Author: Desire and Belief

  • Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0

    Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0The Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 the Miracle of Direct Awakening is an upcoming webinar.  If you are new to meditation or interested in taking your practice to the next level this is for you. This Is Presented by Evolving Wisdom at no charge.

    Craig Hamilton is a spiritual teacher and a highly respected meditation teacher. Craig will share the surprising truth he’s learned in his decades of meditation teaching and research–and the unexpected discovery that is challenging all of our assumptions about spiritual transformation

    Too many meditation can be boring. For others they cannot find enough time to do the practice.  Through his research and work, Craig has developed a way of meditating that enables you to tap directly into  awakened consciousness every time you practice.


    Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 Webinar Why Attend?

    Even if you think you have your meditation practice where you want it this event will reveal some powerful information to transform your current practice.

    If you are new to meditation this is exactly where you want to be so you can start your meditation practice correctly and in the most powerful way.

    This powerful transformational methodology will be shared with you at no charge in a 90-minute global online seminar.

    Craig Hamilton The Practice of Direct Awakening

    If you have experienced of spiritual awakening you know how exhilarating it is.

    However many have not had these experience. If they have they have been fairly short-lived.  This leaves people wanting to feel this again but are not sure how to achieve it.

    Thisonline seminar with  Craig Hamilton that will help you bridge that gap.

    Instead of spending decades doing “indirect” practices like repeating mantras, watching your breath or being “mindful” in an effort to prepare for a future moment of Enlightenment, you can literally practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment right now.


    Craig Hamilton Meditation Course Review

    Here is an overview of what he is going to share:

    • A simple shift in attention that can open the door to wisdom and creativity
    • The most common obstacles to deep meditation
    • the one key that enables you to bypass the obstacles
    • How to ensure that meditation is never boring but always a journey of awakening to higher possibilities and potentials
    • Why short periods of meditation can be more effective than long sessions and how to make every moment of meditation a moment of awakening
    • How to bring your spiritual practice off the meditation into your daily life through the use of “engaged inquiry” practices throughout your day

    The Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 will change your practice forever. To register at no charge you can go HERE.  If you cannot make the time of the event as long as you register you will receive the recording.

  • Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness

    eric edmeades evolution of health and fitnessThe Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness Mindvalley masterclass will give you a good Wildfit program review.  In this article we will cover why you may want to attend this event even if you are not looking for any fitness or health changes.

    Eric Edmeades Wildfit creator came upon this program by his personal experience. He had been ill and fixed all of his issues in quickly in fact in one month. Suspend your disbelief on this one even though it sounds too good to be true.

    Eric actually teaches during this webcast about wild human diet which we are naturally designed for. Now before you run away with the word diet, please keep reading. This is for everyone whether you want better health, want to lose weight or tone your muscles all without exercise.


    A little more about him for those who want to know. He is an entrepreneur, architect, and author. His depth of research into the Human Diet led him to develop the Wildfit challenge.

    Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness

    This event in itself will teach you many things you can put into practice immediately. Of course you will also learn about his Wildfit challenge.  By attending you will learn that this is not a new fad diet.  It’s a true rediscovery of our roots.
    If you decide to try his method you can add extra years to your life .  You will learn how to improve your energy. Strengthen your muscles and change your body shape without exercise, calorie counting or hunger. How is this done?  It is all about altering your relationship with food.

    Wildfit Diet Review

    The human diet Eric shares with you is one that will restore our health, our vitality and our natural lifespan. No matter where you are in terms of health and fitness.

    By attending you will learn:

    • 5 simple hacks
    • What you can do right now to end bad health or lack of vitality
    • Learn about The 6 Human Hungers
    • How to attain a complete body transformation
    • Learn about what we eat and the science behind it
      Uncover shocking revelations about the various diet programs
    • Why the word “diet” is actually making us crave more food and stay unhealthy
    • the Ultimate Human Diet that eliminates obesity
    • Learn about the biological factor that works against most people’s willpower to force people to not eat healthy even though they clearly know they should.
    • learn why a healthy body has nothing to do with exercise
    • Plus much more

    The Wildfit Chanllenge Eric Edmeades

    Eric discovered all of this as a result of years of research on nutritional anthropology, evolutionary biology and the original hunter-gatherer society of the Hadza Bushmen in Tanzania. During this event you will see why mankind originally was a really healthy, strong and vibrant species. This part alone is very interesting.

