Author: Desire and Belief

  • How to Live Your Dreams In Life

    how to live your dreams in lifeWhen it comes to how to live your dreams in life it can be quite frustrating. You see others living the lifestyle you desire and wonder how they do it.  When it comes to living your dreams there are several things you could do with your mindset that can change everything.

    Many people think that a positive mindset is just fluff.  They believe the only way to success is to deal with your obstacles and work hard.  While these may be true, the mindset one has is just as important.  When issues come your way the right way of thinking assists you in how you overcome them.  When you have goals you want to reach if you have a lack mentality you may never reach them.

    There is a way of thinking that the successful and happy have.  It makes life obstacles, goals, and dream much easier. Positive thinking is a part of this dream building, as well as a few other key factors. These factors determine how you live, where you live, what obstacles come your way and much more.  This way of thinking is available to everyone. Many believe it is reserved for the elite few.  However when you adopt this way of thinking magical things happen.

    How to Live Your Dreams In Life

    First and foremost, check your thoughts while reading this. Are you thinking this is not true? Are you thinking this person has never been through what I have been through?  If so stop right there.

    It does not matter what anyone else has been through.  Those who have however and bounced back are people one should listen to. Why?  Because they are successful, they have been through life issues, and they have a way of thinking you do not.

    Face Your Fears Live Your Dreams

    If you face the fears you have you are on the right track.  You do not need to delve deep into your past life.  You just need to be honest with yourself of what you are afraid of.  This can be easier for some if they adopt a program of brain retraining.

    When you retrain your brain you retrain the way you think.  Facing your fears becomes more of a joyous goal and a journey rather than a scary chore.  By rewiring your mind obstacles are not as bad as they once were and your dreams do not seem out of reach.

    Keep Calm and Live Your Dreams

    You have all seen the “Keep Calm” pictures.  Staying calm and collected allows for an easier thinking process.  Ideas seem to flow in effortlessly and no matter what comes your way you know everything will be fine

    This is one of the most important parts in my opinion.  Stress makes everything worse.  If you have been wondering how to live your dreams  in life then staying relaxed is of the utmost importance.  This is just a tidbit of information but there is so many free resources available.  These will show you how to achieve the mindset to live your fullest life.

    If you have any helpful tips we would love to hear them! Leave us a comment below.

  • Mary Morrissey Dream Builder Webinar

    The Mary Morrissey Dream Builder webinar is coming up soon. In preparation for this event Mary has released a video series.  This training is free of charge and at this point the 1st to the 3rd video are ready to be viewed.

    Each of these videos covers a different topic.  But each topic has to do with living your dreams.  We all want that, there is not a person in the world that does not have at least one desire.  In this training Mary covers different reasons you may not be where you want to be in life.

    Dream Builder Webinar

    The Dreambuilder 2016 event will be powerful just like each year. Full of quality content and great speakers.  It is best however to watch the video trainings first. Doing this will give you a great intro to the webinar.  As mentioned there are 3 videos now released. Below is a short overview of what you may discover.

    Two hidden signals the Universe is sending you

    Many people ignore these signs.  But this two signals can help guide you to the life that you desire.  Mary Morrissey reveals these and explains why they can help you move forward quickly. You will also get the “Imagineering’ Action Guide.

    A  Forgotten Secret and the 3 Most Common Dream Traps and How to Avoid Them

    Within this video Mary shares a story about a stranger who shares an incredibly powerful metaphysical secret with her. Along with the Dream traps.  You will get the “Freedom from Fear” Action Guide as well.

    3 warning signs that you’re settling for LESS in life

    In this Dreambuilder Mary Morrissey video you will learn these warnings sign and what they are telling you.  You will also receive the “Where Are You Settling?” Action Guide.

    Advanced dream-building secrets

    This video has not yet been released. However when you watch any of the others you will be notified of when it is ready.  This training secrets will share with you secrets of the best dream builders.  She will also share with you how you can use them to call in your soulmate, transform your current relationship, skyrocket your level of time and money freedom, and much more.

    As you can see there is a lot of free quality content she is offering.  Whether you believe you are living your dreams or not you will gain a nugget or two by watching these.  Also when you watch any of the videos offered you will be notified of when the Dream Builder webinar will begin.

    Bestselling author and world-renowned transformational teacher, Mary Morrissey has helped many.  The Dream Builder Live  video series and webinar are just a few ways to learn more.  By watching and attending these you can form your own review of her and her teachings.

