Author: Desire and Belief

  • Winning The Game Of Fear – Week 1

    Winning The Game Of FearWe have already writing a Winning the Game of Fear Review which you can read however I am going through the program currently and wanted to keep you updated week by week. This is my first week and actually it is 10 days not 7 which I will explain more about that below but so far a quite enjoyable and relaxing experience. As many people I still have some unresolved fears so I thought the New Year would be a great time to start this and wanted to give you all an overview as well as my progress as the months go on.

    What does Winning the Game of fear consist of?

    While I cannot go into too much detail as I am only in the first round I will give you the best overview from what I know so far.

    The first session has a video and brain retraining for fear session, after you watch the video you move onto the session. You may watch the video again if you like and but you listen to the session for 10 days and that is just the first round. After the ten days you click a radio button and it unlocks the next section, currently I am on day 4 so I have 6 more days to go.

    Now I have gone through John Assaraf Brain training before and I must say I do love what I am experiencing. The first audio is a mix of him talking to you with music and special brain music designed to rewire your neural patterns. I have listened to frequency music before, some I like and some I have very bothered by and the music and tones with this session I am completely fine with.

    How does Brain Retraining Work and How does it Feel?

    As I am not an expert in this field (yet) John does explain it during his complimentary webinar but I can tell you how it feels. You put on headphones and get comfortable but unlike other methods of rewiring the mind and thoughts you pay attention to what is being said. As John Assaraf speaks you there are background tones that at first I was worried about but it is really quite relaxing.

    After the session is finished I felt refreshed and more confident in fact I actually would not recommend listening to it a night because I was pretty awake. I understand why you need to listen to the session for ten days, not only because it takes time to rewire old thinking habits, but because you may not be listening because you are so relaxed. The second time I went through the session I remembered bits and pieces of what John had said and by the 4th time I had a remembered much more.

    Now I already have recommended this product and the free Winning the game of Fear webcast he gives which shares with you how brain training works and this is because I know Johns work. However I do realize that many people like to hear someone’s actual experience, it just makes them more comfortable so I am covering my experience, if you have questions about the first round please do leave a comment below and I will do my best to answer them.

  • Winter of Wellness Summit

    winter of wellness summitIn a past post we covered a bit about the Winter of Wellness Summit. This Shift Network co-sponsored event is designed to cover mind body and spirit over a five day period. During these 5 days you get to hear from more than forty different speakers. Doctor’s teachers and healers will be sharing with you insights at no charge.

    During this live webcast you will how you can attain more health, healing and well-being this year and the years to come. Some of the experts that you will be hearing from include Dave Asprey, Caroline Myss, don Miguel Ruiz, John Gray, Donna Eden, Alberto Villoldo, Skai Juice, Pedram Shojai, JJ Virgin, Gregg Braden and other leading doctors, teachers and healers. Each of these individuals with enlighten you to proven methods in 4 essential areas.  Food for Life, Integrating Mind & Body, Nourishing Heart & Soul, and Experiencing Longevity & Vitality.   By absorbing this information you will discover a new path to more energy, vitality and peace of mind.

    Winter of Wellness Summit

    If you missed last year’s event then you will not want to miss this years. This year will be even more powerful with old favorites and new experts. Each sharing valuable tools to address every area of your life. Are suffering from health issues, financial issues, spirituality or want a more balanced life? If so, you are sure to find the nuggets shared priceless. In fact it is priceless both literally and figuratively. This type of event with these experts could easily be charged for. However, for the 5 day summit you can absorb it all online and at no charge.


    Winter of Wellness Schedule

    The food for life area will cover science behind foods like gluten, how to boost your immune system and more.

    The Mind and Body will cover topics such as alternative approaches to depression and anxiety, and how to tap into your body to heal.

    The Heart and soul portion will cover areas such as shamanic healing, achieving inner balance and harmony, and experiencing deeper intimacy and compassion.

    The Longevity and vitality consists of DNA rejuvenation, ways to increase you enter and vitality, and how to use prana and chi. And this is just a summary of the Winter of wellness Schedule there is much more that will be cover over the 3 month period.

    This is designed for practitioners in the health field as well whether is be holistic, alternative or coaching. The newest information will give you an edge that other practitioners do not have. This will allow you to better serve your clientele. The Winter of Wellness Summit is one of the most powerful events of the year. You can attend one of the days or pick and choose the ones that interest you. To get a full overview of the schedule and speakers as well as to register you can go to this site.