    No matter where you are, your health is number one, and the Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness is one event everyone will benefit from. You will gain much knowledge and learn about the Wildfit challenge. Having struggled with illness and having to find the right “diet” I highly recommend this event.

  • Uncompromised Life Review

    uncompromised life review

    I am a Hypnotist so when the Marisa Peer training came along I was intrigued. I wrote and overview of the free masterclass entitled Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy.  If you would like to skip the review you can go HERE.

    After completing the 8th module I felt compelled to share my results. In this review I will cover what is included with the course, how you can learn about it first, and my results.

    Who is Marisa Peer?

    Marisa is considered Britain’s #1 best therapist. She has spent years working with celebrities  in the fields of acting, athletics, CEOs and political leaders. She has written four bestselling books about Transformational Hypnotherapy in varying fields such as losing weight, gaining confidence and staying young.

    Uncompromised Life Review

    This is An 8-Week Journey To Impart In You The 8 Transformations Of The World’s Top Super-Achievers. The program includes 8 modules, I am not sure if these modules change or not.

    The different modules are  on different topics.  They have a printable workbook. A training session with Marisa Peer which you can listen to via audio or video. Plus an additional hypnosis mp3 to listen to.

    Plus it includes bonus hypnotherapy session downloads.


    Marisa Peer I Am Enough

    One of my favorites is the I Am Enough module.  Many of us do not feel as if we are enough.  During this session Marisa addresses this issue and provides a powerful hypnosis audio.

    According to Marisa knowing that you are enough is the most important.  You can strive for whatever you like but until you know you are enough nothing else will feel like achievements.

    Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy

    Yes it does but If you have read any of our past articles you already know that changing your beliefs comes to each individual in different ways.

    For some it is instant, some it adds up overtime and for some the behavior or you have completely changed and don’t even realize it.  It a different amount of time to see change from person to person.

    I did the training modules for 10 days instead of 7  to create long lasting change. You will be different and will notice that some of the modules click with you while other you will want to spend more time on.

    Final Results

    • Much calmer and feel much more confident
    • In tune with my body and what my body needs
    • I am more motivated
    • My productivity has gone up
    • Happiness and Joy has increased

    Just a short list of the changes I have noticed.

    Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy Masterclass

    You can learn more about this program either by attending the attending the training where Marisa delves into how the successful are the way they are and how you can be as well.

    There is a new training she is offering which is 5 Days to Unstoppable Self Confidence which is an online home study mini course. Each day of this course you will receive powerful information about the secret to great self-esteem.

    You will learn how to become and stay unstoppable with your self-confidence, learn an instant self-esteem boost. You will get a video you can use at  to gain self-esteem for a a boost.

    I hope this Uncompromised Life review has helped and you can gain more knowledge on the product by attending the free Mindvalley Masterclass HERE.

  • Annual Tapping World Summit

    annual tapping world summitThe Annual Tapping World Summit is here. We promote this Nick Ortner Tapping Solution event every year.  In the review below we explain what and what you can expect from the event.

    This Summit covers the Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT.  EFT is a process of tapping on meridian points for any issue you desire. From anxiety to health conditions we have found the EFT is very effective.

    The Tapping Solution and Nick Ortner have been sharing this modality with the world for years through books and events like this.  This event only comes once a year so if you have any desires in life or want to change things this is one online event we cover that you will want to attend.


    World Tapping Summit

    This event goes for 10 days, it is free to attend, and is pure content.  You will not be attending this event and finding a bunch of sales pitches.  However, you do have the option to own this year’s recordings if you choose to do so.

    In preparation for the summit there is a series of videos available.  The first is with Nick Ortner where he answers the question what is EFT Tapping. He also walks you through the entire process.  This video alone will show you how effective this process is.

