjustments in your belief system even if they are small can transform your life quickly and powerfully.
    • Plus much more

    Because you want success and to perform at your best does not mean you have to sacrifice your happiness and Marisa Peer is just the person to show you how you can lead an uncompromised life. With her years of experience and extensive knowledge she can show anyone how to achieve greatness without having to sacrifice their happiness; in fact she will show you how you can attain a greater sense of joy than you have now and still achieve your dreams. No matter where you are in life the Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy Masterclass event is one of those events that will change your life, to learn more about this event or to attend you can go to here.

  • International Aura Awareness Day

    International Aura Awareness Day 2015November 28th is International Aura Awareness Day, this day was founded created in 2002 and its purpose was to raise awareness of the aura and how it affects your health and well-being. Below is a bit about information about it and how you can celebrate.

    What Is an Aura?

    According to Wikipedia and Aura is a supposed field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object like the halo or aureola in religious art. All living things and objects are thought to possess an aura.

    History of the Aura – Summarized

    Many different religions and belief systems embrace the Aura including Buddhism, western mysticism of Neoplatonism , the bible, Islamic traditions and Kabbalah. Hindus and Buddhists often link the colors of the auras to Kundalini energy and chakras and The Bible and Islam refer to is as a body of light.

    Today the aura is largely embraced by holistic healers such as energy medicine practitioners, Chakra healers and many more.

    What Does the Aura Mean?

    For International Aura Awareness Day we did just some Brief research on the aura has different meanings below are some of them:

    Paul Lambillion clairvoyant and author of “Auras and Colours” explain three layers of aura that can be seen whether someone is in the presence of someone because it is not 3 dimensional and no bound.

    W.E. Butler from Britain suggested that auras are linked to clairvoyance as well as emotions. According to research He named two different types which were etheric auras and spiritual auras. He said auras were a way to measure health of the body.

    Author Robert Bruce and Australian Mystic classifies them as etheric, main, and spiritual, according to him Auras are not light but are actually an unknown sensory reading .

    What Are the Aura color meanings?

    Based on our research there are some differences on Aura colors but the base colors seem to be the same:

    RED – physical body, heart or circulation.

    DIFFERENT SHADES OF RED- Deep Red -Grounded, realistic, strong will-power, survivalist, Muddied red: Anger, Clear red: Powerful, sexual, passionate, Orange Red: Confidence and creativity, Bright Pink: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, Dark and murky pink: Immaturity or dishonest

    ORANGE AURA COLOR: Reproductive organs and emotions.

    Shades of Orange Orange-Yellow: Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, scientific.

    YELLOW: The spleen and life energy.

    Shades of Yellow Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness Bright yellow: Struggling to maintain power Clear gold metallic: Spiritual energy, inspirational awakening. Dark brownish yellow or gold: fatigued or stressed from studying or trying to learn all at one.

    GREEN AURA COLOR MEANING: Heart and lungs.

    Shades of Green- Bright emerald green: A healer, love-centered, Yellow-Green: Creative, communicative Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, blaming self or others; low self-esteem;

    Turquoise: Relates to the immune system

    BLUE: Throat, Thyroid.

    Shades of Blue Soft blue: Peaceful and truthful and intuitive Royal blue: Clairvoyant, generous, new opportunities Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future and fear of self-expression

    INDIGO: The third eye and pituitary gland.

    VIOLET: Crown, pineal gland and nervous system and the most sensitive of colors.

    LAVENDER AURA COLOR MEANING: Imagination, vision, daydreamer

    SILVER: Spiritual and Physical Abundance

    Shades of Silver Bright metallic silver: intuitive; nurturing Dark gray: Fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems

    GOLD: Enlightenment and divine protection.

    BLACK MEANING: Pulls, captures, and transforms energy related to unforgiveness which can lead to health problems

    WHITE: Reflects other energy and protection

    EARTH TONES: Soil, wood, mineral, plant.

    RAINBOWS: Rainbow-colored stripes, like sunbeams from the hand, head or body a healer

    PASTELS: Sensitivity and a need for serenity.

    BROWN: Self-absorbed, closed minded and greedy

    DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY – holding on to negative energy


    How To Celebrate International Aura Awareness Day:

    Search Around and learn more about the aura

    Try to see if you can see others Auras

    Open Your Mind To The Idea!


    This is a very, very short overview of Auras if you would like to learn more there are many free resources  about them or you can pick one of the many aura books or guides and have a Happy International Aura Awareness Day!





  • Vision Board Workshop

    vision board workshop vision boards that workThere is a Vision Board Workshop coming up entitled Vision Board That Works this event is presented by The Abundance Project with host Adhis Boucha. During this free webinar you will learn how to create a vision board that really works and that will allow you to manifest your dreams within weeks to months instead of years.

