Author: Desire and Belief

  • Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes

    change your thoughts change your life quotes wayne dyerWe have gathered together some of the best Change your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes for you today. If you have not read this Wayne Dyer Book we highly recommend it.  There is also there is a video you can watch if you like however the book is still a one of many life changing books we love.  We hope these quotes inspire you to have a wonderful Monday and a fulfilling week.

    Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes

    “Living by being instead of trying”

    “Quit accumulating points for being right!”

    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

    “a good man is but a bad man’s teacher, and a bad man is but a good man’s job.”

    “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Tao is both named and nameless. As nameless it is the origin of all things; as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations. And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding.”

    “Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing? Are you willing to be made nothing? dipped into oblivion? If not, you will never really change.”

    “Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer…judge less and listen more. Take time to open your mind to the fascinating mystery and uncertainty that we all experience.”

    “When expectations are shattered, practice allowing that to be the way it is. Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer…judge less and listen more. Take time to open your mind to the”

    “A composer once told me that the silence from which each note emerges is more important than the note itself.”

    “Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer . . . judge less and listen more.”

    “Love vanquishes all attackers, it is impregnable in defense. When heaven wants to protect someone, does it send an army? No, it protects him with love.”

    “The things we love we have to learn to leave alone.”

    “We must bask in the magnificence of what is seen and sensed, instead of always memorizing and categorizing.”

    “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. — George Bernard Shaw”

    “Seek the pleasure in what you’re doing, rather than in how it might ultimately benefit you.”

    “Do the Tao Now Copy the following words and apply them to yourself: I came from greatness. I must be like what I came from. I will never abandon my belief in my greatness and the greatness of others. Read these words daily, perhaps by posting them conspicuously where you can see them. They will serve to remind you of the truth of your own greatness. Meditate for ten minutes today, focusing on your inner greatness.”

    “Remember that every use of force, even the smallest, creates a counterforce.”

    “Focus on understanding yourself instead of blaming others.”

    “Remind yourself daily that there is no way to happiness; rather, happiness is the way.”

    You can watch the inspirational Wayne Dyer video  and please share with us your favorite Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes by leaving a comment below.



  • Brainprints Subliminal Messages

    brainprints subliminal messagesBrainprints subliminal messages is now offering a free prosperity download created by Morry Zelcovitch brainwave entrainment engineer.  If you have read our past posts about subliminals and been wanting to try them or have used them before and want to add to your collection this is one complimentary gift you do not want to miss out on.

    Many wonder are subliminal messages safe just as they wonder if hypnosis and other methods are safe.  The short answer is yes but we will go into a little more detail.  When it comes to the mind anyone can abuse power over it, if a product is designed to improve your prosperity, memory, and so on then using it is safe because the creator has a positive goal intention.  To listen to the Brainprints technology you simply turn it on, relax and listen, however if people are still unsure about the safety of using subliminal messages or any other brainwave entrainment we suggest a few things:

    • Try before you buy- find a free gift such as the Morry Zelcovitch Free Download
    • Listen while you are alert – sit somewhere awake and alert also not while driving and listen, by doing this you can ease your fear because you are making a conscious attempt to hear what the recording is saying and also you do not feel so vulnerable because you are not in a relaxed state.

    Brainprints Subliminal Messages

    As mentioned this is designed for prosperity and although most think automatically that means wealth it is so much more. If you have not heard of Morry is the only certified brainwave entrainment engineer around and he developed this product that contains many of the best self-improvement methods and technologies including hypnosis and more. This technology allows your brain to absorb the subliminal messages like a sponge by penetrating all three hemisphere of your brain- left, right and center. This subliminal mp3 covers of course greatly covers wealth but also prosperity in life such as relationships, health, and an overall more positive life.  With this recording you can rewrite your brain’s blueprint for wealth and prosperity.

    People who have used this so far have has some wonderful results and one great benefit is that although this is geared towards prosperity is also reduces stress and makes you think more positively.  When you get your free download we suggest before you listen to take a few moments to center yourself and before you begin playing it go in with intent.  Such as:

    • Why do you want more prosperity?
    • In what areas of your life do you want it in? Keep in mind again this is geared towards wealth however you can go picture yourself with more than one intent.

    Although the above are not needed to get the Brainprints subliminal messages to work, they work automatically with your mind, it is still always a good idea to visualize what you want before your relax and let the subliminal mp3 do the work. This Morry Zelcovitch free download audio is only for a limited period to give people a personal experience of this amazing life-changing technology so you will want to grab yours straight away.


  • Recode Your DNA For Wealth

    The Recode Your DNA For Wealth Dawn Clark program is one we have written about before in our Mice and Cherry Blossoms post.  Currently Dawn is giving away some wonderful free resources that will explain and help you recode your DNA for success.

    You may have recode your dna for wealthheard that you past affects your current and future state but you may not have heard how your ancestor’s experiences may also effect where you are today.  If you parents, grandparents or anyone help in you history were subjected to poverty or any other situation that could cause lack of wealth it may explain why you today suffer from “not enough.” While this article focuses on success and money this patterns of the past can affect areas of relationships, love, health and much more.  This may seem unbelievable to you, but if our bodies can store memories why then could we not store our relative’s memories in our DNA?

    Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene

    To help you gain a better understanding of this Dawn Clark is offering a free copy of her book entitled Jumpstart your Wealth Gene.  Inside this book you will learn how you can be holding DNA from the past that limits your current success and abundance.  You will not only get an understanding of this but you can learn to identify which triggers may be holding you back and what steps you need to take to remedy it.

