Author: Desire and Belief

  • Inner Guidance System

    Inner Guidance SystemDo you ever wonder if have an inner guidance system or have heard people talk about your inner GPS? We are talking about the internal you that knows exactly where to go and what to do at the right time and in the right way.  Well, Dr. Jean Houston says you do have a system inside of you that can guide you to your true purpose

    Imagine knowing where you want go in life and without question or hesitation you just start heading in that direction without question and without hesitation? This does not happen for many of us we either do not know what are purpose is or if we do we don’t have the foggiest idea of how to get there.  You may look at many successful people who all discovered their unique genius and are living the true purpose of their lives and wonder how they did and why can I not.  So how did these people who have reach a place where they impact the lives of millions of others, and are living prosperous and fulfilling lives?  The answer is your Inner GPS System and if you are like most you sense somewhere inside you that you have the capacity to lead a bigger life.

    What is Your Inner Guidance System?

    This Inner GPS System can guide you through every obstacle until you get where you want to go. It allows you to figure out where we’re meant to go, how to get there, and clarifies for you if what you are doing at any given time is even helping you reach your destination. The problem for most is that no one has ever taught them how to connect to it but now Jean Houston will with her free online event entitled “The 3 Keys To Discovering Your Life’s Purpose.” She has shared this process before with many and many people have discovered how to find their life purpose and live it. Her proven process for transforming your life by discovering what you’re truly meant to do is for everyone who desires to live from the heart and true self.

    You are not alone when it comes to the desire to find out where you are truly meant to go and how you are to get there. In fact many people at one time or another go through this issue and while some find the answer many do not. This Jean Houston webinar will reveal to you the 3 keys that will transform your life.  These three keys to discovering and living your life purpose include:

    • Holding New Beliefs
    • Developing New Skills
    • Staring New Habits

    Now these may sound elementary but there is much depth to each of these keys, such as breaking free from the past, calling upon your inner intelligence, discovering new perspectives that match your inner self, and so much more.   By attending this event you will discover unique insights into how to truly live your purpose in life, and then align everything. To learn more about your Inner Guidance System aka Inner GPS System, register for the free Jean Houston “The 3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Life’s Purpose”


  • April Fool’s Day

    April Fool's DayHappy April Fool’s Day! While this is a day for pranks and fun we decided to come after it a different way. So many seeking out personal growth and self-development has low self-worth, low self-esteem, and often feel lost in life, making some feel like they are a fool or just cannot get it right. This April 1st we have put together a stellar list on how you can boost your life and never feel the fool again and for fun of course we have added some quotes.

    April Fool’s Day– How not to play the fool

    This list is full of free personal growth tools that will help you boost and enhance your life in all areas. In fact there could not be a better time to kick that inner fool because there are a lot of wonderful events going on online that are completely complimentary:

    • Jean Houston Your Life Purpose– this webinar event is call 3 keys to awakening your life purpose and during it Jean will teach you how to connect with your Inner GPS also known as your Inner guidance system to not only discover your true purpose but know exactly how to get there.
    • Jennifer McLean Spontaneous Transformation Technique – Imagine ridding yourself from scary diagnoses or healing your inner self almost instantly. With Jennifer’s new book, her Spontaneous Transformation movie, and her week long healing marathon you can do just that.
    • Winning the Game of Fear and Money – When people don’t have money they often have fear and even when people read their financial goals they still have underlying issues that paralyze them. Both of these Neurogym John Assaraf webinars address areas of brain retraining where you can overcome your financial issues and fear.

    Now what to all of these have to do with April Fool’s day? Well although a day for fun which we encourage immensely you can also take advantage of these free personal growth tools to kick your inner fool in the butt once and for all.

    April Fool’s Day Quotes

    • Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. – Chinese proverb
    • Let us be thankful for the fools.  But for them the rest of us could not succeed.  – Mark Twain
    • If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings.  – Welsh Proverb
    • “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool.” — William Shakespeare
    • Take all the fools out of this world and there wouldn’t be any fun living in it, or profit.” — Josh Billings
    • Men would not live long in society, were they not the mutual dupes of each other. ~François VI de la Rochefoucault

    From all of us at Desire and Belief have a fun-filled April Fool’s Day!

  • Jennifer McLean Book

    Jennifer McLean Book – Spontaneous TransformationThere is a new Jennifer McLean Book entitled Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps To Coping And Thriving In Extreme Times. This is not available in stores quite yet but in preparation for the big event Jennifer has put together a stellar healing package that is 100% complimentary.  If you are looking to heal any area of your life from health to wealth you are going to want to take advantage of this.

