Author: Desire and Belief

  • Raikov Effect Review -Does it Work

    raikov effect reviewThe Raikov Effect Review includes information about the product and tells you if the Raikov Effect really works to increase your own natural genius levels. This overview covers what the product is, where it comes from, and answers the question does it really work.

    When covering this brain retraining products we always note that everyone is different.  While most mind enhancing products do work for many there are always a select few that it does not.  This many times comes from improper use of the program.


    If you are considering trying the Raikov Effect make sure you use it as directed. Many people get excited, purchase a product use it a few times and do not see the results they desire. With any retrain your brain programs you must be willing to put in the time to change.

    Think of it this way, you were note born with the fear of heights, you learned it.  For that reason, it will take time to unlearn it and download new information into you brain.

    Who is Vladimir Raikov?

    Dr. Vladimir Raikov was a Russian neuropsychologist, during his experiments with his students he saw a repeating pattern.  This patterned when triggered would change people into more intelligent, in fact, highly intelligent individuals.

    Raikov’s technique involved putting his students into hypnotic trance.  They taken back to when they were younger where learning is prime.  They then would be guided into associating with someone to become good at music  or mastering an instrument.

    Deep Trance Identification

    Dr. Raikov’s Method was called deep trance identification.  This used hypnosis as a learning process by having the subject would experience the world of another. For example, the subject could actually mode the behaviors, beliefs, and so on of anyone.

    While some consider deep trance identification as a new hypnotic process, others have used this method, with great results.

    The Raikov Effect Review

    With above being said now onto the review. The Raikov Effect is a way to simulate this process from your own home. The company has created a way for an individual to use an MP3 to install beliefs, attitudes, and skills of what they desire.

    The actual site has a plethora of choices when it comes to the MP3s.  you can choose greater confidence, self-mastery, deep thinking, and many, many more. You choose the one you want and just follow along with the program.

    The program is designed to increase or install in you the patterns you want in any specific area of your life.

    Does it Really Work?

    When you use this properly you can install new beliefs, behaviors, skills and abilities.  The key is to use it as the program suggests.  You cannot expect the changes to occur without repetition. Just as you learned to be anxious, unmotivated, etc. you can learn to be the opposite.

    The company gives you a full year to try the product so if you use it properly you should see some dramatic results.  Although the Raikov Effect review gives you the basis of the program, the proof is in the change you see.  You can learn more by watching this video and gaining access to a further review.


  • Quotes to Remember Louise Hay

    Louise HayLouise Hay passed on August 30 of natural causes at the age of 90. An advocate and a leader in the personal growth and new thought movement, she helped many with her books, seminars, audios, and more. She was one of my favorite people in the development arena.

    Hay was well known for her book You Can Heal Your Life as well as the many other books she authored. She was the founder of Hay house that is a personal growth mecca of well-known authors and speakers.  She will be missed but her works will live on for years to come.

    Many are aware of her Hay House World Summit that helped people around the world at no charge.  She truly gave and In remembrance of her I put together some of my favorite quotes and sayings, I hope you enjoy them.

    Louise Hay Inspirational Quotes

    1. “I say “Out” to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it.”
    2. “No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.”
    3. “I grow spiritually when I accept responsibility for my life.”
    4. “In the infinity of life where I am, All is perfect, whole and complete, I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself. As the Universe sees me — perfect, whole, and complete.”
    5. “Love is never outside ourselves; love is within us.”
    6. “You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world.”
    7. “Be ready for love when it does come. Prepare the field and be ready to nourish love. Be loving, and you will be lovable. Be open and receptive to love.”
    8. “Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.”
    9. “Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”
    10. “We may not know how to forgive, and we many not want to forgive; but the very fact we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing practice.”
    11. “If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”
    12. “Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories”
    13. “Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year.”
    14. “As your understanding of life continues to grow, you can walk upon this planet safe and secure, always moving forward toward your greater good.”
    15. “Love who and what you are and what you do.”

    The above is just a small sample of the wisdom Louise Hay offers us.  Even is death she gives, not only by her works but according to the Hay House website her estate will be going to the Hay Foundation. This foundation gives things like food, shelter, and more for those in need.

  • Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao

    Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar RaoAfter attending the Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao Masterclass, I felt compelled to leave a review. The title of the class was Developing Extreme Resilience.  In this review I will cover the class as well as a bit about the course.

