Author: Desire and Belief

  • Success Signature Jennifer McLean

    success signature jennifer mcleanThe Success Signature Jennifer McLean program is now open. I have taken her Spontaneous Transformation  certification and  Elevate Your Life Course I am pretty excited about this program.  If you have been want to start a business or have one and want to take it to the next level this is for you.

    Jennifer McLean Healing with the Masters creator is also a, Success Coach, healer and multimillionaire wellness entrepreneur.  She is no stranger to healing or business which makes this program very exciting. Over decades of her entrepreneurial career, she had worked with and launched some of the biggest names in healing, automotive, consumer tech, retail and electronics as well as her own company. Now this may sound like a program just designed for business owners but that is not the case.

    No matter where you are in life right now either established in business or want to start one that truly want to help others the Success Signature program is worth looking at. Like most of our events we cover, Jennifer McLean is offering a few things for you at no charge. She does this for a few reasons.  First to introduce you to her style and what she teaches and second so you can create your own review.  With the amount of complimentary information she is giving you, you can make an educated decision on whether his course if for you.

    Success Accelerator Blueprint

    This is one of Jennifer’s new manuals that she is giving away at no charge. Within you will learn about many things including the 5 Success Signature Codes that when activated unleash all possibilities. These codes are not generalized but are unique to you and your life.

    Success Signature Jennifer McLean Webinar Series

    Also as part of the Success Signature review you get access to her complimentary webinar series. Which includes:

    • The Prosperity Formula
    • Keystone That Helped Her Earn Her First Million Bucks
    • How to Receive What You Want Now

    Once your decide to attend one of these trainings you get access to all three. The first Success Signature Jennifer McLean webinar like all of them contain healing, transformation, and activation.  Also during this webinar she shares the codes that every successful entrepreneur has. She will share these with you and so you can unlock your prosperity consciousness and abundance.

    The second webinar Keystone That Helped Her Earn Her First Million Bucks Jennifer is revealing how she used these codes to create her first million.  Once you learn this you can start applying her principles and life lessons to your own business or future one.  This Training is the key to forward momentum, growth, impact and prosperity. In this webinar the title says it all, it is the most powerful one in the series so you do not want to miss it.

    The Success Signature Jennifer McLean program will help you build your business on your terms, in your uniquely brilliant way and generate solid income. You’ll also get access to the whole 5-part process and an Exclusive Success Accelerator Blueprint to immediately ignite your genius into a full-blown, success-from-the-heart business. Plus, she’s even throwing in another exclusive healing-into-success a gift for those who watch the whole webinar.

  • Shamanic Wisdom Summit

    shamanic wisdom summitThe Shamanic Wisdom Summit is coming up soon and you can register for it now.  This year’s Shift Network webcast is hosted by Michael Stone and has a wonderful lineup of speakers. This 3 day event is complimentary and whether you are curious about Shamanism or are seasoned this event is not to be missed.


    The Shamanism Summit speakers include Lynn V Andrews, Sandra Ingerman,Alberto Villoldo, PhD,don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Betsy Bergstrom,John Perkins, José Luis Stevens, Lena Stevens HeatherAsh Amara,Itzhak Beery, Imelda Almqvist, Evelyn C. Rysdyk,Jan Engels-Smith, Hank Wesselman,Jill Kuykendall,Nicki Scully,Llyn Roberts, Kate Shela,and Marcela Lobos. These speakers will take you on a Journey into the Heart of Ancient Spiritual Wisdom with Shamanic Practices. This event is appropriate for any spiritual path because what you will discover can be applied to your life not matter what your beliefs.

    Shamanic Wisdom Summit

    During this summit you will touch on many different areas of the Shaman such as:

    • The art of seeing, as a path to power and mastery
    • Shamanic journeying basics
    • Realms of consciousness
    • How to get guidance from the upper and lower worlds
    • The ceremony of shamanism for healings, blessings and rites of passage
    • How to balance material and spiritual experiences of human living.
    • Learn about “possession illness” and how shamanism can help
    • The medicine wheel to understand the shamanic relationship between the masculine and feminine
    • Discover your “inner fire”
    • Plus more


    Why Attend?

    By attending the Shamanic Wisdom Summit you will be introduced to the power of living a shamanic way of life. As mentioned if you are a Shaman this event is for you as well. You will learn How to tap into your intuitive power and gain tools from ridding negative thoughts. What is most exciting is that you will learn your role as a co-creator with the world   and gain a deeper reverence for nature.

