Author: Desire and Belief

  • Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation

    Bob Stahl Mindfulness MeditationThere is a Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation training event coming up that is complimentary and online.  This event is entitled Mindfulness for Healing: Transform Your Experience of Stress, Illness & Pain for Greater Comfort, Ease & Joy. Most of us have heard of Mindfulness Mediation but many are still unclear of what it is or how it can benefit one’s mind and body.

    What is Mindfulness Meditation?

    This practice is designed to bring your awareness to the present moment.  Being present at all times is one of the best things we can do for ourselves however with today’s world it can be so very difficult.  Bob Stahl will go much deeper into what this type of meditation is and tell you exactly what it is not.

    What are the Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation?

    The benefits of this type of meditation practice are very powerful and can promote great healing of the body and mind.  This practice actually changes your brain a good way, by learning to stay present you can thwart of things like worry, stress, and some studies show that is can protect your brain from mental illness.  Additional Benefits Include:

    • Improving the way you hear sound
    • It helps the brain even when you are not actively practicing it
    • It makes your calmer and therefore more compassionate and helpful to others
    • You can sleep better and ease pain by transforming the way you see and feel it
    • Some studies show that it can help you fight off viruses etc. by supporting your immune system It can help with losing weight
    • You can have greater sense of happiness and peace
    • Plus much more

    One thing during this Bob Stahl Mindfulness training that will be shared is the big difference between healing yourself and being cured. We love this aspect because there is a big difference but so many may view them as the same.

    Why Attend the Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation Training?

    There are many reasons to attend this Shift Network Event, for ease of reading here they are:

    • Bob has founded seven mindfulness-based stress reduction programs so he is considered an expert and someone well worth learning from
    • You will learn mindfulness meditation techniques to help you transform your stress, pain or illness
    • You will discover what is mindful breathing, how it can help, and how to do it
    • Mindfulness meditation can be quite a complex process but Bob Stahl explains it in an easy-to-understand way
    • To get a free mini training from Bob is quite the opportunity
    • Discover the research supporting the all the benefits of this practice
    • Plus much more

    Mindfulness meditation can benefit your life in so many ways so if you have been curious about it this is an event not to be missed.  Also if you have never heard of this practice but suffer from ailments, stress, worry, or just want a life of greater wellbeing and ease then you can learn more about this Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation training event presented by the Shift Network by going to the main site here.

  • Ways to Turn Fear into Fuel

    There are many different ways to turn fear into fuel and for so many fear can halt someone right in their tracks.  There is good fear and negative fear and sometimes in the midst of the feeling the reactions can cross wired. In this article we will share what has worked for us and for many as well as cover the basics.

    ways to turn fear into fuel

    What is Good Fear What is Negative Fear?

    Good, healthy fear is what protects us, we need this to stay out of danger, for example if you’re in the woods and you see a bear your good fear tells you what to do to stay out of danger.  This type of fear is part of our protection and has been inbred in us from the beginning.

    Negative fear falls into many categories such as phobias and anxiety beyond ones control.  A fear of the dentist, flying on a plane, or even generalized anxiety about people or events would be some examples of this type of terror. This is not to say that these are not just as frightening or important as healthy fear however when this type of fear gets out of control your logical mind takes a vacation and what is left if symptoms of anxiety and more.

    Ways to Turn Fear into Fuel

    When you take what frightens you and rewire it, it can lessen and in many times dissipate. However this is easier said than done but it can be accomplished with practice. Here is how you can turn fear into fuel:

