Author: Desire and Belief

  • Subliminal 360 Review – Does It Work?

    Subliminal 360 Review This Subliminal 360 Review is from someone who actually has the software. This is an honest review where I will explain what it does, how it works, how it has worked for me, and yes it is a scam or not.

    I have known the benefits of subliminal messages for quite some time.  The training of the subconscious mind is a wonderful way to undo negative beliefs and habits.  Most of the time I have found Hypnosis and other methods beneficial, but I had the software and thought I would give it a shot.

    Skip my opinion and get the free test drive here

    Subliminal 360 Software

    The software is easy to install.  If you have ever installed any program before you will not have any problem.  After installation you get to see all the different messages available. There are a lot!  From overcoming hypochondria to developing a success mindset you will find one to fit your needs. Plus you have the option to create your own messages for your personal desires.

    You can pick up to 5 different messages that flash in random order. So if you want to lose weight you can pick that message, along with reduce stress, etc. I loved this because my subconscious mind was being reprogrammed on different issues at one time.

    Although I had read someones Subliminal 360 Review Before installing the software I was still a bit concerned.  I did not want any additional programs to slow down my system.  To my surprise it did not slow it down or make my browsing any slower.  Overall I would rate the software a 10 with it being easy to install, use, and not disrupting what you are doing.

    Does Subliminal 360 Work or Is it a Scam?

    Overall I say a great big yes, here’s why.  I knew going into it that subliminal messages do work quickly but that does not mean overnight.  I was prepared to see results in 3 to 6 months. My thought was it took years to create the bad habits so why would it not take at least a little time to undo them.

    Again I was pleasantly surprised. I started to notice small differences in about 7 days.  I was a bit more organized and much more relaxed.  Within the weeks to come I noticed even more changes.

    One of the sessions I picked had to do with fear. Within the first week I noticed I was more confident. Within the first month I noticed my normal anxieties of certain situations were much less and some non-existent.

    Subliminal 360 Review

    With what I have experienced this is not a scam and I believe those who say it is are expecting overnight results or are not using it enough.  When you get the software use it daily and note your results on a weekly basis. When you set time aside to notice how your week went you will see that your behaviors have changed.

    In addition to this review I plan to make a video to show you a bit of how the software works.  In the meantime I hope this helps.  Feel free to use the contact form or comment below with questions. You can also grab the free subliminal message downloads offered and take a tour of the software yourself by going to the Inspire3 website.

  • The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    The M Word Meditation The M Word Meditation  Emily Fletcher event is free.  For a limited time you can attend this Mindvalley Masterclass to learn Meditation for Super Performance. Whether you are currently practicing or new to this Emily explains things in an easy to understand way.

    We have covered meditation before because it is so beneficial. You have probably heard by now the benefits of meditation but may be running into issues. There are many problems people have when comes to this practice. Not enough time to do it. Not being able to reach a relaxed threshold. Or even boredom


    If you fall into any of those categories or want to learn how to meditate in the most effective way then you may want to take a listen to Emily. The full title of this masterclass is How to Level Up Your Meditation to Become a Superstar at Work & Life.  Although this event is only 90 minutes long it is packed with useful information.

    The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    During M Your Way to the top you will learn many things such as:

    • The myths about meditation such as focus
    • Learn the truth about how to clear your mind for full benefits
    • Discover the truth about breathing during your practice
    • 3 special things about meditation that you may not be aware of that increase the richness of your life

    Emily Fletcher at one point was not an instructor.  She worked on Broadway doing many shows night after night.  These took a toll on her and she often felt she was going to have a breakdown.  Then she discovered meditation.  She stopped everything she was doing and went to India to study the practice.

    M Your Way to the Top

    During The M-Word Emily Fletcher event she doesn’t just teach you how to meditate. You actually are taught how to use meditation to get better at life. If you ever wished it was fun to meditate or wished it added more hours to your day instead of taking from it then this is one event not to be missed.

    Meditation is no longer just a tool for spirituality. Meditation can help you achieve amazing things. Not only the health benefits and inner peace (although those are wonderful) but much more.  During the event Emily will go into the other numerous ways that embracing this practice can change your life.

    Not only the practice but her techniques.  The way she turns what seems to be for many a time sucker into something you enjoy each day. By you will also get to learn about The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher course.  This a 33-day journey to instill a meditation framework into your life.  A new approach to this beneficial practice that’s fresh and fun.  Find out more about Meditation for Super Performance HERE.