    If you know nothing about Shamanism at all you will still be pleased with this summit.  It will allow you to deepen your connection with life, have more fulfilling relationships, and shapeshift your story.  When you learn the way of the Shaman you are learning a way to embrace both your masculine and feminine energy.  By doing so you change your personal life while still helping to transform our world.

    The Shamanism Wisdom Summit event will open your up to a new way of viewing and living life.  When hearing of the Shaman it can be a bit confusing or unsettling for those who do not understand it. That is exactly why this webcast is worth attending.  This wonderful line up of speakers with cover so many topics that will enlighten you and empower you.

    Also when you register for free you will get a bonus gift from Michael Stone. This gift is a welcome message that explains Shamanism for personal and global healing. This webcast only comes around once a year and is a rare opportunity to learn about this way of life free of charge.  To learn more about the event or to register you can go to the Shift Network Course Website.

  • Independence Day Quotes and Sayings

    Independence Day Quotes and SayingsIndependence Day is  on July 4th in the United States.  Also known as the fourth of July it celebrates American Independence. What a wonderful day to celebrate or create your own independence!  In honor of this day we have gathered some Independence Day quotes and sayings.

    Independence Day Quotes and Sayings

    True freedom is the capacity for acting according to one’s true character, to be altogether one’s self, to be self-determined and not subject to outside coercion. Corliss Lamont

    There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.  William J. Clinton

    Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.  Abraham Lincoln

    Patriotism is like charity – it begins at home. Henry James

    Let freedom never perish in your hands.  Joseph Addison

    Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.  Dwight D. Eisenhower

    I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom.  Simone de Beauvoir

    You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence. William J. H. Boetcker

    Work is about more than making a living, as vital as that is. It’s fundamental to human dignity, to our sense of self-worth as useful, independent, free people. William J. Clinton

    For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?  Ralph Waldo Emerson

    In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved. Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.  Moshe Dayan

    Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of ‘crackpot’ than the stigma of conformity. Thomas J. Watson

    Those who won our independence… valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty. Louis D. Brandeis

    Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence. David Ben-Gurion

    The independence of the United States is not only more precious to ourselves but to the world than any single possession. Henry Cabot Lodge

    What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes. Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal. Will Durant

    We Hope you enjoy these Independence Day Quotes and Sayings. If you have any other ones share them in the comment section below. Have a Happy and Safe 4th of  July!

  • Health Talks Online Summit

    health talks online summitThe Health Talks Online Summit event are very popular.  They cover a myriad of different topics with many expert speakers.  From Fibromyalgia to Essential oils these events provide a wealth of information at no charge.  We will cover the event schedule of upcoming summits and of course keep you posted through are newsletter of the other free events.

    Soul of Healing Summit

    This Summit is taking place soon and you can register for it at no charge.  This event is designed to empower you to use power of your mind, emotions and spirit for self-healing. Some of the topics covered during this event include:

    • How to control your DNA and rewire your brain for optimal health
    • Practices and technologies that you can utilize for self-healing.
    • How to break the emotional-physical pain cycle and heal the emotional root cause of illness
    • Whole person approach to radical self-healing.
    • Scientifically backed, miraculous healing benefits of true energy medicine
    • Overcoming illness through lifestyle practices
    • Soulful approach to medicine and learn the spiritual secrets of health

    Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit

    This Health Talks Online Summit provides you with ways to help you prevent, slow down and even reverse Alzheimer’s and dementia.   During this event you will learn about:

    • How integrative medicine and natural remedies can improve your memory and overall brain function
    • Learn about the latest research and cutting-edge techniques to improve brain function.
    • How to avoid food allergies, inflammation and dementia by eating the right diet and taking the best supplements.
    • Find out what conventional medicine isn’t telling you about Lyme disease, aluminum toxicity and much more
    • Find out how to effectively prevent memory loss, avoid expensive (life-threatening) mistakes and properly detoxify the body without harming yourself in the process.

    Health Talks Online Summit

    The above are just 2 of the many upcoming events.  There is also the Sleep Success Summit and The Essentials Oils Revolution 2 that are coming up soon. We will cover these either here on the site or send you a notification via are newsletter.  The Soul of Healing Summit is starting soon and we are pretty excited about this one.  With the expert speakers they have during this event we are sure to gain some powerful information.

    With all the Health Talks Online Summits they have a wealth of information at no charge. The speakers are all experts in their fields and provide this information to help you live the best life possible.  If you cannot attend all the days of the event they have accommodated that as well. When you register for any of the events they have an encore day as well as an option to own the entire summit!   This makes it easy for each and every one of us to get this life changing information without have search for it.

