Author: Desire and Belief

  • Living an Unsinkable Life

    Living an Unsinkable LifeThe Living an Unsinkable Life EBook by Sonia Ricotti is a gift you can add to your personal growth arsenal. This book have been revamped and is available for immediate download for a limited time. This is a life-changing gift and many call it the miracle blueprint.

    Sonia Ricotti is well known for her trainings, webinars and the Unsinkable program. Plus, she has helped many people create successful lives beyond what they ever thought possible.

    You may be thinking how can someone so successful help me change my life?

    Well, Sonia is no stranger to life issues. At one point in her life she was hit with everything you can imagine from health to finances and more.

    She took what was handed to her and turned it all around and today she is more successful than ever.

    No matter what you may personally be going through the nuggets that she shares will inspire you. Also, it gives you some information on how to overcome life obstacles.

    Get It Here

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    Within this book you will learn quite a bit of information that will allow you to see your situation differently. Plus, tips from Sonia on how you can come back from whatever you are facing. Some of the things she shares are:

    • How you can retrain and reprogram your brain not just for success but for peace, inner harmony, and peace.
    • She will share with you the very popular and effective Sonia Ricotti Blueprint. This blueprint will guide you to creating and manifest your dream life
    • How to address the main critical thing to increase your success this in and in all the years to come
    • How to really manifest miracles in your life quickly and easily
    • Plus much more

    This eBook is the precursor to the Sonia Ricotti webinar .The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down. After you download the book you will also be eligible to attend the free webinar.

    During this webcast she will expand upon what you learn in the book. With the eBook and the webinar you will have gain powerful insights to change your life.

    To get your free copy of Living an Unsinkable Life to turn your life Around FAST and achieve your wildest dreams you can access it here.

  • Hypnosis Downloads Do They Work

    hypnosis downloads do they workAfter covering Brain Entrainment I thought I answer the question Do Hypnosis Downloads work? As a Hypnotist I get asked this question quite often, while practicing hypnosis in Sioux City Iowa, I was told by a person who came in for an evaluation that they do not work and neither does hypnosis. I proceeded to ask the person why they came to the office and they stated that their family wants them to quit smoking. I asked him if he had tried hypnosis before and he yes just some recording but of course they did not work. The purpose of this story is to point out the first of several reasons why hypnosis may not have worked for you.

    After the person told me that their family wants them to quit smoking I proceed to ask them if they wanted to quit and the answer was no. Here lies the first issue, if YOU do not want to lose weight, quit smoking, or relieve stress consciously your results will be slower and many times there will be no results. In the example of the person who wanted to get smoking cessation sessions I sent them away with some recordings and did not take them on as a client. I suggested that he listen to the free hypnosis mp3s for smoking I gave him morning and night for 30 days and see if it made any difference and if so we could revisit the in person sessions.

    Hypnosis Downloads Do They Work?

    The person did come back to me in 30 days and told me he was doing quite well, he was down to about 1 to 2 cigarettes per day but felt he needed a bit more. He apologized to me about stating that hypnosis does not work and I took him as a client for a few sessions and today he is a nonsmoker. In this case hypnosis was not working for this man because of a few reasons:

    1. At the time he came to the office he did not WANT to quit his family wanted him to
    2. He had listened to free hypnosis downloads but only about twice a month

    I already touched on the number one reason but I will one more time whether you are requesting a session with hypnotherapist or trying some free full hypnosis mp3 downloads you have to WANT results. If you feel you do want results and are not getting the results you want it more than likely is because you are not listening enough to your mp3s. Which leads me to answering the second reason, you should listen to your sessions twice a day morning and night, if you cannot commit 30 to 60 minutes twice a day to your desired goal then maybe you should revisit if you REALLY WANT it.

    There is one more reason that you may not be getting results and that is you may have some kind of emotional block. For example if your goal is to lose weight, it the excess weight keeping you safe in some way? Does it keep people from being attracted to you which may make you uncomfortable? Do you feel lost and food fills that void? There could be many reasons because each one of us is different and if this is the case hypnosis mp3s or visiting a hypnotherapist can help if you are willing to dedicate the time and you have the desire.