  • How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down

    How To Bounce Back when Life Knocks you DownIf you have not read How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down here is some good news. Sonia Ricotti Unsinkable author is now offering a new pdf download at no charge.  This book is called Bounce Back Big .

    This is just one of a few free resources Sonia offering. The eBook is known as the Miracle Blueprint to Turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams.   Within it you will hear Sonia’s story of how she overcome tremendous difficulties and created her dream life.

    Life challenges come and go.  For some they stick around and for others everything comes crashing down all at once. Sonia sees this in people’s lives, she has felt what it is life, and she has set out to tell you there is a way to recover and have your best life yet.

    How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down

    This book made her a number 1 bestselling author and Sonia is also the author of the Law of Attraction Plain and Simple.  You can buy both of these but before you do you will want see what she is offering now.

    If you have been struggling up to now you know already that something is not working. The things you are doing have not been serving you.  It is time to make a change.  The eBook and other free resources that Sonia is giving away will shed light on why you may be struggling and what you can do about it.

    The book goes with the webinar so will want to read that first.  During the webinar she follows up with more information that is covered in the PDF. Plus you will also get to learn about the Unsinkable Bounce Back Program.

    Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs

    Along with her Bounce Back Big eBook there is another she is also giving away. This book is called Eliminate your Limiting Beliefs. This shows you areas that maybe holding you back from the wealth you want.  It also shows you how to change the area you may be struggling with to increase your money flow.


    Unsinkable Super Conference

    Along with the eBook and the blueprint she is also having her famous conference. This event is highly attended every time she has it and it has excellent reviews.  The amount of free information Sonia gives in enough to jumpstart your new year and your new you. That being said during the webinar you get to learn about her Unsinkable program.

    If you have heard of the program before and have been looking for a quality review the webinar will give you one.  After your read the book and blueprint, you can feel that Sonia cares, and when you hear her during the webinar you will know that the program works.

    No matter where you are in life, what you have going on, or where you want to be the Bounce Back Big eBook, Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs ebook, and Super Conference will give you the tools to change everything and show you How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down.



  • Living In the Miracle Zone – Your Year of Miracles

    Living In the Miracle ZoneLiving in the miracle zone is when one goes from day to day struggles to happiness and success. This term was created by Your Year in Miracles Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman.

    If you did not get to attend the Your Year in Miracles event you can still watch the replay.  You can also get a free eBook download.    This program is about taking your life from where it is at now and moving it into a place where miracles easily flow into your life.

    Living in the Miracle zone is another one of the free special we are covering to start your year off right. If you want to be done with living a life of struggle, Or know that there’s more for you but it’s just outside your reach you. Then you may want to take advantage of the free webinar and eBook.

    The 3 Secrets to a Life Filled with Miracles Webinar

    As mentioned this replay is still available. During it you get to both Marci and Debra’s story. You will learn how to take your transformation to the next level and start having miracles show up in your life.

    Living In the Miracle Zone

    The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You from Living a Miraculous Life eBook is available for free download.  When you grab this book you will also be able to watch the webinar replay as well as learn about the program.

    The book shows you how to create an opening so your desires can flow to you.  Within it you will learn the 4 mistakes that stop miracles from coming into your life and how you can stop making them.

    2018 Your Year of Miracles program

    In this program Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman will guide you so that you are living in the Miracle zone.  You will be able to look back at the past year and see how everything has changed for the better.

    With this this powerful online program you will be mentored every step of the way to mastering the process of drawing miracles to you. Here are some of the things you will be able to attain with the program:

    • Greater financial abundance
    • Deeper, more fulfilling relationships
    • Profound self-love and self-confidence
    • Clearer connection to Spirit
    • Increased energy and vitality
    • Greater satisfaction in their work
    • Lost dreams reawakened and fulfilled

    By taking advantage of this training you can do things you have always wanted to and completely change your life. Whether you want to have the courage to leave a job, make more money or meet the mate of your dreams. Marci and Debra’s knowledge, tools and guidance will show you how living in the Miracle Zone every day of your life is easier than you imagine.

    Think of what you want is it love, weight loss, a dream vacation?  If so watch the webinar replay or grab the Your Year in Miracles eBook. You will learn how you can stop blocking those dreams for good. Plus discover how to bringing in your true desires.