    The Spontaneous Transformation Technique is a system is a healing modality that system that quickens the whole process of healing into 7 steps and 5 – 10 minutes. This method connects with your inner spirit to strengthen you and move you forward quite quickly. Sound hard to believe?  While it may be difficult to think that such a technique exists Jennifer wants to show you the power behind her method, as well as celebrate her upcoming book.  To do so she is hosting a healing marathon that will enable to channel the power of this time-tested technique to create a quickening, to rapidly move through the seeming obstacles of life.

    Jennifer McLean Book – Spontaneous Transformation

    The launch of this book is so life changing  that Jennifer went out of her way to put together one of the best free healing events we have seen in quite some time.   Here is what she has in store for you:

    • 3 healing video workshops which created I instant and spontaneous change in those who’ve watched them
    • 2 live, interactive healing shows where you can raise your virtual hand and receive your very own, personal healing session working directly with Jennifer.
    • Plus a free screening to her Spontaneous Transformation Movie

    This free week of healing is so powerful that afterwards we would love to hear your results.  In fact we have put together a little healing package of our own, anyone who leaves a comment on this post with their results will be put into a drawing of some of our most powerful healing books, audios, and more. Now that we have said that back to the Spontaneous Transformation week:

    • The video workshops themselves, are encoded with healing energies, with teachings and processes that will guide you to a new place of flow, alignment, vibrancy, health and possibility.
    • The Jennifer McLean healing shows are a rare chance to work directly with her and this does not come around often
    • We have seen the movie and if you have not we promise you will not be disappointed
    • Last but not least you will be able to get the Jennifer McLean Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps to Coping and Thriving in Extreme Times book if you choose for free and you only pay shipping and handling.

    The Jennifer McLean Book Healing week is one we will be attending and hope you do to, so that your dreams, hopes, desires, vibrant health, vitality, money, or Whatever you’ve been wanting, can finally be within reach. To attend this event and learn more about Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps to Coping and Thriving in Extreme Times you can go to her website.

  • Putting Your Success on Autopilot

    Putting Your Success On AutopilotWhen it comes to putting your success on autopilot there are many different ways to do so. Success is life can be in all areas from finances to relationships but when you align your performance and your mindset you can achieve your desires in all of these areas.  The question how do you get your mindset into a state that will allow you to achieve what you desire without all the struggle you may be experiencing now.

    Let us first take a look at your childhood, we have already covered negative childhood imprinting in another article but let’s go a little deeper. Whether you realize it or not and whether you accept the idea or not your childhood greatly affects your current state.  From the way you were brought up to the many different things you were taught and what others said to you creative deep beliefs that reside in your unconscious mind. While some of these beliefs are wonderful many of them are quite damaging to your self-confidence and self-worth, this damage prevents your ability to reach your dreams, goals, and creating balance in your life.

    Putting Your Success on Autopilot

    There are many difficult ways to do this and much more simple ways to create automated success.  When we say simple we do not mean overnight but quicker than spending year after year reading every book and taking every course available. If you are not familiar with Morry Zelcovitch he is a sought after expert in the area of mind science and also the creator of the Morry Method.  Morry will be a guest speaker in an event that is taking place with host Natalie Ledwell. During this event he and Ledwell will share with you proven solutions to almost any kind of pain, challenge or problem you’re facing right now.

    This information has everything to do with beliefs that are deep in your subconscious mind and to change this in the quicker way you can learn from these experts at no charge.  They will share with you specific subconscious reprogramming techniques that draw on both Morry’s science and Natalie’s powerful personal growth principles. By learning to rid yourself of self-destructive habits, you rid yourself of disempowering beliefs, negativity, and your crippling self-doubt? Many of us have a knowing, deep down inside, that you’re not living up to who you are and what you could be and if you currently or have ever had this feeling this is truly an event not to be missed.

    By putting your success on autopilot not only does your income increase but your abundance in in Productivity, Creativity ,Intuition so flawless, you always make the right decisions, Focus, Empathy and much more.  This is event is quite a rare opportunity and because it is live there will not be a replay of this event like many others have.  If you have a burning desire for more success or to release yourself from negative childhood imprints that have been holding you back for years this is one free event you will want to attend.  After attending pop back here leave us a comment and let us know what you thought of it.