    By going HERE you can access some free hypnosis mp3s and after listening to them as recommended you can then no longer have to ask Hypnosis downloads do they work because even if you do not lose all the weight you will not great changes. Let us know your results in the comments we would love to hear them!

  • Brainwave Entrainment What Is It?

    what is brainwave entrainmentThis short what is brainwave entrainment overview was prompted by a few messages we received about a past post we wrote entitled Zen12 meditation review. Some wanted to know what exactly what this was as well a few other questions. In this article we will cover what it is, the science behind it and how you can benefit from it.

    What is Brainwave Entrainment?

    Brainwave entrainment is a method to guide you into a specific state of mind using sounds, lights, and an electrical activity. It is an area of science that has been studied for years and is also known as neural entrainment. To make it quite easy to understand in regards to using an mp3 or audio it is like copying a file, the audio has the frequencies of a certain state such as Delta or beta and by listening to an audio your mind copies that state. Right now, you’re alert and conscious, and so you’re most likely operating in the beta range when you’re asleep at night, you’re in the delta range. An example of coping would be in the article we wrote about zen12, their free download contains frequencies of deep meditation and by gaining access to it you can experience those to help guide you into a deeper state. Now there is much more science to this area which you are free to research on your own but we will not cover all of it as we are not scientists.

    Does Brainwave Entrainment Work

    While people still debate over the effectiveness of it we still have to say yes it does. You can go ahead and read through all the differing opinions but the best answer to this question it to really try it yourself. When you do give it a full month and you will see just as we did that the long term benefits of less stress, better health, more balance, and more.

    Brainwave Entrainment for meditation

    We can only speak for the ones we have tried and of course they are all different. In this case we will stick with the one that prompted this article which is the Zen12 meditation free download. This is a 12 minute meditation mp3 that contains the frequencies required to reach a deep state of meditation so instead of taking 45-60 minutes a day you can gain the benefits in a much quicker time. Now we are not saying that meditating for an hour is unnecessary but for those who have trouble with calling the mind and body this is a great option. Not only that but you also get to try it and answer the question of what is  brainwave entrainment for yourself and noting the benefits you gain.

    In the future we will create a full list of all the different audios that we have tried and reviewed so make sure to check back with us.

  • Start The New Year off Right

    Start The New Year Off RightIn honor of 2016 we wanted to let you know one way you can start the New Year off right. It is phenomenal event that will take you on a transformational journey, not just for 1 day but for a full 60 days. This event is the Shift Network Winter of Wellness 2016 Summit from January 19 – March 18, 2016 you can attend this virtual online series at no charge where the top online teachers and experts in the holistic field will share with you information tools and techniques to enhance your entire being.

    What is very unique about this event is that many webinar just cover one area and for one day. The Winter of Wellness Summit covers the whole you meaning mind body and spirit. There is not greater event you can attend to get your new year started right especially since it is free of charge! The speakers during this sixty day long summit cover four main areas with include Food for life, Integrating Mind and Body, Nourishing Heart and Soul, and Experiencing Longevity and Vitality. Each speaker will share with you new insights and the newest breakthroughs in each of these key areas. You can register to attend all the days which we recommend or pick and choose which ones you wish.

    How to Start the New Year off Right

    The Winter of Wellness 2016 is hosted by Dr. Robyn Benson and the event speakers include Hyla Cass,Norm Shealy,John Gray, Ph.D.,David Crow,Gregg Braden,James Maskell,Ocean Robbins,Jamie Wheal,Sedena and George Cappannelli, Dr. Nalini Chilkov, O.M.D., L.Ac., Dr. Tom O’Bryan, and many more. With this lineup of experts you can already tell that you will definitely walk away from this event with some very valuable knowledge. Last year’s event was highly attended and the reviews were amazing, this year they anticipate the numbers to be even higher, so reserving your spot early would be best.

