Author: Desire and Belief

  • Get The Universe On Your Side

    get the universe on your sideMany wonder how to get the universe on your side especially when trying to manifest with the Law of Attraction. You have read all the books took all the courses you can think of and are starting to wonder does the Law of Attraction really work. On top of that you see people manifesting what they want in their lives almost instantly and then wonder what you have been doing wrong. If any of this sounds familiar you are not alone and there has been a discovery the “biology” of attraction or anyone who desires to manifest a better life that you can learn about at no charge.

    This is a gift from Katherine Hurst she struggled years with a corporate job and today she leads the largest LOA community. How did she do it? She met a quantum physicist and discovered his biological breakthrough in the Law of Attraction. This show you a new way instead of the old way of manifesting that only works half of the time. So instead of living paycheck to paycheck you can earn more than you do now without feeling guilty or like you don’t deserve it, as well as manifest other things you desire in life. She is sharing some of this information with a free law of attraction toolkit that can download immediately, this kit contains techniques and tools that are unlike the ones you may have heard about before.

    How To Get The Universe On Your Side

    If you are seasoned with the Law you already know it is always on your side however that does not mean manifesting is easy for most. What Katherine shares with you is called your “Intention Point.” It’s a hidden part of your physiology that allows you to harness thousands times more electromagnetic power than your mind can produce alone, in fact is plugs you into an electromagnetism allowing you to manifest easily. This biological breakthrough that will give you a serious edge on your future and whatever you desire to create.

    You may have hear that Mindset is everything and while it may hold truth, there is more to it than that. There are many who have their mindset in the right place but when it comes to staying slimmer, staying motivated, making more money and so on they still struggle to get to the end result. The Universe is able to manifest your dreams as you fulfil your destiny yet for some people, their dream just seems out of their reach. The answer is the one tiny shift in your “Intention Point” to change it all.

    You were not born to go to work, pay bills and die. You’re here for something more and this one simple approach makes seizing opportunities and shattering challenges so much easier. Because doing this one thing tells the Universe you’re read to have everything you’ve ever wanted and to create and with this Law of Attraction Toolkit you will learn how to get the Universe on your side and finally manifest the abundant life you’re destined for.

  • Joe Vitale Secret Mirror

    Joe Vitale Secret Mirror The Joe Vitale Secret Mirror technique is now being shared in a complimentary video. You may know Joe as the one of the stars from the hit Movie the Secret, he is considered one of several Law of Attraction experts and if you have not read his books or heard his teachings you may want to watch this video. As like much of what we share with you this is free and the knowledge he shares is a great addition to your growth folder and in this article we want to cover a few things that we have seen around the web.

    Joe Vitale Secret Mirror Scam- Is It?

    If you type in anyone who has written a book, created products, etc. you are going to find great reviews and some that are not. In this case, we would like to address Joe Vitale and his works which include not only this technique but many other wonderful books, courses, and tools. Some of Joes work includes:


    • The Attractor Factor
    • Hypnotic Writing – As a hypnotist this is a good book and if you are not one and want to improve your writing I (Jenny) recommend it.
    • Zero Limits
    • Spiritual Marketing
    • Plus many, many more


    • Miracles Coaching
    • The Awakening Course
    • And More

    Now what does his previous works have to do with the Secret Mirror technique and it being a scam or not? In short, Joe has been around quite some time and if you really want to sift through all the reviews you can but anyone who is truly a rip off would have been put out of business a long time ago, it is common sense. In regards to this particular program we can go ahead and tell you it is legit but for most that is not enough, that is why you can watch an entire video free and learn what he teaches as well as his style.

    The true test of something such as a product or course being effective is your opinion and yours alone, you never know what other reviewers have done with a product or course. They could have bought it and placed it on their “shelf help” and never looked at it again, watching the video, seeing if it resonates with you and putting the methods and tips into practice is the only answer you will need. Many seek out or search the web for the secret mirror has anyone tried it, which we cannot quite grasp because even if someone did and they left a bad review that does not mean it will not work for you.

    The video is all about those who are having trouble with the Law of Attraction. He reveals a simple technology many of successful people have turned to for power, wealth, and a lifetime of fulfillment. And is Joe Vitale Successful, yes very, success comes for different people in different ways but there is one thing that those who struggle to manifest their dreams do not know, while a select few seem to have their every desire on demand and he reveals this method in this video. So whether you are struggling with the Law of Attraction or just want to learn more a about the Joe Vitale Secret Mirror technique, watch the video it costs you nothing but a bit of time.