  • How To Build Your Confidence

    How To Build Your ConfidenceSo many search and seek out how to build your confidence, in fact online it has a very high search volume. Feeling unsure of yourself can affect every area of your life from family to finances, work to health and more. Fear is the number one underlying cause of low self-esteem and no matter what life issues you are facing  if you were to take a look at one of the issues you are facing right now you will more than likely find an underlying fear that it is associated with. Within this article we have compiled several ways to increase your confidence and overall outlook of success.

    Audios for Confidence are one very effective passive way to increase your self-esteem. There are hypnosis, subliminal messages, audio meditation for confidence, binaural beat music, and other downloadable mp3s. Here is a list of the ones we have tried and are free of charge:

    • Subliminals – This site offers 2 free subliminal messages downloads, one of them entitled Rocket your Self Confidence
    • Hypnosis – This site offers you a choice of 1 out of 6 different sessions, when it comes to how to build your confidence we recommend “Feel Happy Now” or “Eliminate Stress”
    • Meditation– This site offers a 12 minute meditation download that will reduce your stress and build your self esteem

    How To Build Your Confidence

    Another way is to check out a Build Self Confidence Program here are several that have free webinars that are designed to explain what their program does and how it works:

    • Neurogym offers a webinar and program to Overcome Fear Build Confidence their program is teaches you to retrain your brain for confidence, you can read the review here.
    • Sonia Ricotti has a webinar that show you How to bounce back when life knocks you down  which explains how you can take whatever issues that are going on in your life and turn them around and become more self-assured and successful

    A Confidence building eBook is a great way to start increasing your self-esteem is a conscious way here are some:

    • Bounce Back Big is Sonia Ricotti newest eBook that is only available for a certain length of time, the insights and tips she shares are amazing
    • The Andy Shaw Saltori Structured Thinking a method of removing all illusions and obstacles from life which include fear, not good enough thoughts, and many other things that contribute to low self esteem. The Saltori Life Breakthrough kit is also offered by Andy and it contains No-Mind Exercise, the 6 Essential Rules to Life Design, How to Make Yourself Happy Anytime, and insights into changing your thought patterns

    Now there are many more how to build your confidence resources but for now we thought all of this will give you a great start. All of these are free of charge and available for immediate download so whether you more confidence at work, in life in general or eliminate low self-esteem these will get on the path quickly. We will be covering more on this topic so stay tuned a happy confidence building!

  • Life Is Out Of Control

    Life Is Out Of ControlFeeling Like life is out of control is a thought or feeling that many have at some point. Finances may be back, health issues arise, relationships fail, and other life issues pop up and many times when it rains it pours. When you feel this way first thing to remember is that you are not alone and although that thought may not help you we have something that will. It is an upcoming webinar that is free of charge and designed specifically to get your life back on track, there is also a book that the webinar builds on which we wrote about entitled Bounce Back Big in 2016 and you can still get access to that.

    Many times when life when you are trying to overcome difficult times it may seem like everywhere you turn there are no answers. One thing builds upon another until you cannot take anymore, depression may set in and hope seems to fade away, but before you give up there are a few things to consider:

    • This is probably not the first time you have had a life issue and you are still standing
    • Many other people in the world have similar problems and some of them have them even worse
    • There are ways to help yourself out the constant thought of my life is spinning out of control you just need the right teacher and that is where this webinar comes it.

    My Life is Out Of Control

    Sonia Ricotti Be Unsinkable author understands what it is like when your world comes crashing down. She went through a period of very tough times which you will be able to hear about when you attend her event. The event is entitled “The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back Quickly (and Higher Than Ever) When Life Knocks You Down” and as mentioned it is 100% complimentary. When you attend this webinar you will learn about life challenges and how to overcome them with Sonia’s techniques, methods, insights, and tools that she used when she was struggling. Today she is quite successful and will show you how you can take your life that seems to be falling apart, recover, and become better than you were before.

    When life challenges come around you may feel like nothing will help, but we ask that you hold on and give the free eBook and webinar a go. You will find new ways that you never thought of before in regards to getting your life back on track. Sonia’s useful 10-fold maverick goal-setting method and her 3 step system will show you how you rid yourself of all the stress you are going through and being to bring joy and happiness into your life no matter what your current circumstances are. She will also reveal other techniques that will stop the idea in your mind that your life is out of control and show you how you can literally take what you have going on retrain and reframe it into a wonderful life. You can register for the event HERE and if you missed the eBook you can read about it and get it HERE.