    By attending this Shift Network co-sponsored event you will discover:

    • Ways to use prana and chi
    • How to have boundless energy and a vibrant body
    • Shamanic healing practices
    • Ways to strengthen your intuition
    • Mindfulness meditations & exercises
    • The power of Qigong to heal
    • Nutrition for boosting immunity and preventing illness
    • Plus so much more

    Also just for registering for the Winter of Wellness Summit 2016 you will receive a bonus gift along with the 60 Days to Optimal Health, Healing and Wellbeing. In the coming weeks we will be sharing with you a few of the most powerful, reputable free events, downloads, tools, and resources that will help you start the New Year off right. As mentioned in a previous post the best way to keep track of these is to register for the complimentary webinars straight away and create new folder for named “personal growth toolbox” for the free gifts. All of us here at Desire and Belief want to journey into 2016 with you so together we can grow and become greater than ever before!

    You can register for the Winter of Wellness Summit 2016 here and we wish you a Happy New Year!




  • Make Up Your Mind Day

    Make Up Your Mind DayDecember 31st is Makeup Up Your Mind Day this day is a day to finally stop waffling on your decisions and make one and stick to it. So many people have trouble with decision making waying all the pros and cons constantly until finally they end up never making a decision at all or making one and regretting it. Going with the gut is always a good idea, if it feels good that is the choice you will make, however some choices feel good than bad so in honor of this day we have gathered some quotes and decision making tips.

    Decision Making Quotes

    • Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. – Keri Russell
    • The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way.- Alice Waters
    • Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. – Tony Robbins
    • We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals. – Stephen Covey
    • Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.- Robert H. Schuller
    • I always say, decisions I make, I live with them. There’s always ways you can correct them or ways you can do them better. At the end of the day, I live with them.- LeBron James
    • The truth is that many people set rules to keep from making decisions.- Mike Krzyzewski
    • Do not be afraid to make decisions, do not be afraid to make mistakes.-Carly Fiorina
    • The key to making healthy decisions is to respect your future self. Honor him or her. Treat him or her like you would treat a friend or a loved one. A Stanford study showed that those who saw a photo of their future self made smarter financial decisions. – A. J. Jacobs

    Steps to Make a Decision on Make Up Your Mind Day

    While reading through many of articles around the net we have found two great resources:

    • 7 Steps to Making Better Decisions on
    • How To Make A Difficult Decision: 30 Ideas To Help You Choose On

    No matter what decision you may be stuck on, today is the day to make the choice and stick with it. Perhaps that is exactly why this day was created, imagine that this day is the ONLY day you have left to make a choice and stick with it! View Make Up Your Mind Day as a day to finally put aside any stress or frustration about the choices you have to make so you can clear the path for A Happy New Year 2016!

  • Tick Tock Day

    Tick Tock Day 2015December 29 is Tick Tock Day  which means there is only 2 days left in the year, this day is for tidying up any unfinished business and accomplishing those goals you set for 2015. Now two days does not seem like a lot of time but if there is anything that you can accomplish go for it, if you simply believe there is no time to “get it done” then use this day to revamp the dreams and goals you set for the upcoming new year.

    Now this post is by no means meant to depress you in fact just the opposite if you feel disappointed or disheartened because you did not accomplish all you wanted this year chin up because we have compiled some ideas on how you can celebrate this day whether you reached your goals or not!

    Ways to Celebrate Tick Tock Day

    1. Write down all your dreams and goals that you had for this year and check off the ones that you did reach
    2. Write each one that did not come to fruition on a separate piece of paper
    3. On each sheet write your “why” or “desire” to reach this dream (not how)
    4. After you have written your “why” write yourself there for example “It is now April and I have lost 20 pounds” or “Today is March 5th and I have started my own business.”
    5. Be specific down to the very last detail explain how you look, how you feel, how others have noticed and so on.
    6. After you are done writing these all out grab bulletin board, a frame, or just a piece of cardboard, grab a pile of magazines and pictures, get comfy and make yourself a vision board. Place words, images, or whatever you want all about your dreams for 2016

    While this day was really created to tidy up unfinished things that need to be done it is also a great day to project your desires into the new year. If you like comment below with what you are dreaming of in the New Year we would love to hear them , time to get busy the clock is ticking!

    We wish you a very happy Tick Tock Day!