  • Transforming Aging Summit

    Transforming Aging SummitThe Transforming Aging Summit 2016 is a free 3 day event presented by the Shift Network. This event is hosted by Ron Pevny Founder & Director, Center for Conscious Eldering and has a lineup of top conscious aging experts. They will share with you insightful views of aging that is filled with purpose and vitality.

    Our society today tries to halt the aging process, with new ways to look younger, at younger and so on. It is almost as if our world is trying to hold back the natural process of aging instead of viewing it as a spiritual growth and a time that is a very joyful and purpose-filled stage of life. If you can relate to this or this resonates with you this is truly an event not to be missed. This event is not just for the elderly or those reaching those so called “golden years”, it is designed for everyone whether you are in those years, you work with the elderly or you desire to know how to embrace the aging process.

    Transforming Aging Summit 2016

    This year’s event as mentioned as many speakers which include Joan Borysenko,John Robbins, Harry R Moody, Mary Catherine Bateson, Richard Leider,Connie Goldman, Beth Baker, Bob Atchley,Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.,Dominie Cappadonna,Gary Carlson, PhD, Rachael Freed, Drew Leder,Lynne Iser,Karl Pillemer,Karen Sands, MCC, BCC, and Fernando Torres-Gil. This event is like attending mini conscious aging workshop because during the summit they will share with you how to embrace your potential as you grow older in life. I

    if you or someone you know can relate to Feeling isolated and Diminished sense of purpose, Feeling as though you do not have a meaningful roles in life and feel Confused on how you can contribute to the world, Lack of passion and an   Absence of positive role models, Suffering with Physical pain and health problems, Feel a Lack of spiritual guidance, Or any other difficult problems associated with getting older this is an one event you will want to attend. This panel of conscious aging experts will share with you how you can make your later years you’re greater years and by attending you will discover:

    • conscious aging approaches
    • how to have More purpose for your life
    • learn about conscious aging resources
    • Practices that actually work to achieve better health and mental sharpness
    • How to release any past baggage to have more energy and explore the endless possibilities for the next stage of your life
    • Insights on how spiritual needs change as you age
    • Plus much more

    Whether you know it or not aging is a wonderful thing instead of looking at it as the world does you can see it the way it was meant to be, at time for growth, healing, contribution and more. By attending this webcast you will learn the secrets for young at heart and how as you age consciously the possibilities in your years are endless. To learn more about the Shift Network Transforming Aging Summit 2016 3 day event or to attend you can go to the main site HERE.



  • Christie Marie Sheldon Seminars

    Christie Marie Sheldon SeminarsIf you have never had a change to attend one of the Christie Marie Sheldon seminars then you have been missing out on the quickest way to raise you Abundance Frequency, which a little known technique called Energy Clearing. The good news is that there is an event that happens usually only once a year that is completely free called Unblock Your Abundance.

    If you are wondering what are abundance blocks in short they are energetic blueprints that you learned from as far back as childhood especially between the ages of 3 to 8. People who have abundance in their live have a higher abundance frequency which is the energy that governs the abundance each person receives in life. People have a tendency to believe these people are lucky or special but the truth of the matter is that they have trained themselves to be that way and you can do the same. It does not have to take years to do so either, if you have an open mind and heart you can Christie, energy healer will share with you how to clear your blocks and open your abundance.

    Christie Marie Sheldon Seminars

    What makes the Unlimited Abundance Live event so important besides the obvious is that this is massive online energy session on Abundance Blocks at no charge which rarely happens. Last year over 70,00 people signed up for her class and results these individuals had were amazing, If you want to finally rid yourself of any money and other Blocks that are secretly holding you back from the life of your dreams, this is the event you have been searching for.

    Christie discovered 24 blocks which we have cover before, and these are keeping your Abundance Frequency down. By attending the Unlimited Abundance webinar you will get to learn her technique of Energy Clearing for clearing these Abundance Blocks that effectively rids you of them without you even trying and you will see results in hours not years. Here’s a short review of what will be covered during this Mindvalley Masterclass:

    • What are Abundance Blocks And Why are they Holding You Back From Wealth
    • How Does Energy Clearing Work
    • A Christie Marie Sheldon free energy clearing 2016
    • Find out how much your blocks are holding you back
    • Hear real-life stories from past participants of this energy clearing session.
    • The Hot Seat- this is for the skeptics where Vishen Lahkiani will be asking Christie some really important questions on every aspect of Abundance Blocks
    • Plus much more

    By learning what Abundance blocks are and why they exist as well as which ones could be sabotaging your ability to manifest the abundance you desire will greatly impact your life even if you are a skeptic. You will learn how to tap into your energy field, and directly remove Abundance Blocks from it plus Christie will share with you an abundance calculator to instantly see how far you are to being financially healthy. This is one chance to attend one of the Christie Marie Sheldon Seminars at no charge so you do not want to miss this breakthrough way of energy management which combines both timeless wisdom of the east and years of testing with individuals from all walks of life.