    1. Recognize it and acknowledge it – As you may have read I am taking the Elevate Your Life course with Jennifer McLean. During the last session she spoke of this and explained that when you recognize your fear and notice it is there you not only can dig deeper into what is behind the fear.  You can also lessen the power of fear by simply taking notice of it instead of denying it.
    2. Find out what is behind it- many people have are scared of something but are unsure why. They may fear dogs without ever having a bad experience. When you listen to yourself and really take the time to hear what the fear is saying you can uncover the root and hopefully resolve it.
    3. Retrain your brain– with the new science coming out all the time brain retraining has proven to be quite effective. There are several ways to rewire your mind which include hypnotherapy, EFT, meditation, and other brain retraining techniques.
    4. Breath – Yes you have heard it before but deep breathing works, if you are not finding that it works for you practice it at home several times a day so it becomes natural and look into limbic breathing.
    5. If you are right smack dab in the center of an anxiety attack this exercise has helped me in the past. Let’s say you are sitting in the doctor’s waiting room and you feel it welling up and deep breathing does not seem to be enough. Look around your and use your senses:
    • I see 5 things– a desk that is brown, and wall that is blue, a shirt that is yellow, socks that are plaid, a picture of a tree
    • I hear 4 things – people talking, crinkling of paper, an overhead speaker, and a child crying
    • I smell 3 things- a women’s perfume, cleaning product, and my hand lotion
    • I feel 2 things – material on my pants, leather on my chair
    • I taste 1 thing- the gum in my mouth

    By using all the senses you distract yourself and while other techniques may not work we have found that this one works quite well.

    It you have ways to turn fear into fuel we have not mentioned please share them with us and our reader in the comment below.

  • National Tell a Story Day

    April 27 is National Tell a Story Day this day was created to share stories whether it be fictional, nonfiction, a life memory, or even a tale you imagined. We are unsure how this day originated and no matter how to choose to celebrate we suggest you use this day to change your own story.  By taking the time to rewrite your life story you open your mind and life to endless possibilities.

    national tell a story day

    How to Celebrate National Tell a Story Day

    As mentioned above you can celebrate with any story you like, however we would like to point out the benefits changing your life story and claiming it.  Most people struggle with past, with letting go of memories or issues that keep coming back to haunt them.  These memories or beliefs affect your current state whether it is finances, health, relationships and so on, by shifting your story on paper and aloud you will begin to view things much differently and things that you desire in life will simply show up.  These may be subtle at first but the more you read that story and tell it the quicker these things will manifest in your life.

    How to Change Your Life Story

    To recreate your life story we first look at what you are telling yourself and what issues in your life trigger negative or unpleasant emotions.  For example:

    • Did you have an unpleasant childhood and these memories keep bubbling up in your life?
    • Were you abandoned or rejected at some point and now find yourself needing others around constantly?
    • Were you’re brought up poor and find yourself with “not enough” today?
    • Are your suffering from health issues that plague your daily life?

    By simply taking the examples above or your own thoughts and beliefs and changing them completely on paper you make your first shift. Now some say that is not reality, but take a look at your life now can you see any circumstances in your life that you have created? Here is an example:

    “As a child to get out of school or anything else you did not want to do you had to be ill, so you did whatever you could to pretend you were sick.  Are you sick today?  Do you have an illness?  If you spent years trying to get out of things pretending you were sick it would certainly explain why you may be sick today.”

    Take your life past present and future and write it down as you would like it to be:

    “I had a wonderful childhood, my parents were loving and attentive, we always had what we needed, and I felt secure. Going to school was a wonderful experience everyone was so kind to me, I learned so much and made positive lifelong friends.  I now have the career I love and always make enough money, I am surrounded by positive encouraging people and have the mate of my dreams.  My income will double by next year and we are taking my dream vacation as well as purchasing a new home with cash.”

    If you can recall as a child your imagination was endless, you never questioned as much as you do now.  As we grow older we do not lose that imagination we just focus so much on what we believe to be reality that we stop using that dream imagination that was so magical. On National Tell a Story Day recreate your life story and tell to someone you love and don’t let it end today, keep adding to it, make your dream life into a book, you may be surprised at what happens in your life!


  • Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing

    Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for HealingAyurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing is With David Crow. During it you will discover Ancient Remedies to Safely Balance Your Energy System.

    During this event you will be taking into the captivating world of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient healing tradition hailing from India.