    To watch videos 1 through 3 and to be notified of the webcast you only need to register for one video. You will then have access to them all as well as the action guides.

  • Living From Your Soul Program with Neale Donald Walsch

    Living From Your Soul Program with Neale Donald WalschLiving From Your Soul Program with Neale Donald Walsch is complimentary. During it you will learn about activating your Soul’s Code.

    Have you ever felt a deep yearning for A life where you can immerse yourself in activities you love and unleash your inner brilliance? The key to unlocking such a life lies within you, in activating your soul’s code.

    This event is full of self-discovery as you discover how to ignite your soul’s code  to an extraordinary and fulfilling existence.


    Living From Your Soul Program with Neale Donald Walsch

    Buried deep within your being resides a remarkable instrument—an inner compass. It possesses the power to guide you towards a life that resonates with your true essence.

    Astonishingly, many are oblivious to this profound tool within themselves. By tapping into your soul’s code, you tap into wisdom, guidance, and direction to create a life that  reflects your deepest self.

    Activating Your Soul’s Code

    Neale Donald Walsch is a celebrated spiritual messenger and New York Times bestselling author. He has devoted his life to helping individuals unlock their soul’s code and activate their inner compass.

    In his online event, “Activating Your Soul’s Code,” he unveils a transformative 3-step process. Through Neale’s guidance, you will bond with your inner compass, enabling you to navigate life’s twists and turns. Also, it will allow you to  make aligned choices, and craft a life of purpose and fulfillment.


    Embracing a Life Transformed by Your Soul’s Code

    When you unleash your soul’s code, you unleash a torrent of creativity, freedom, and authentic self-expression. This  illuminates the impact of aligning with your soul’s code on every facet of your existence.

    From nurturing meaningful relationships to  and making a positive impact on the world, embracing your soul’s code becomes a gateway. A path to a life that radiates with authenticity and empowers you to live to your fullest potential.

    Living From Your Soul Program with Neale Donald Walsch

    By engaging in this event, you will gain invaluable insights and practical steps to connect with your inner compass,to reach deepest desires and aspirations. This opportunity will allow you to towards a more fulfilling and empowered existence.

    When you sign up to attend you can also access the recording. This will give you the liberty to explore the profound 3-step process  so you can start creating extraordinary life that surpasses your wildest dreams.


  • Innergize Day

    Innergize Day Innergize Day is September 23rd! This day is always celebrated after the Autumn Equinox.  This day was created by Michelle Porchia at Inner Dimensions, llc. According to her site is a day to relax and rejuvenate. While some may have to work on this day there are many things you can still do to rest and reflect.

    In our busy days rest is the last thing many can think of.  All the to-do lists, having to go here and there, taking time for oneself seems like a tough task to accomplish. Take this day to force yourself to tone down. By doing so you can begin to create a pattern. This pattern allows you to remain in a state of relaxed awareness.

    We have created a short list of things you can do to celebrate this day.  You can use them tomorrow as well as incorporate some in your everyday life.

    Innergize Day

    • Meditate- We talk a lot about meditation on this site and for one big reason it works! Taking just a small amount of time each day can make a big difference.  Your your mindset and health will become positive and improve.
    • Take a bath- The simple action of soaking in a warm tub can not only unwind your body but your mind as well. You get to be alone with your thoughts, take this time to reframe your thinking. Make it a point to let those negative thoughts float right by the water in the tub.  Let positive thoughts flow in and begin to imagine the way you desire things to be.
    • Napping- Take a good nap, a friend of mine and I used to call napping going to the movies.  Not just because we dreamed but because it took us away from our lives for a bit.  Reemerging into a fresh perspective.
    • Go out to dinner – Don’t cook today, don’t worry what you have to make for dinner (or even work lunch if that applies) take yourself out, treat yourself.  If it is not in the budget then go down to market and get yourself a readymade meal.
    • Focus- Focus on what needs to be done in the present moment.  Try to keep yourself present today except the times when you are reflecting.  By trying to stay present you are removing all stress you have created.  There is no future and no past to consider when you are fully present.
    • Reflect- Take time to reflect on all the wonderful things that have happened or going to happen in your life.  Notice how even the events or circumstances you thought were negative at one time turned out to work for the greater good.  Then be grateful for each and every event in your life!

