Author: Desire and Belief

  • Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow

    Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David CrowYou can learn about Medicinal Plants and Spiritual Evolution with David Crow. This event is called How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology and Spirituality.

    We often perceive plants as lifeless entities, overlooking their  existence as sentient beings. However, they are intricately intertwined with the well-being of our bodies, minds, and spirits.


    What if these magnificent plants, with their life-nurturing properties, hold the very key not only to our physical vitality but also to our profound spiritual evolution? This notion, deeply rooted in ancient systems of natural medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It illuminates the profound impact of plants on our life force, acting as conduits that connect us to the raw energy of the sun.

    This event will explore the relationship between plants and our spiritual growth, guided by the wisdom of David Crow, the founder of Floracopeia.

    Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow

    Crow will go deep into the mesmerizing interplay between plants and our spiritual growth. Casting aside the notion of plants as mere embellishments or remedies.

    David shines a radiant light on their transformative potential, nurturing the  essence of our spiritual journey. Whether you have found solace in the  beauty of a garden, or sought to unlock the hidden power of essential oils, David’s insights into the connection between plants and humanity will leave you spellbound.

    A Glimpse into the Enigmatic Realm: Amplifying Plant Intelligence

    He will guide you through body-based awareness exercises designed to awaken your senses and elevate your ability to perceive the intelligence that permeates the plant kingdom.

    In this experience, you will forge a meditative relationship with the very essence of medicinal plants. Plus, you will openportals of wisdom that extend far beyond the physical realm.

    Energizing the Connection: A Spirited Rendezvous with Medicinal Plants

    David will unveil breath practices carefully crafted to ignite a energetic communion with these botanical allies. I

    You will connect with this life force shared between you and the plant realm, creating rejuvenation, awakening, and  healing.

    You will hear about medicinal plants, where the boundaries between self and nature dissolve into a pulsating energy exchange.


    Cultivating Organic Wisdom: A Symbiotic Bond with Plants

    David Crow  weaves together wisdom from healing practices, creating an understanding surrounding the  relationship between humans and plants.

    Through harnessing the power of plants,you can  nurture the emergence of heightened intelligence within your body, mind, and soul.

    Under his expert guidance, you will be able to create a sustainable and deeply connected bond with the life force that breathes through every fiber of existence.

    The Symphony of Wholeness: Harmonizing Body, Mind, and Spirit

    “How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality,” a virtual event that will expand your perception of plants beyond the ordinary.

    David Crow invites you to harmonize the intricate systems of your body. It can help heal past traumas, and establish a relationship with life force. This will shift your path to one personal growth, awakening, and vibrant health.

    Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow

    Join David Crow in this awe-inspiring virtual event as he imparts essential wisdom that unifies natural medicine, ecology, and spirituality.

    His multifaceted wisdom of plants and unlock a  relationship with the t life force that flows within you and the wondrous natural world.


  • Money New Year’s Resolutions

    Money New Year’s ResolutionsMoney New Year’s Resolutions are one of the top goals people make along with losing weight. Some want to make more; others want to save more, and so on. Before you go making those 2016 resolutions, take a moment and thing about why you are not where you want to be financially. Do you know the reason? Are there a bunch of “I needs” or “there is not enough” thoughts going through your mind? If so you may want to remedy those before you make all the plans to accomplish your financial goals.

    If you make a list of all the monetary goals you want to accomplish in 2016 but are unsure of how to reach that goal you are not alone. Many people desire to increase their income or have more financial stability each year only to have the end of the year come around and they are in the same place they were in January. When this happens it leaves people feeling as if there is no hope, no way, or it is completely impossible to accomplish their goals whether it is money or anything else. There is some good news to this that may make all of your 2016 money making ideas and desires manifest and that is discovering why you lacking abundance.

    Tired of Reading? Attend Here

    Money New Year’s Resolutions Tips for Success

    There is a complimentary webinar that will show you that no matter how lofty your monetary goals are they can be accomplished. This is not a money making plan or a savings course, it is insight into how your brain works and how this is holding you back from the monetary lifestyle you desires. It is all about retraining your brain for money and is entitled Brain-a-thon with John Assaraf. This online virtual event as mentioned is free of charge and during it you will learn that Earning more income is totally an inside mental game and not an outside game. During the event you will learn why more hard work is not the answer to making more even though that is what you have been taught. It is true that work is required but not the putting in extra hours or burning the midnight oil ideas you may have.