  • National Vision Board Day

    National Vision Board DayJanuary 9 2016 is National Vision Board Day the date changes every year as it is observed on the second Saturday of January. This day is meant for having a vision board party and it began in 2010, if this is late notice for you to gather your friends for a party not to worry, you can still celebrate this day and plan a get together another day this year as well as next years designated day.

    What is A Vision Board?

    A vision board is a board where you put pictures, words, quotes and so on of things you desire to happen in your life. Some people refer to these as Law of Attraction boards because what you place on them are all the events, people, circumstances and so on that you want to attract into your life. Now whether you subscribe to the Law of Attraction or not you can still create a board because by seeing all the positive things you want in life on a daily basis can only bring about good things.

    How to Celebrate National Vision Board Day

    It is still not too late to plan an evening party with friends to create boards together however if you’re not up to last minute plans here are some ways on how to celebrate this day on your own:

    1. Go out an gather your Vision Board supplies that are needed:
    • Poster board or better yet a very pretty bulletin board just make sure it is durable
    • Next create a list of all the things you want on your board meaning anything you want in your life such as happiness, better health, a vacation, new car, and so on.
    • Magazines, newspapers, images and so on that you can place on your board
    1. How to Structure your vision board:

    While there is really no wrong way to create a board this is the way that seems to most effective:

    In the center of the board is a circle that holds either a photo of the person creating the board or whatever is most important to you? Put the different words and images into groups with the same theme. For example, put things related to job or career in one area of the board. First place the images and then place all the quotes, words and phrases, some people use one word while others use full sentences, don’t overthink it just do whatever feels right to you.

    If you have put off creating that board National Vision Board Day is a great time to start. By creating a board and you begin to see it day after day you begin to you visualize. From there your subconscious mind has concrete picture to your desires and that enables you to subconsciously go that direction and create the life that you desire. As time goes on, you are going to want to change your vision board because you will have attracted what you want from certain areas of the board or you may have attracted something that you wanted only to learn that you do not really want it so those items should be removed.

    Whether you have a vision board party or do it on your own start today so in you can begin to see your desire manifest!


    Mind Movies Vision Board







  • Subliminal Messages Really Work – Do They?

    Subliminal Messages Really WorkHere is some good news if you have been wondering if subliminal messages really work. For a limited time Subliminal Guru is offering two free downloads of your choice ,There are several you can choose from as well but for this article we will focus on the company and how these downloads can work and can help your thoughts and life. So, let’s start at the beginning.

    Get Them Here

    What Are Subliminals?

    To first understand this you need to understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind actually does most of your thinking for you for example when you run into a red light you stop because it is has been programmed into your bran for so long. The conscious mind takes information and evaluates it while the subconscious mind does things in a more automatic fashion. In the case of how to attraction money if you are not where you want to be financially more than likely you have it programmed in that money is scarce, that you will always be poor or some other negative thought about money.

    Now there are two ways these can work which are:

    • Visual
    • Audio

    Visual Subliminal Messages work by flashing messages briefly in front of the eyes while audio has embedded subliminal affirmations inside music, your subconscious mind hears and accepts these positive affirmations and the conscious mind disregards them.

    Subliminal Messages Really Work

    The free subliminal messages you can download will be the true test for you to answer that question but we will share with you how they do work in our opinion. Your deepest thoughts and belief patterns that have been installed into your mind throughout the years and subliminals literally change those thoughts by providing your subconscious mind with newer ways of thinking, and repeating them over and over. Subliminal means below the threshold of consciousness and these messages are exposed to your less than conscious mind while your conscious mind ignores it. By using them they can help change your thought patterns about finances, money, health or any other area of life that you desire.

    By listening to the audios you build new thought patterns from the inside out you simply listen to the MP3 audio which is around 10 minutes long , and let commands change or rewire your subconscious beliefs and habits. At first you will notice subtle changes but then they will become more powerful to the point of other people noticing as well. You can play the mp3s s while you are on your computer or other device, they do not interfere with what you are doing. After listening for just a short time period you will begin to notice things suddenly just changing and for the better! There is more technical information about this area that we will not cover because the find out if subliminal messages really work can only be answered by you, to gain access to the free subliminal guru download you can go to their site HERE. Remember listen to them more than once and give them a fair shot.