    When you subscribe to the Personal Growth Newsletter we will send ALL free information about the Health Talks Online Summit events. We will also provide you with many other free webinars and resources so you can pick and choose on what fits your needs best. If you have any questions about these events or anything else feel free to contact us.


  • Shakti Summit

    Shakti SummitThe Shift Network Shakti Summit is free and online. This year there is a line up experts on relationships and spiritual teaches such as Marianne Williamson and Jean Shinoda.  The event is hosted by Lisa Schrader and by attending you can recommend with your natural Feminine essence.

    Shakti Energy is something many women lose touch with.  It is an energy of love, vitality and spiritual wisdom.  When one becomes disconnected from it they disconnect from themselves and those around them. When embraced it is a deep source of power that creates limitless possibilities.  In today’s world, life, self-doubt and cultural messages often separate women from this power.  When this happens there is a significant drop in energy.

    When you have this energy depletion you lose touch with that inner source of life.  Your internal light dims as well as your creativity.  You may feel empty uninspired or isolated.  There is a way to reconnect with your feminine essence. This will put you back on a loving path of abundant joy and sensuality and embrace the true beauty and blessings of your womanhood.

    Shakti Summit

    This event is designed to guide you back to your Shakti. By attending, you become part of a global sisterhood. From young to old you will gather with women who recognize and honor their Shakti as the source of their pleasure and power. The magnificent speakers during this event will be sharing insights and practices to help you tap into your Shakti. No matter where you are in life if you are single or in a relationship you’ll receive deep insights from luminous teachers about practical ways to bring more pleasure into each day.

    You will learn how to let you feminine essence can truly shine in all you do plus discover how to activate your Shakti. You will also discover:

    • How to love fully, with an open heart
    • How Deepen intimacy
    • How to create or attract a profound partnership D
    • Discover the joy of living each moment as sacred
    • Learn to love your body and heal old body-image issues
    • Open to receive and experience more pleasure
    • Tap into more energy and enthusiasm
    • Live out your highest purpose and calling

    After attending the Shakti Summit you will embody wholeness in all areas of your life as you start aligning more fully with your Shakti. You will discover the mysteries of your sensuality, spiritual gifts and feminine heart. By doing so you can become a magnetic source to all you desire.  This happens almost magically because you’re simply more radiantly attractive on all levels.  To learn more about the Shift Network Shakti Summit 2016 or to register at no charge you can go to the main website here.


  • 3 Secrets To Ending The Struggle

    3 secrets to ending the struggleThe 3 Secrets to Ending The Struggle and Making Your Life Work webinar is complimentary.  The host is Neale Donald Walsh Conversations with God author.  While this event is good for everyone it is especially beneficial for anyone who goes through their day discontented. Do you find yourself frustrated and wondering what to do or are your days blissful? If you feel like you are dealing with one struggle after another this is an event not to be missed.

    Do you ever find yourself wondering what God wants you to do? Or do you feel you may be going in the wrong direction?  These feelings hit everyone at one time or another and for many there is a point where these feeling are very strong.  When you hit this point it is your inner self or the divine calling to you and telling you it is a time for change. So many go through day to day routines dealing with one frustration after another. By the end of the day we are exhausted only to have to wake up and do it all over again. Neale Donald Walsch knows these feelings and during this event you will gain insight into how to change it all.

    3 Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work

    This incredible event is presented by Evolving Wisdom, and will show you how to radically change your entire experience of your life with a simple shift in the way you show up every day. Neale Donald Walsh has helped many with his webinars and courses.   Here is a bit of what you discover by attending this Conversations with God webinar:

    • End Your Struggles with Money, Relationships and Your Health
    • The 3 Secrets to Living a Life of Clarity and Ease
    • How To live life without stress or struggle
    • Wake up each morning feeling a sense of aliveness and abundance
    • How to have a stronger Connection both to others and to the world around you
    • Have less stress by knowing you will always  have enough time and money
    • How to attain this peace so you can take care of your needs and focus on your passions

    Along with the Conversations with God Books Neale has written many others. These books are on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. People who have attended any of Neale’s webcasts have wonderful reviews. Their relationships have improved, they have higher levels of joy, and their lives have progressed into a natural state of flow.  You will discover who you really are which allows you to start each day with purpose. Plus you will discover how to really communicate with divine guidance every day. If this is the kind of life you’d like to be living the 3 Secrets to Ending The Struggle and Making your Life work event is for you.