    While Ayurveda is well-known, its profound connection to essential oils often remains a mystery. However, these potent tools have served as Ayurvedic practitioners’ secret weapons for centuries. It facilitates healing, harmonizes energetic types (doshas), and optimizes life force (prana).


    By embracing the daily use of essential oils, you unlock the gateway to transformative experiences, fostering balance, harmony, and vibrant health. This complimentary virtual workshop featuring is with David Crow, who is a pioneer in the realm of botanical medicine.

    Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing

    Embark on an enlightening journey as David Crow, a revered teacher and trailblazer in botanical medicine.

    He will explain the profound synergy between Ayurveda and essential oils for healing. With his wisdom, David will put together insights from diverse healing practices, casting essential oils in an entirely new light.

    Safe and Empowering Home Remedies

    This webcast is designed to equip you with the knowledge of safely and effectively incorporating essential oils into your home “medicine cabinet.”

    David imparts invaluable guidance on essential oil usage, outlining essential do’s and don’ts.

    By following these principles, you gain the confidence tointegrate essential oils into your daily routine, unlocking their potential for well-being.


    Essential Oils Tailored to Your Body Type

    David’s expertise guides you through the intricate process of identifying essential oils perfectly attuned to your energetic constitution.

    These tailored oils, will restore equilibrium and  harmony within your being. This healing begins with the precise fusion of essential oils and your individual essence.

    Channeling Pranic Power: The Essence of Essential Oils

    You will go into realm of prana, the life force that courses through all existence. Each essential oil encapsulates a distinct pranic essence.

    David sheds light on the interplay between essential oils and your well-being. With this knowledge, you tap into the  potential of essential oils, engaging in a holistic journey towards vibrant health.

    David’s Exquisite Essential Oil Selection

    He will also unveil a curated selection of his favorite essential oils, celebrated for their therapeutic virtues.

    Among his cherished recommendations lie the aromas of rose, vetiver, sandalwood, agarwood, and jatamansi.

    You’ll discover their unique qualities and diverse applications. Plus,  you will come to understand how they amplify your healing.

    Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing

    Harness the power of essential oils within the realm of Ayurveda, harmonizing your energy system and transcending to new levels of well-being.

    David Crow, the visionary founder of Floracopeia, invites you to join the virtual workshop, “The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing: Ancient Remedies to Safely Balance Your Energy System.”

    You will gain the wisdom distilled within essential oils, permeating your body, mind, and soul. Seize this extraordinary opportunity to unravel the secrets of Ayurvedic healing intertwined with essential oils.

    Register now for this complimentary online workshop, and let the alchemy of Ayurveda and essential oils guide you towards holistic well-being.


  • How To Let Go Of Family Issues

    One of the most difficult things may people struggle with is how to let go of family issues.  I myself have struggled with that quite often, you can find yourself at peace and then the next thing you know you are exposed to a member of your family and it all comes rushing back.  There are ways to resolve these issues some work quicker than others and some require some ongoing work, but if you truly desire to let them go these techniques are well worth the time.

    Struggles with family members range from severely traumatic to mild annoyances but either way they can greatly affect your life.  Some main issues with family members seem to be guilt, rejection, neglect, and fear, depending on a person’s life these emotions could have come from an ongoing action by a relative or a onetime statement or action that has stuck with you for all this time.  Either way they are painful or whether you realize it or not affect almost every area of your life including your health.

    How to let go of family issues

    How to Let Go of Family Issues

    The beliefs and fears instilled in your mind by family can be some of the hardest obstacles to overcome.  The techniques and methods below are quite effective and work very quickly but you have to practice them.

    Some people say that you chose your family members before you were born, that you made a soul agreement so to speak.  You knew at the time you chose these souls that there was something in this life you have to accomplish or succeed at such as forgiveness.  Whether you believe this is the case or not take a moment right now and imagine this were true for you and you did choose them.   What are you supposed to learn? What are these family members evoking in you emotion wise and is it something?   What lesson are you supposed to learn?  If you really try this you may be surprised and what you come up with, here is an example:

    Your mother and father were not mean but were neglectful, they were too busy for your essential needs such as love and acceptance.  They were always there and there were many good times but the love and the security of knowing you could always go to them was not there.