    John Assaraf The Secret cast member has gathered a panel of the world’s top neuroscientists and brain experts to help you shatter your financial glass ceiling. This event will show you if you have any self-doubt, hidden fears or uncertainty, or even old limiting patterns, beliefs or habits, you’ll sabotage your financial success.   When you learn this you will also learn the remedy that requires applying the right brain-training methodologies and technologies which allow you to replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck. Now this webcast is long but after attending you will learn that your Money New Year’s resolutions can be accomplished but in a much different way than you were planning on.

    What is also wonderful about this event is that is can apply to so much more that money so no matter what your new year’s 2016 resolutions are you can apply what you learn during this training to them all.


  • Better Living With Hypnosis Sale

    Better Living With Hypnosis SaleThe annual Better Living with Hypnosis sale is back; with this holiday deal you can get any hypnosis mp3 download for one dollar. Steve G Jones has this sale only a few times a year and there is no better time to grab these MP3s with the New Year upon us. Whether you desire to lose weight, quit smoking, or change your mindset there is a session for everyone. Steve G Jones Hypnotherapist has helped thousands of people retrain and rewire their brain with the use of NLP. This is a very exciting sale for me as a hypnotists, last year I purchased over 60 different sessions and have loved each one I have listened to. With the use of hypnosis he has assisted many with changing their mental and emotional challenges by simply guiding them by changing their mind. You probably have heard the saying change your mind change your life and that is exactly what these sessions do because your mind is literally controlling your entire existence.

    Better Living with Hypnosis sale

    This site has the largest collection of hypnosis recordings with thousands of titles with prices ranging from 19.95 to 219.95. With this sale whether you are interested in the lower priced or higher priced hypnosis MP3 download every single one is still only 1 dollar. You don’t need to enter any special promo codes. Everything has already been marked down to one dollar and comes with a full 60 day guarantee. If you are a skeptic or fearful of hypnosis now is a great opportunity to try it at the lowest price you will find. By taking advantage of the Steve G Jones Hypnosis recordings you can see for yourself how his hypnosis recordings can help you achieve your goals faster than you ever dreamed possible.

    Here is a short list of what types of recordings are available:

    1. Lose weight
    2. Make more money
    3. Make better decisions
    4. Boost your metabolism
    5. Mastering a foreign language
    6. Better performance at school
    7. Earning a promotion at work
    8. Improving your golf game
    9. Overcome fear of failure
    10. Discovering your true passion
    11. Dating success
    12. Quite Smoking

    The above is just a fraction of what is offered during the Better Living with Hypnosis sale. As you can see there is quite a bit to choose from and will make whatever New Year’s Resolutions you have chosen much easier than in the past years where you have tried to accomplish a goal and never reached it. There is one catch however and that is when you purchase any recording from this sale you have to listen to the recording and more than once. Please don’t get excited by a few sessions and then let them sit on your hard drive. This is one reason why people become skeptical, they want to change but do not want to dedicate the time to it. That is why hypnosis is too wonderful the time you dedicate to it is relaxing and all you have to do is relax and listen. If you truly desire to accomplish any goals or fulfill any desires check out the Steve Jones Hypnosis recordings today.


  • Wayne Dyer Quotes and Affirmations

    Wayne Dyer Quotes And AffirmationsWayne Dyer Quotes and Affirmations are very powerful and when read and committed to memory can be life changing. One of our Personal Growth Newsletter subscribers who is deeply saddened by the Death of Wayne Dyer as many of us are sent us an email asking for affirmations. We have compiled a list of affirmations from his book Excuses Be Gone as well an empowering list of quotes for her and for every reader, we hope you enjoy them and they bring a shining light for you today and every day.

    Wayne Dyer Quotes and Affirmations

    These affirmations are taking from the book Excuses Be Gone:

    • Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly.
    • I am a Divine creation, a piece of God. Therefore, I cannot be undeserving.
    • The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time.
    • I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, because I know that I am never alone.
    • As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.

    Wayne Dyer Quotes

    These have been taken from several sources by Dr. Wayne Dyer:

    1. “Practice being the kind of person you wish to attract.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    2. “Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    3. “Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    4. “Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    5. “You’ll seldom experience regret for anything that you’ve done. It is what you haven’t done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it! Develop an appreciation for the present moment. Seize every second of your life and savor it.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    6. “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    7. “All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy. ” ~ Wayne Dyer
    8. “When you have the choice between being right and being kind just choose kind.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    9. “Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    10. You must become the producer, director and actor in the unfolding story of your life.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    11. “Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    12. “There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there’s only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    13. “What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.” ~ Wayne Dyer
    14. “The more you see yourself as what you’d like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more you’ll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality.” ~ Wayne Dyer

    There are so many more wonderful Wayne Dyer Quotes and Affirmations and you can find them everywhere including his website that still remains up, Have a wonderful, powerful, exciting day!



