Author: Desire and Belief

  • Neurogym John Assaraf Reviews

    Neurogym John Assaraf ReviewsWhat kills us about people reading all the Neurogym John Assaraf reviews is that all of his products are for brain retraining. This is not like buying a microwave cooker or a toaster, brain training for success requires effort on the individual’s part. The great thing about it is that you do not need to put as much effort into it as you do with other programs such as weight loss, therapy, and so on. We have sifted through both the positive and negative input that people have left around the net and would like to address some of the issues.

    There are at this time 3 main Neurogym programs:

    • Win The Game of Money – Shatter Your Financial Glass Ceiling – Everything you think about money is guaranteed to change when you allow this program to uproot your current “money story” and replace it with a prosperous and powerful mindset of financial stability and freedom.
    • Weight Loss – Scientific Secrets for You to Lose the Weight You Hate – This is not a diet or an exercise program, it retrains your mind to release negative body-image beliefs and promote weight loss.
    • Increase Confidence – Believe in yourself – This program helps you turn that fear into fuel. So you can have unshakeable confidence in your abilities.

    Neurogym John Assaraf Reviews

    We have read many claim they did not work, others claim it did but not as much as they would like, and some loved the program they chose and noticed dramatic change. Here we will address the John Assaraf Scam complaints:

    • Each of these programs come with a free intro webinar, these webinars are quite lengthy and give you some great information about why you cannot lose weight, earn the income you desire or break free from your fears. After listening to each of these in full you will know if the program is for you or not, these free webcasts are reviews in themselves.
    • These are all programs that require time, not a lot of time a day but time none the less. For example with winning the Game of Fear you listen to a session for 30 to 40 minutes for 10 days and that is just the first of several different segments. Some reviewers said they listened for 2 weeks with no change, it is a 40 plus day program! You may not notice full change in just two weeks, we have said this before and we will say it again if you want to release your fears lose weight or make more money and choose modalities like brain training, hypnosis, etc you must dedicate the little amount of time a day to get the benefits.

    Neurogym Scam Alert?

    No these products are not a scam, it is human nature that People want things to change.  However many do not want to dedicate the time and people by nature want instant gratification. excuses are made such as “I do not have the time to listen” or “Nothing Else has worked” all of us have the time if we just miss that favorite TV program or skip the movie we were going to watch. Now there is a lot more we could say about the Neurogym John Assaraf reviews out there but we have tried them so we will bottom line it:

    If you want to change watch the free webinar, decide if you feel this modality is right for you, and then decide if you will honestly commit to at least one hour a day for a few months for permanent change. The programs work and they work well however If you will not do these things do not get the product. You can view all the programs here as well as learn about the complimentary webinars that are attached.


  • Astrology Answers Adrian Duncan

    astrology answers adrian duncanThere is a free Astrology Answers Adrian Duncan reading now available this is can be accessed online. Since 2016 is a transit year this is a wonderful chance to find out what is in store for you, also if you have been wondering about readings but still are not quite sure about them, this is a chance to get one at no charge.

    Adrian Duncan is a highly sought after astrologist and many people from around the world use his information from readings in their daily lives. While there are many reasons some people have more success than others one you may not here about often is that they consult the stars.

    By getting their forecast for the day or year they have an edge of opportunities that come their way as well as obstacles that may come up. Here at Desire and Belief we share all information for growth so that all are readers can have a plethora of tools available to them.

    While astrology may or may not be up your ally it is still a tool that successful people use and now you can try it with no strings attached.


    How To Get Your Astrology Answers Adrian Duncan Reading

    For those who know about an astrological transit report this is quite the opportunity for those who do not here is short overview of how the reading works:

    You first are asked some simple questions by going to this site such as your birth date, gender, etc. you then submit the form and you will get your report within 24 to 48 hours. It does take some time based on all the different people who are taking advantage of this offer but when you get your results you will know it was worth the wait.

    What Your Free Astrological Transit Report May Consist Of:

    When you get your email from Adrian Duncan that gives you access to your forecast it gives you some great information that you can start incorporating into your life. We of course do not know what your reading will consist of but here is what one of ours did:

    1. Your numerology character which contains insights into yourself and what is to come as well as what types of events or opportunities that may arise
    2. You will get a mini reading include which covers things like Love, emotions social life, and luck as well as what would be best for you to do or not do
    3. Final advice

    Now this is a very short overview of what we received there are literally paragraphs about you and what the year holds. This is not some take the quiz and we will give you a one line funny answer, this is one of the absolutely free astrological readings that is in depth and accurate (at least it was for us).   Adrian Duncan and the team has a great reputation and most reviews are very positive. Of course like anything people love to complain so you may see a few negative ones, but you make the final call, so take advantage of this opportunity and we would love to hear in the comment or by message what you thought of your Astrology Answers Adrian Duncan reading.