  • Tapping World Summit

    tapping world summit The Nick Ortner Tapping World Summit begins soon and if you have never attended the event before it is a must. If you are unfamiliar with the technique is EFT, or tapping, this is just the event to learn about it. If you are aware  of this method you already know that the summit is always filled with wonderful speakers and information that can literally change your life quickly.

    Learn More Here

    This is the 12th annual event and over 500,000 people attended last year alone. If you have spent a lot of time in this self-improvement arena you know that there is a ton of “change your life” stuff out there.

    However Much of it is theoretical, processes and ideas that sound good, buy many times they do produce results for many people.Here at Desire and Belief we are about sharing the free that give results. One of the most powerful that delivers  tremendous results is EFT Tapping.

    Tapping World Summit

    This event is a full 10 days of life-altering presentations from a full panel of experts such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louis Hay, Kris Carr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, Jennifer McLean, Cheryl Richardson, Arielle Ford, Joe Vitale and many other. There are so many reasons you will want to attend this event and here are a few:

    • The EFT Tapping Summit is not just an event but an online experience. It is very different than those you may have attended before. You don’t go away with theories but actually practices that actually leave you feeling better right away.
    • You will leave behind stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.
    • You will not just hear about removing emotion blocks but you will actually cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.
    • After the even you will have left behind childhood traumas.
    • This event is 100% content so don’t expect any sales pitches during these presentations, because you won’t get any
    • There are 23 presentations, which you can listen to in their entirety, are 100% content only.
    • World Tapping Summit has proven track record of getting people results during the 10-days of the event.
    • You will learn techniques that has been scientifically proven to get results and is supported by the world’s leading personal development experts, medical doctors, and psychologists.
    • Plus much more

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by attending this event. You do have to Sign up for it and if you don’t like the event , just unsubscribe from the event. If you want to see what some of the experts in the fields  have to say about the Nick Ortner Tapping World Summit simply go to the main page here.

  • Body Intelligence Summit

    Body Intelligence Summit 2016After attending the Body Intelligence Summit last year we knew we had to cover it when it came around again and it is coming up quick. This is a complimentary 3 day event that is presented by one of our favorite companies which is The Shift Network. We love several companies however the Shift Networks excellent presenters, diverse subjects, and the fact that all the events are free makes it one we love to cover.

    What Is Body Intelligence?

    It is also known as BQ and in short according to Katie Hendricks and Lamara Heartwell it is a conscious direct feeling of being alive, from all body sensations to attitude and mentality and it includes all feelings and connection to the body. Your body tells you things ever day however in these days we live in so many are disconnected from the senses and deep wisdom your body shares with you daily. People are so caught up with the to do lists and with everyone so connected to technology it is easy to become detached from your inner wisdom. That is why this event is so important to everyone it will share with you how to reconnect with your body to hear what it is trying to tell you

    Body Intelligence Summit 2016

    As mentioned this is a free three day event offered by the Shift Network, there is a stellar panel of speakers during the event who have all gathered together to share powerful practices and insights to help you elevate your Body Intelligence (“BQ”). These speakers include:

    • Philip Shepherd
    • Sophie Chiche
    • Alana Shaw
    • Dean Ornish, M.D.
    • Daphne R. Scott
    • Diana Chapman
    • Daniel Cordaro
    • Susan Stiffelman
    • Marc Brackett
    • Amara Pagano
    • Randy Masters
    • Martha Eddy
    • Shems Heartwell
    • Gillian Ferrabee
    • DJ Mark Ameeba
    • DJ Tom Simonian Thump
    • DJ Lamont
    • And More

    By attending you will discover how you can live a body-centered life by mastering Body Intelligence the benefits are endless you will Learn to live every day more present, Work more productively, Relate better to others around you ,Have more energy and intuition, Feel less tension in your body. Be able to make decisions easily, plus so much more that cannot be covered in just article. That is exactly why this event is free you were born with BQ but with day to day living we lose a bit of our spark. By remaining detached from this innate knowledge not only do we lose a spar that makes us feel alive but also might experience chronic stress and health issues and more.

    The Body Intelligence Summit presenters will share with you powerful ways to reignite this connection which will transform your daily life, your relationships, and allow you to contribute to the world around you. This as well as the event will allow you to be more connected, more alive and engaged version of yourself. Not only can you attend this event at no charge and hear from these caring knowledgeable individuals but there is also a registration bonus  which is the  Body Intelligence Assessment from Katie Hendricks and Lamara Heartwell.