  • Winter Solstice Celebrations Around The World

    winter solstice celebrations around the worldThere are many winter solstice celebrations around the world and of course you cannot make them all, but there is one coming up and is online and complimentary. This is a Shift Network Live webcast and is entitled the Winter Solstice Wisdom Roundtable. This time of year is a very powerful time, a time for gratitude, counting your blessings, and taking what the lessons from this year to create a powerful New Year 2016.

    This wisdom roundtable is hosted by Devaa Haley Mitchell; she has gathered some of the top spiritual leaders to share their wisdom. This speakers include Stephen Dinan, Jean Shinoda Bolen ,Claire Zammit ,Anodea Judith ,Ariel Spilsbury ,Luisah Teish ,Miranda MacPherson – Mirabai Starr ,Elayne Doughty, and Elizabeth Purvis. Each of these individuals will be speaking on a different topic to give you new knowledge as well as practices for the Solstice. Taking this time of year to refresh and renew yourself also does wonders for the world, by gathering together to learn and give blessings to others you set your intentions for the coming year and align with a global community.

    Winter Solstice Celebrations Around The World

    If you are new to these types of celebrations this free, online event is a great place to learn about them, ignite your personal power, and refresh yourself to become a better peacemaker for the world around you. During this webinar you will not only gain wisdom but will get to experience a Winter Solstice Ritual where you can share prayers and blessings. Some of the information you will learn by attending is:

    • How to use the Solstice as an opportunity to reflect and integrate all that has transpired
    • Learn to turn this year’s Experiences into Wisdom so you can release the Past, and take pain and struggles and turn them into gems so that you can create a new fresh Space for the New Year
    • How to stay connected to your personal power during this time that is so busy and
    • Learn how the Winter Solstice is a time of Transmission from the Sacred Feminine
    • Learn how celebrating the Solstice also has a global perspective on becoming a peacemaker
    • Plus Much More

    The Winter Solstice Wisdom Circle is going to be highly attended as most events of this type are so you may want to reserve your free seat for the online event straight away. The wisdom you will gain from this webcast is going to be so uplifting and enlightening and during the busy holiday season it is what many people need. If you have noticed that “all of the sudden” it is another years end and have thought about all you have not accomplished or “where did the year go” then this is one Shift Network webinar you are not going to want to miss.   Since this event is online it is truly going to be one of the most powerful Winter Solstice Celebrations around the World because you will be gathering with people from around the globe for blessings, prayer, wisdom and a special ritual.


  • Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process

    michael beckwith life visioning processThe  Michael Beckwith Life visioning process webinar will assist you in finding purpose in your life. If you feel as if you are just going through the motions. Or perhaps, dragged down by the day to day  tasks that need to be done. Or  Simply feel like you have lost your zest for life this event is a must.

    It is a very popular Mindvalley Masterclass which are completely free of charge. Whether you desire a life change or are just looking to improve some areas of your life the information you will learn from this event is priceless.

    Register Here

    This is a wonderful time of year for an event like this. During the holiday season people begin thinking about how another year is already gone. Then they realize they are still doing the same thing or not in a place they want to be.

    Whether you feel that way or not Michael Beckwith is a man that shares life changing knowledge. This can shift your life in any direction you want to go. Beckwith is an author, founder of The Agape Spiritual institute and known around the world as a wise spiritual teacher.   He helps people unleash their soul’s true potential as well teaching them how to gain clarity on their life purpose. Although his tips and guidance is deep his teaching is easy to understand and his methods are easy to apply if one puts effort towards it.

    What is the Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process?

    The answer to that question is not out of our realm to explain however since this event is free and obviously Beckwith can explain it so much better we will leave it to him. That being said here is a bit of what you will learn during the event:

    • How you can experience unrestricted joy and happiness every single day
    • Discover a little-known transformative process for activating your unique gifts and highest potential
    • Learn how to go beyond traditional goal setting and instead be pulled by a powerful vision.
    • Discover the friendly universe and live your highest calling
    • Raise your consciousness and live a purposeful life
    • Experience a guided meditation and prayer that will allow you to uncover things deep within you that you may not have event know was there.
    • Plus much more

    Life Visioning is a deep spiritual development which opens limitless possibilities to those who embrace it. Michael Beckwith will share a simple framework that will let you diagnose which parts of your life are going well, and which need more of your attention to live a balanced life. You can learn to live life without thinking so much and instead being “knowing” by paying attention to your soul’s highest calling and you can begin to live on purpose instead of living day by day just to get things done or reach a goal (Michael will expand upon this during the event).

    No matter what you desire for the now or for the upcoming years the Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process Mindvalley masterclass is one event that will give you new powerful wisdom for your personal growth arsenal that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

    Learn More