    From all of us here we wish you a relaxing Innergize Day!



  • Andrew Holecek Lucid Dreaming

    andrew holcek lucid dreamingThe Andrew Holecek lucid dreaming training is called Exploring Lucid Dreaming. During This event you will learn about Dream Sculpting. Whether you dream this way  or have no idea how to do it this event is sure to give you some great tips.

    Some think of Lucid Dreaming as an “out there” thing. H owever there are many people that do it naturally.  What you may not know is that having this skill can greatly help you in waking life.  Americans currently sleep 6.8 hours on average at night according to a Gallup study. This is  hours a year or many years for a person living up to the age of 75. The opportunity for growth  during this missed hours is tremendous.

    Mindvalley Academy has a training called a Masterclass twice a month they help thousands with key element of their full potential. This new class will introduce you to dream sculpting which can result in you having real, quality lucid dreams every night. World-famous Lucid Dreaming teacher, Andrew Holecek will share with you  an excellent opportunity to work out situations and issues in your daily life.

    Andrew Holecek Lucid Dreaming

    This Dream Sculpting review training will show you the Benefits by turning your sleep into a powerful tool. Have you ever noticed in your dreams that you are not who you are in waking life?  You may be healthier or happier and so on?

    This is because when in the dream state, your reality is who you really are with no limitations.  By noticing this and learning the secrets of lucid dream you open yourself up to a new, powerful experience.

    Your dream state is a higher level that consists of a different vibration. Lucid dreamers are also able to harness their intuition better because, during the dreams, the conscious mind is not in the way.  Intuition is all there is and with this you can get answers you need. Also in the dream state you creativity is at full capacity, when you learn the secrets to lucid dreaming you can tap into this creativity.

    Dream Sculpting – Mastering the Art of Lucid Dreaming

    This Andrew Holecek  Lucid dreaming journey will show you a program based on modern science and Eastern Buddhist traditions. You will learn the fundamentals as well as advanced techniques. You get acquainted with a wide variety of simple yet effective lucid dreaming practices . As well as  induction techniques that cut down your learning curve and gives you results much quicker.

    To learn more about this Mindvalley Lucid Dreaming Masterclass or to attend you can go to the main website.


  • Shamanism Death and Dying

    Shamanism Death and DyingThe Shamanism Death and Dying course is for anyone. Whether you are interested in Shamanism or require new answers to what lies beyond.  Death is a guarantee and one of people’s biggest fears. To have the opportunity to learn a new view of it can be quite liberating.

    While many to don’t think of death on a daily basis or try not to, others are constantly haunted by it.  This affects all areas of life and while living your goal is to live! Robert Moss Shaman offers a fresh perception of the shamanic belief of the afterlife.  Luckily you do not have to jump right into the course. For a limited time you can learn about it by attending a free Shift Network live webcast.

    Before going any further I will share a bit about myself which is something I do not normally do. I used to be paralyzed by the thought of death. I was one who thought about it daily.  Ever ache and pain led me to the thought that I was dying.  Now there were reasons why I adopted that mindset that I will not go into now however one thing that did help me was learning the many different beliefs about the afterlife.

    Shamanic Journeying to the Other Side: Communicate with the Departed & Make Death Your Ally

    This event is one hour long but within that hour Robert Moss will cover a wealth of information.  You will learn advanced Shaman dreaming techniques to journey into other realms. Sound unbelievable? It would too many, that is exactly why you can attend this Robert Moss Dream workshop at no charge. You will learn in depth about Shamanism Death and Dying Approaches.

    Shamanism is something I and the group do not usually cover.  Out of the many things we do it is an area that we are not as well educated in.  That is one of many reasons I will be attending this event.  During you he will share how journeying to the other side can create courage and inspiration for life. You will learn about to heal you past by engaging with the departed and much more.

    Shamanism Death and Dying

    This course may not be for you but you will never know unless you attend the event.  I believe this webinar is good for anyone with:

    • The Fear of death
    • Have Questions about the afterlife
    • Have unhealed relationships with those who have passed on
    • Those who need more zest in life
    • Anyone who has interests in dreams and their meanings
    • And those who desire insight into the souls survival after dying.

    From the afterlife to dreams this workshop will be powerful.  It is coming up soon and if you cannot make the time of the event you will receive a recording afterwards if you register.  To learn about the Robert Moss Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife course and to attend the event you can go to the Shift Network  website.