    Recode Your DNA For Wealth Webinar

    There is also a free webinar that compliments the eBook that you can attend and during it Dawn Clark will guide you in activating your our Wealth Gene. Now just so you are aware the book and the webinar takes you far beyond the Law of Attraction because it involves science which is great for the skeptics out there. However if you are not a skeptic or are not suffering financially this event is still for you because during it you will discover:

    • The main reason why you can’t seem to reach your dreams and what to do about it
    • How to shatter the old patterns
    • How to reclaim your life by making some quick internal repairs
    • How to transform challenges into exciting opportunities
    • Overcome 6 Generations of Scarcity Programming
    • Turn on Success and Prosperity With Scientifically-Proven Methods
    • Discover the Secret to Activating Your Wealth Gene
    • Find out which of the 7 WIN-States is yours
    • Find out 6 Steps to Succeed Where Others Fail
    • How to Recode your DNA for Wealth and prosperity
    • And More

    If you have been trying everything you know out there to try and enhance and improve areas of your life with little to no success you will want to grab a copy of Jumpstart your Wealth Gene.  After you do that you will automatically be notified of when the Dawn Clark Recode Your DNA for Wealth webinar will be happening and how to can register to attend at no charge.

  • What Is Christ Consciousness

    what is Christ ConsciousnessWhat is Christ Consciousness is a question that comes up quite often, when people hear of it that automatically think of Christianity.  While it is obvious that Christ a Christian figure Christ Consciousness is for everyone.  It was a bit confusing for us at first and quite honestly still is a bit, but it is becoming clearer.

    What is Christ Consciousness?

    The term means different things to different people however the term has become more popular in recent years and to many it means a level of intellect and spiritual and emotional maturity.  To others it means that you can transform human consciousness by using the spiritual blueprint that was part of Christ’s life. Christ being both divine and human his life serves has a map or grid how this type of consciousness is within you.

    Sound confusing?  It’s not however we are not experts and when someone who is well versed in this area explains it, it become much clearer.   Which leads us to Andrew Harvey Mystic, Author, Speaker, and the founder of Sacred Activism Institute.  The Shift Network many event with Harvey, in fact, he is one of the favorite teaches they have. There is an online, free event coming up that will share with you more about this subject in an easy to absorb way.

    How to Achieve Christ Consciousness?

    By attending the Andrew Harvey Christ Consciousness webinar you will not only gain a better understanding of what it is but also how you can achieve it. This event is designed for Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, and spiritual seekers.   And you will learn that Christ consciousness means:

    • Recognition that you can attain it
    • Opening your heart
    • Awakening to divinity
    • Taking a path of sacred action
    • Living it in each moment

    You will also learn How to understand the Christ Consciousness grid map and how transformation to this type of consciousness is available to all. Andrew Harvey Christ Path shares with you how his life has hidden keys to healing and creating a more divine life as well as secrets of transfiguration.  You will also be able to learn about the Christ Path Advanced Intensive that takes you even further into understanding and achieving this consciousness.  If this still sounds a bit confusing not to worry the event coming up is free of charge and Andrew Harvey has a way of taking his complex understanding and relaying it in a clear concise way.

    If you’ve ever been drawn or inspired by the teachings of Christ and strive to live as he did and feel that Christianity or any religion it to rigid then the Andrew Harvey Christ Consciousness event is for you. You will not only discover the answer to what is Christ consciousness but also learn how you can personally achieve it.  Like all Shift Network course events if you have trouble or an issue with the time that this event is scheduled for as long as you register for free you will receive the recording after the event has completed.



  • Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora

    tantra touch psalm isadoraThe Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora Mindvalley Masterclass is a complimentary online event designed to take your relationship and intimacy to the next level. Now this may not be for everyone but we wanted to cover it because so many people long for a deeper level of intimacy in their relationships, it this sounds like you read on for a brief review of the event.

    Psalm Isadora is an internationally renowned  Expert and Relationship Guru who is the star of Playboy TV’s reality show Cougar Club and founder of the coaching program Urban Kama Sutra. The full title of this event is Tantra: The Art of Sacred Sexuality and during it you will discover the Psalm Isadora Tantric teaching on the 4 techniques to take your to the next level.  You will also learn the essence of tantra which is that true love starts from within, from loving yourself. No matter where you are in your relationship this event will enhance and assist how you are with your partner and what you will discover are things that you have never been taught before.

    Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora Training Event

    During this Mindvalley Masterclass you will discover how to connect with your sexual Shakti by doing this you will

    • Experience more energy
    • Discover deeper intimacy
    • Become more fearlessness in your life through simple practices

    Psalm will help you Understand how the mind-body-spirit aspect of Tantra can transform not only your intimacy but also every other part of your life.  By embracing your this aspect you can enhance your career, your finances, your friendships and more.  It is rare to come across tantra classes that are free and this event share with you how you can Break the pleasure barriers in your mind to unleash more passion and more drive in your life which not only helps your relationship but surprisingly slows down aging.

    By attending this event Psalm Isadora will take you through The Tantric Heart Exercise. This Tantric exercise has 2 parts that are quite simple and will allow you to release your heart from your mind and turn your dominant thoughts from fear-based to intimacy-based. She will also take you through 2 more experiences which are:

    • The Transformational Sound Breath Exercise
    • The Bliss Breath Exercise and Featherweight Touch Massage

    The Sound Breath Exercise is designed to liberate you from your intimacy blocks and activate your intimate right brain. The Bliss Breath and the Featherweight touch are a wonderful combination Tantra technique that will rid you of intimacy blocks such as trust issues, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, insecurity, traumas and other harmful patterns from childhood.  This is going to be a powerful event for anyone and the fact that it is free of charge is quite surprising many trantra classes cost a bit.  If you are desiring to take your relationship deeper then you will not want to miss the Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora  The Art Of Sacred Sexuality Mindvalley Masterclass.