    How does the above scenario affect you now?

    Some ways may include:

    • Always looking for acceptance
    • People pleasing
    • Becoming ultra-dependent and possessive of others

    How could you view this scenario differently so you can let go of family issues?

    If you take the idea of you chose this soul before you were born you can look at the scenario as if you chose them so in this life you could achieve self-love.

    Another way to look at this scenario is that both the mother and the father were children once, what was there childhood like? Was it the same? Full of neglect? If so the parents were just doing what they were taught and what they knew best, it was not that they were intending to hurt you it was simply the way they were treated.

    Taking from the above imagine both the mother and father as children, pull out some of their childhood pictures if you have them.  Imagine those little children that you see in your mind or in the photos being as hurt as you, wanting love and security but always searching and never receiving. By looking at parents in this way you can see them as hurting souls who just did the best they could with the knowledge they had at hand.

    Now the above are conscious ways when it comes to how to let go of family issues, there are many ways you can work with your subconscious mind.  One very effect way is using EFT tapping to let go of the past, EFT or The Emotional Freedom technique is one of the quickest ways we have found to work with a plethora of issues.    The key is to be gentle with yourself when looking at these issues and do not spend a ton of time asking why but asking what can I learn from this and how can it be a benefit verses a curse.

  • Food Revolution Summit

    food revolution summitThe John and Ocean Robbins Food Revolution Summit 2016 is coming up soon and in preparation for it there are a few quizzes you can take.  While these are not necessary we think they are worth taking because not only do they prep you for the summit but they test your knowledge about how much you know about the food you and your family eats.

    GMO Online Quiz

    While no one wants to spend their days focusing on the negative that still does not mean one should not be educated.  If you are desiring to change your life and your thoughts or body are in the way becoming aware of genetically modified organisms as well as the food you buy can help.  This quiz only takes a minute and measures your GMO IQ, we were quite surprised to find out how wrong we were about some things.  The GMO quiz only takes about a minute and was created by John and Ocean and after you take you get an invite to the Food Revolution summit.

    Is Your Food Aging You Quiz?

    This fun quiz was developed John and Ocean Robbins as well, both of them have written about the relationship between food and aging. It you have ever looked at either of them they look quite young and John is nearly 70.  Now if you are like most people if your looks are going down you make think it is all genetics, but it turns out it has a more to do and don’t eat.  This is another chance to get some wonderful education on how what you eat affects your ability to look and feel and how your current eating habits are working for or against you.

    The Food Revolution Summit 2016

    Now to the big event, this is the 5th annual summit and during the event you get to hear John Robbins interviewing many extraordinary speakers such as

    • Christiane Northrup MD
    • Mark Hyman, MD
    • Joel Fuhrman, MD
    • Jane Goodall Ph.D
    • David Perlmutter, MD
    • Vani Hari
    • Plus many more

    You will be educated on pesticides, hormones, GMOs, chemical concoctions, factory farms and more and although this may sound scary you will also learn practical information that helps you with current issues.  Now most know that sugar effects the mind and body but other foods you eat cause or exacerbate things like:

    • Poor sleep
    • Anxiety and Stress
    • Depression
    • Your ability to lose and gain weight
    • Your memory
    • And more

    You will also discover some amazing things like:

    • How to prevent cancer with mushrooms
    • The healthful Quality of nuts
    • The 100% organic state
    • Healthy food at lower prices
    • Plus more

    Now we must be honest in the past we were not interested too much in the truth about food, we ate healthy and thought was enough. However after learning more about the foods that are available it has become a most interesting and beneficial subject.  To learn how to improve your health of yourself and love ones check out the John and Ocean Robbins Food Revolution Summit 2016 here.