  • Bend Reality To Your Will

    bend reality to your willCan you Bend Reality to your will? Is it magic? These may be questions that have run through your mind if you have heard anything about this topic. The words themselves sound like something out of a movie but reality bending is not what you may think in fact it can be done and it could be looked at as magic if you call using your mind to create your reality magic.

    Vishen Lakhiani Mindvalley Academy founder and personal growth expert is an expert in this area. He draws on his years of personal development and evolution and there is an upcoming masterclass where he will explain this technique. The title of this training is Bending Reality: How To Influence The World With Your Consciousness and is 100 percent free charge. This is an advanced class that will allow you to see things much differently and at deep level as well as experience deep shifts in the way you view reality.

    Can you bend reality to your will?

    Before we go any further we want to first note that although you may be thinking this is all about the Law of Attraction it is not. According to Vishen your thoughts do not create reality which may seem pretty controversial but it more complex than that. During this webinar he will share with you 5 things you need to know about how you can create your ideal reality:

    • Your thoughts don’t create your reality but your beliefs do
    • Most of your beliefs are unconscious and you have to be able to shift those beliefs.
    • You can speed up or slow down how your beliefs create your reality based on your state of happiness.
    • You must be solid in what you desire and what you want to create in your life experience
    • Family, friends, and others around you create your reality for you as well which is termed unconscious group creation.

    Applying some basic principles in the art of bending reality can completely change your life. You will no longer settle and you will become the best you can be. When you become aware of where you are in human consciousness you will experience an expansion of consciousness and realize how malleable the world around you is. During this event you will learn about you a daily tool that you can use so you can become limitless by becoming a successful reality bender. You get to learn the Vishen Lakhiani 6 phase mediation that will allow you to feel calm, resourceful, find and fulfill your life purpose. Finally you discover a 5-minute creative visualization technique to permanently fix problems in your life which will help you see results within anywhere between a few hours to a few days.

    This is a very powerful masterclass and if you desire to expand your consciousness and create a life of your dreams you are not going to want to miss this. With everything Vishen will share with you during the Becoming Limitless webinar you will learn to bend reality to your will as well as experience a deep profound shift in understanding.



  • Heart Intelligence Training

    Heart Intelligence TrainingThere is a heart intelligence training online event coming up presented by the Shift Network. This event is hosted by Howard Martin and is entitled The HeartMath Solution Breakthrough: How to Reduce Emotional Turbulence, Optimize Your Well-Being and Open to Intuitive Guidance. This event is free to attend and is wonderful for anyone who desires to calm the chaos of life.

    Howard Martin is the Executive Vice President of Heartmath LLC, is co-author of The Heartmath solution and speaks throughout the world on science and it link to heart function. He is also one of the original pioneers who helped Doc Childre found the organization in 1991 and delivers programs to help with health, emotional well-being and intelligence to people worldwide. There is no one better than Howard to speak on the topic of emotional balance and wellbeing in regards to Heart Coherence and now you can hear his teachings, insights, science, and more during this free webinar.

    Heart Intelligence Training

    During this event Howard will share with you the latest and most up to date information focused on activating the power of the heart. By learning this you can move past the business of day to day life that is filled with stress and strain and bypass the negative emotions completely, by doing you so you open yourself up to peace and purpose. If you want to feel happier and more energetic and get out of survival mode and into thriving mode you are not going to want to miss this webcast. By attending this event you will learn:

    • How to get more energy throughout your body by learning to tap into your heart power
    • How to access your hearts wisdom by apply principals that are key
    • A simple practice to jump over and coast by negative reactions
    • Learn to fully activate the energy of your heart
    • Discover heart to heart connection
    • Learn how your emotions influence all of life
    • Learn how to activate your heart intelligence so you can be your true self
    • How to optimize your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy.
    • how to use heart coherence
    • Plus more

    If you own any of the Heartmath products then you already know that the company is and science it solid, if you don’t this is an opportune chance to hear about it. The company offers not only outer products as some many think but inner technologies for transformation. By understanding the heart in the way that Howard Martin explains it you will understand that the scientifically proven methods he shares can help anyone activate vitality and purpose no matter what life circumstances may be. If you cannot make the time of this event as long as you reserve your spot for the Heart Intelligence TrainingThe HeartMath Solution Breakthrough you can get the recording.