  • Easter a Time of Renewal

    Easter a time of renewalTomorrow is Easter a Time of Renewal for everyone no matter what your beliefs, this time a year brings new life and is a chance for you transform.  Viewed as a Christian holiday when Jesus Christ was resurrected some historians and  biblical scholars believe the origins of Easter come from a Pagan festival originally.  The word Easter or Eastra , the goddess of spring is from Saxon Origin but No matter what your beliefs this time of year can be embraced to renew and resurrect your life.

    Easter A Time of Renewal

    While we usually do not get into Religious holidays but the fact that this time of year is a wonderful time for change led us to this post.   Take this holiday to refresh your spirit, transform your life, be with those you love and love to be around, or spend it in silent contemplation and meditation.  Choose what is right for you on this to honor your beliefs and nurture yourself, instead of doing all the things you think you “Should” do. We have gathered together some wonderful Easter Quotes for you and hope you enjoy them.

    • “Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present.”― N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church
    • “Then came the healing time, hearts started to shine, soul felt so fine, oh what a freeing time it was.”― Aberjhani, Songs from the Black Skylark zPed Music Player
    • “If anyone or anything tries to curse or kill the Goodness at the Center of all things, it will just keep coming back to life. Forever Easter.”― David Housholder, The Blackberry Bush
    • Easter is…

    Joining in a birdsong,

    Eying an early sunrise,

    Smelling yellow daffodils,

    Unbolting windows and doors,

    Skipping through meadows,

    Cuddling newborns,

    Hoping, believing,

    Reviving spent life,

    Inhaling fresh air,

    Sprinkling seeds along furrows,

    Tracking in the mud.

    Easter is the soul’s first taste of spring.”― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

    • “Spring is the sound of birds chirping, the taste of cherry juice, the feel of grass on bare feet, the sight of pink roses and blue skies, and the feel of dandelion fuzz. Spring, in other words, is a welcome, wondrous sensory overload.”― Toni Sorenson
    • “An ending is only happening because at some point it was a beginning. And if an ending is dependent upon a beginning, I would be well advised to focus on the miracle of beginnings verses the pain of endings.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough, An Intimate Collision: Encounters with Life and Jesus
    • “Love paid a price so hope could become a reality.”― Susan Gaddis

    From all of us at Desire and Belief we wish you a renewed life  and an best wishes  by taking  Easter a time of renewal to refresh your spirit . A word of caution mind your peep intake 🙂

  • Energy Medicine Free Training

    energy medicine free trainingThere is a Donna Eden Energy Medicine free training event coming up that is a workshop is designed for both the curious, the novice, and the professionals.  This webcast is complimentary and online so you can learn how to harness the power of your energy in the comfort of your own home.   You can learn more about it or register to attend by going to the Shift Network courses webpage.

    What is Energy Medicine?

    While Donna can explain it far better than we can in short it is built upon disciplines like acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, therapeutic tai chi and yoga. Donna Eden is one of the top sought after experts in this area, she has the ability to see the body’s energy and has since childhood.  She will share with you much more detailed information on this subject and explain what the practice actually is and answer the question of does it really work.

    The Energy Medicine Free Training

    The title of this Donna Eden Workshop is Tap into Your Full Vitality with Energy Medicine: Simple Practices to Keep You Healthy & Thriving. Although this training is only one hour long you will learn so much about this modality and how you can use it in your own life.  You will come to understand the body’s capacity to heal through its own energy system which is related to your health but not just physically.

    By learning to heal and align your energies you not only promote physical healing, but you also heal you’re mental health, your finances, your relationships, and much more.  Donna will help you tap into your innate healing ability that you have always had but have just forgotten how to use. By learning about this area you open your life force by releasing blocks and allowing flow, this flow can create rapid healing in all areas of your life.

    Are you a skeptic? Perfect? It is very rare to have a free energy medicine training so this is your chance to take what Eden teaches you and put it to the test. As we have said many times, you MUST put it to the test by ACTUALLY doing what she teaches you, it does you no good to attend, try her methods once and say it does not work.  In the case of this event you will learn Simple tools you can use immediately to balance your personal energy systems.

    Skeptic or believer, novice or professional, everyone will gain from this rare opportunity to hear Eden.  She has work with people around the world for decades and have trained many, she is a joy to listen to, and her methods and techniques are powerful.   To learn more about this energy medicine free training or to attend you can reserve your seat now at no charge. You will automatically receive an email telling you that you are registered and a reminder of when the workshop is approaching.  This one Shift Network Live webcast you are not going to want to miss especially if you are suffering or in the professional field.