    What Is A Vision Board

    If you read the book “The Secret”, watched the film, or know anything about the law of attraction you have probably heard of a vision board. For anyone not familiar with it, it is a board or picture you create with the images of all the things you want to manifest in your life. If you desire to attract the love of your life you would put pictures of happy couples and love quotes, if you want more money you would put pictures of cash and sayings like “I am financially wealthy”, and so on. The problem with these boards is that so many people have created them and have seen little to no results.

    Learn More Here

    During the Vision Board Workshop Adhis Boucha shares with you why some people have so little success and how to make one that will work effectively and quickly. She will enlighten you to the twelve common vision board mistakes that stop people’s dreams from manifesting and reaffirm that they are not cut out for success and that vision boards do work. Manifesting with this method in fact does work and works well when you learn the correct steps to creating and attracting. If you have made a vision board before and feel like you either were not meant to have what you desired or began to believe that the board idea just did not work then this is a must attend.

    Adhis Boucha will explain that when you choose goals and dreams you can realistically manifest it will begin happen quickly making room for the more “unrealistic” for lack of a better work to come into your life as well. You will discover that if you can eliminate your inner critic’s doubts (she shows you how with a powerful daily manifestation) you can attract the right people in the right time as well as other wonderful things, and opportunities into your life. One large reason people say Vision board did not work for me is because that they cannot seem to Experience each vision as if it were already happening, Adhis will show you how.

    Another issue that people run into is how many pictures do you put on a vision board, Adhis with share with you the right amount to be effective so you do not overwhelm your mind a halt your dreams from coming true. By mastering the power of the law of attraction by creating vision boards you can Dissolve tension in relationships, remove success blocks and limiting beliefs, remove self-doubt, improve confidence, and have what you truly desire flow into your life.

    After attending the Vision Board WorkShop you will walk away with:

    Supercharged beliefs and confidence

    Radical shifts in relationships

    More abundance, health, love, respect

    And you will finally learn how to make a vision board that really works

    Go to The Abundance Project Site to learn more or to register






  • Thank You Steps Walking With Gratitude

    Thank You Steps Walking With GratitudeWith Thanksgiving coming up in just a few days we thought we would share one of our techniques we do daily to remain grateful and aware of what we have, we call them Thank You Steps Walking With Gratitude. So many times throughout the day our minds go on autopilot we go from here to there doing are usual daily tasks and forget to notice what is all around us.  By practicing Thank You Steps it makes every step we take a step of gratitude sometimes conscious and sometimes unconscious.

    What are Thank You Steps Walking With Gratitude?

    Thank you steps are just as they sound, every time you your foot hit the ground you say THANK YOU.  This of course is conscious at first you make an effort to repeat the word in your mind every time you walk.  You can do it all day  but most of the time whenever you remember, there are not rules,  eventually after some time you will notice that without making a conscious attempt your foot will touch the ground and thank you will automatically pop into your mind.  Whether your day is going well or not well at all you continue to do this process (even more when you run into obstacles), after a few weeks you will notice that your life has gotten a bit “lighter.”

    Taking it a “Step” further

    Adding to this technique you can begin to add to the “Thank You” by thinking “Thank You for the Ability to walk” or if you are going somewhere that you enjoy you would add that and so on.  When you are having days that are dragging you down or you are surrounded by people who are negative, these times are wonderful for embracing Thank you steps Walking With Gratitude.  You can put a spin on whatever is bothering you such as being grateful that you noticed the negativity   and that it is not something you want in your life and even being thankful for the bad events.  You would take an event, person you are around, or location you do not what to be in and put a mental spin on it such as “Thank you for this opportunity to grow.”

    Way to Be Grateful

    The Thank you steps are a way to be grateful for everything in your life without taking the time to write them down or make a list. During the hurried days many times people fully intend on making their grateful list but never get around to it.  By using this technique you can use the grateful list in your mind because each step that you take is just another opportunity to embrace the things you do have and the lessons your learning.

    Does it Work?

    Yes, Yes, Yes You will be surprised after just a week of practicing the Thank you Steps Walking With Gratitude how things that used to bother you become less and how events your life seem to be going the way you desire them to go.  You will be even more shocked after a few more weeks when you find yourself taking a step and “Thank You” pops right into your mind without any effort at all.

    With the holidays upon us there is no better time than to start stepping into gratitude, it is simply, it is free, and it shifts your mind to the many wonderful things in life.

    NOTE: We actually did get this question: What if I cannot walk? Alternatives

    • Thank you Typing
    • Thank you Handwashing
    • Thank you Pushing wheels on the wheelchair
    • Hair washing

    Have any more ideas? Let us know with a comment!