    If you have tried any HeartMath Products or attended any events we would love to hear your experience!



  • National Opposite Day

    National Opposite DayJanuary 25 is National Opposite Day, this day is an unofficial holiday, there is also some debate on this holiday, some say it is observed on the 25th of each month and some observe it on January 7th. This day is meant for all to say the exact opposite of what they really mean which brings us to why we are writing about it. This is a perfect day to say all the negative things you say or think during the say and turn them into a positive!

    How to Celebrate National Opposite Day

    This day is meant for fun and to verbalize everything differently for example:

    • You can ask what is for Breakfast when it is dinner time
    • You can say Good Night when it is morning

    Today however we want to put a spin on it by turning everything said and thought into something uplifting. Every day we run into people and circumstances that can cause us to say or thing less than positive things but on this holiday the challenge is to take every thought, word, sentence and conversation and reverse it to the positive. Here are some great examples:

    • When someone cuts you off in traffic – Thank you for doing that I can now get to work late which is fine by me
    • When a co-worker says one their typical things that always annoy you – Wow you sure are amusing
    • When your child makes a mess – Instead of scolding say Look at this mess now we get to have more fun and clean it (not many children love to clean), but if you think that will encourage the behavior simply think I am grateful for this mess I wanted to try out my new cleaning product.
    • When you are tired of working and ready to go home – instead of saying this is the longest day, I wish it would end, you can say this day is going really fast it is almost time to go home
    • When you have task after task building up and you feel overwhelmed – instead of saying I have too much to do you can say I am glad I have so much to keep me busy
    • When your spouse does not help you with things that need to be done – instead of asking them over and over or worse yet arguing – you could say thanks for all your help however that may sound a bit passive aggressive so instead you could say thank you for taking out the garbage last night I really appreciate it. Now that might not be an exact opposite but positive none the less.

    Of course You can twerk any of the above the way you want and with all the people and life events that come up during a day we are sure you will find a million more ways to change your negatives to positives. No matter what happens on National Opposite Day do your best to change those disabling thoughts and phrases to positives ones and by the end of the day you will more than likely feel a bit more relaxed than you normally do.

    We would love to hear what you are saying to celebrate this opposite day! Leave us a comment and let us know!


  • How To Tune Your Energy

    How To Tune Your EnergyIf you have be wondering how to tune your energy, feel you have some energetic blocks, or feel that something is holding you back but you are unsure what there is a new Mindvalley Masterclass you are not going to want to miss. The title of this event is “How To Tune Into Your Energy Body To Get Answers And Improve Your Relationships, Money, Purpose, Health And Ideal Lifestyle” and it is free of charge. During this event Energy Healer Jeffrey Allen will share with you how you can remove unwanted energy blocks from your life to clear the path for success.

    Jeffrey is not only an energy healer but a medium, meditation guide, author and much more, he has partnered with Mindvalley to bring you this very special training so you can clear your blocks to create the life that you desire. Now if you are unsure of the energy arena this is still event you will want to attend because Jeffrey was not always into this area, in fact he was a typical success story. Jeffrey Allen had a wonderful job, all the money he could desire, and materials objects but yet something was missing. At one point in his life he had an experience that guided him to study the area of energy healing and after 15 years of study he realized that his purpose in this world was to help other understand and clear energetic blocks.

    How To Tune Your Energy

    This event is sixty minutes long and although that may not seem like much time every minute of it is packed with high quality content. During the Masterclass Jeffrey will explain some key things that will help you understand this area as well as how these blocks could be affecting you. Some of the things he will share include:

    • The scientific fact that everything is energy and how you can use that information to become a healer, more creative, and attain the fulfillment you have been seeking
    • Jeffrey will guide you through an exercise to increase you intuition and this can be done by everyone no matter what your level of knowledge in this area is. This exercise will allow you to gain intuitive knowledge to the questions you have in life.
    • He will share with you his four most powerful energy healing techniques and teach you how you can use them to attract happiness, health, love, abundance, or whatever you desire
    • You will learn how you can heal not only yourself but others if you feel drawn to the serve in this way
    • Learn how to make sure your energy never drains so that you can experience all the wonderful feelings of happiness, joy, and more
    • Plus much more

    As you can see this Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley masterclass is packed with great information. Mindvalley Academy has only the highest quality trainings and this one is going to be just insightful and a wonderful addition to your personal growth toolbox. If you feel like something in the way no matter how hard you try to find fulfillment and success then register for the free Jeffery Allen Duality Training Event and discover how to tune your energy Today.