    The next video is Louise Hay Tapping and Affirmations for your “Inner Work”.  In this video Nick interviews her and she explains why she believes the tapping technique is so important and how to combine affirmations, along with Tapping, to maximize your results.

    The third has Jessica Ortner Tapping Meditations.  She guides you through three calming processes.


    Annual Tapping World Summit Schedule

    Each day for 10 days you get access to a virtual room.  This room contains different presentations where you get to learn about EFT from experts and get to tap along with them.

    This year some of the speakers include Kris Carr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, and many more. Here is a bit of the Tapping Summit 2017 Schedule:

    • The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self
    • Tapping Into Body Confidence: The Key to Unlocking Your Weight Loss Struggle
    • Open Up to Your Own Magnificence: The Secrets to Feeling Strong and Confident
    • The Abundance Code: How to Create Financial and Emotional Freedom
    • Money Issues: Tapping to Overcome and Prevent Financial Strain in Your Relationship
    • Making Peace with The Past: From Resentment and Regret, to Forgiveness and Freedom
    • Breaking Free From Any Physical Pain, One Tap at a Time
    • Mind-Body Medicine: Tapping to Overcome an Autoimmune Disorder
    • From Diagnosis to Hope: Releasing the Tension and Stress of a Health Challenge
    • Learning to Navigate Life’s Disappointments: Tapping to Get Unstuck and Take Back Your Enthusiasm
    • The Power at Your Fingertips: Tapping for a Restful Night’s Sleep

    There are more presentations and speakers during the 9th Annual Tapping world Summit we have just covered a few.  At the point of writing this there are a few videos as mentioned that you can have access to.  Once you watch the first you will be able to watch the rest and be notified about the date and time of the summit.

  • Lunar Eclipse 2017 Astrology Reading

    Lunar Eclipse 2017 Astrology ReadingYou can now get a Lunar Eclipse 2017 Astrology Reading.  This of offered by Astrology Answers and with the February Lunar Eclipse it is a great time to grab this free reading.

    As it looks right now the world seems to be getting deeper and deeper in chaos. However it can also be a year that contains much power for those aligned with their true astral natures.  The key for this year is know yourself and gain greater self-knowledge.

    Those who are aware of Adrian Duncan and Astrology Answers have loved their past free readings.  This reading will show you how you can bet tune into your true nature  and take what seems to be a drastic year so far and turn into something far more positive.

    Solar and Lunar Eclipse

    The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse taking place on February 10th/11th.  There are actually 4  Eclipses that take place this year. They the Annular Solar Eclipse , Partial Lunar Eclipse, and the Total Solar Eclipse . The Eclipse Dates are:

    • February 10th   Penumbral
    • February 26th Annualar
    • August 7th Partial
    • August 21st Total Solar

    We will not go into detail about the differences as this article is about astrology. The upcoming eclipse will trigger the signs of Leo and Aquarius.

    The Lunar Eclipse 2017 Astrology Reading

    This is a time for Freedom and Awakening. Eclipses are significant events at a spiritual level  and a time to start anew.  For those who do not know themselves they may missed the opportunities that come their way.

    “Know thyself” is more important now than ever before.  This forecast you will receive shows you how to align your energies.  By doing so you can begin to achieve dreams, and gain abundant support from the universe.

    Astrology Answers Free Reading

    You see this is a year when we will accelerate our human frequencies. Those aligned with their best frequencies will get ahead and those that do not may face challenges.  This reading will show you how to fully step into the truth of who you are, claim your personal power,  and you’re energy to achieve your dreams.

    Metaphysical experts are predicting powerful, positive changes for many in 2017. To make sure you to not miss these opportunities you must align your energies with the forces of the universe.  Those who do not will face more struggle and strain in their love lives, their careers, health and finances.

    So what does this all mean? Well it is time to get clear on who you are and what your best frequency is. The Lunar Eclipse 2017 Astrology Reading is a great free first step to getting there, not to mention it is fun and full of interesting information about yourself. You can grab it here.