  • The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego

    Key to Evolving Beyond EgoIs there a Key to Evolving beyond Ego?  According To Craig Hamilton Integral Enlighten there is.  In an upcoming free webinar he will be sharing with you how you can move past the ego to assist your spiritual journey.

    The ego is an amazing thing.  Too often we look at ego as a negative thing.  However, the ego is both positive and negative depending on how you view and use it.  You can view the ego as a part of you that has to defend you and keep you safe.  Or you can embrace it as a part of you that encourages learning and gives you guidance.


    This may not be exactly what Craig Hamilton will be covering during the Integral Enlightenment training.  What he will share is much more powerful. Craig is considered a foremost expert on spiritual awakening.  When it comes to this awakening the ego can cause a great hindrance.  During the webinar he will show you how to move past it.

    Craig Hamilton is a premier teacher of meditation and transformational wisdom. His work is among the best. When you learn from him, you know you’re in the hands of a master teacher. If I had to pick one teacher to take a deep dive with around conscious evolution and evolutionary spirituality it would be him.


    The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego

    During this event you will discover how to make the changes that change everything. Sound interesting or perhaps confusing? Craig Hamilton is an excellent teacher.  Whether you are interested or confused his method of teaching is down to earth and easy to understand.

    Even though is way of training is straight forward, the information he shares is phenomenal.  If you want to learn from a seasoned, wise teacher, you’ve found him.  It is rare to find a spiritual teacher who imparts the depth, the clarity, the humility, and the wisdom that Craig Hamilton does.

    Craig Hamilton Integral Enlightenment Review

    While there is really not need for a review because this event is free. Many want to know if the integral enlightenment course is worth it.  By attending this Evolving Wisdom course event you will learn information you can use right away. As well as getting a full overview of what the course is all about.

    During the Integral Enlightenment telecourse you will experience Craig’s wisdom, guidance and frequency that will open a spiritual pathway for you that you may have heard about but never before experienced.

    Integral Enlightenment Online Course Seminar

    Here is a bit of what you will discover during The Key to Evolving beyond Ego:

    • Learn what the Evolutionary Self is
    • How it holds the Key to transformation
    • How to activate so it becomes part of your everyday live
    • Plus More

    You can learn more about the Craig Hamilton the Key to Evolving beyond Ego webinar by going to the HERE.


  • Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason

    bob doyle wealth beyond reasonThe Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason program is now offering a free webinar and eBook.  The eBook is entitled Bridging The Abundance Gap: 3 Simple Steps To Get Unstuck And Unlock Your Dreams.  It is best to grab the book first before you attend the webinar.

    Bob Doyle Secret Cast member is well known in the Law of Attraction arena. Whether you know about this law and want to no more. Or you may have heard of it and are unsure what it is, this event is designed for both.

    This event is one a few great ones that we will be covering to start your new year off right.  All the webinars and free resources we cover are free.  If you want to learn and grow, but want don’t want to break the bank doing it the Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason program is a must.


    How To Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life Today

    During this webinar Bob will be sharing things that were not necessarily covered in the movie the Secret.  In fact, if you have read or seen the movie and still struggle with the Law of Attraction then you will enjoy this.

    Does the Law of Attraction really work? We get this question often.  The answer is yes, but we find that the way people think about this law seems to be the trouble.  The view it as some “out there” magic that either does not really exist or only a few know how to harness it. That is not the case.

    The law of attraction is not like a toaster, you don’t just put the bread in and they poof you get what you want, toast.  It is more like a dish where you must take care in all the steps.  Each ingredient added with care, temperature exactly right and so on.


    Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason webinar

    When these free books and events come up we highly recommend attending them.  If you are interested in this subject you do not have to break the bank learning more.  Plus it is best to learn from those who are well versed and what better way to do that than free.

    Bob Doyle will explain more about this law during the webinar. More importantly why it is not working for you and how you can get it to work.  You will gain a plethora of knowledge by just grabbing the Bridging the Abundance Gap eBook. On top of that you get to learn from Bob at no charge, what a great way to start the year!

    Throughout the upcoming weeks we will be covering events that are complimentary.  If you want your life to change start now.  It can and will change if you dedicate just a bit of time to expanding your growth.

    If you would like to learn more or attend the Wealth Beyond Reason program you can go here.