    Who is Srikumar Rao?

    Professor Srikumar Rao is quite well known for his creativity and personal mastery course.  This course is so popular there is actually a set of steps individuals have to go through to get in, not to mention be on at least a year long waiting list. This is not the case for the Mindvalley Masterclass however which is free.

    One amazing this about him is that one of his speeches on finding happiness made it onto  It was a non-Ted speech and he is one of only seven people who has had a speech featured. Rao is also   one of the most popular MBA lecturers in America.

    Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao

    This course is not confined to just Resilience.  It is a 45 day course that takes place on the Mindvalley Quest platform. This course uses micro-learning, so instead of spending hours a day you spend minutes.  It has been shown that this technique of learning allows individuals to absorb and retain much more.

    This program covers areas such as:

    • Releasing Disempowering Thoughts
    • Unstoppable Tenacity
    • Get The Lifestyle You Desire
    • Scaling Your Energy
    • Attract Even More Abundance
    • Plus much more

    This are not just lectures but techniques and practices and you’ll be guided weekly for 7 weeks to create a life where unexpected good fortune- and a miracle or two-is a regular occurrence for you.

    Developing Extreme Resilience Masterclass

    As mentioned above I felt compelled to write about the class itself because I believe it is for everyone.  At one point or another we will face stress, hardship and so on.  This class shows you five different ways you can bounce back.

    The areas covered during the Masterclass are

    • Good thing Bad Thing?
    • Benevolent Universe
    • Investing in the Process
    • Be Grateful
    • Reframing

    Srikumar Rao goes through each of these topics explaining how you can develop extreme resilience in any circumstance.  These 5 hacks can apply to any or all areas of strife if you put it into practice.

    Why Attend?

    While I enjoy most of Mindvalley’s trainings this one stuck out.  Not only because people struggle is everyday but because of the way the world now. People are becoming more and more upset and stress with the state of our world.

    You can apply each of the techniques taught during the training to your personal issues as well as your stresses and worries that are outside your control.  All too often we take the many things out of our control and internalize them.  With this strategies you can address your current state as well as whether comes up in the future.

    The Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  To learn more you can attend Developing Extreme Resilience at no charge.

  • Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter Kit

    Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter KitThe Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter kit is available for download. Andy does this at no charge because of the great success of his work.  He also understands that many are skeptical and rightly so. There are so many “change your thoughts” books, programs and tools, it is easy to become a little leery.

    If you don’t know Andy he is the creator of this program as well as the Saltori Structured thinking system.  Both of these share information you may have heard before but in an entirely new way. This is one of his specialties. He takes knowledge and explains it in a way you can actually get it to work.

    Andy offers a few kits all of which you can get at no charge.  In this short review we will cover the newest kit as well as additional training.

    Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter Kit

    As mentioned there are a few no cost downloads he offers.  The newest is the Bug Free Mind Mental Strength kit.

    It is a 6 part kit where any breaks down how to unlock mental strength hidden within your mind.  Again this information, at least some of it has been things you may have heard of before. The way he explains it however is much different and direct.

    It shows you how you can improve not just one area of your life at a time, but if increase your mental strength and thereby improve all areas.

    Your mindset is what he explains in this kit and how to get the most out of all his free Mental Strength training.

    Why get the Mental Strength Fast Start Kit?

    First off it is free training and if you are looking for a shift in life this kit is a must.  If you are looking to have an easier journey through life, or excel in any area of life then what he will teach you about how to use your mind will blow you away.

    Secondly, one thing you will come to understand is that whenever you’ve improved anything in any area of your life It is because  you have worked on your mindset in that area. In other words you increased your focus, and you improved your results.

    This download shows you how to can do that without letting any of the other areas of your life suffer. You will also discover how to:

    • effortlessly increase your mental strength How to make life easier
    • achieve more with less effort
    • Discover the secrets to your minds hidden power
    • Become Mentally Strong in your weakest area of life.
    • get everything you ever wanted from life
    • Plus more

    The Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter Kit and all his trainings are well worthwhile.  From being able to shift your focus to increasing your balance in life this structured thinking system works. It is a wealth of information that easy to understand and easy to apply.  Along with this kit you will learn about other Bug Free Mind trainings as well.

  • Diamond Dowsing Home Study Course

    You can now take Diamond Dowsing Home Study course by attending a complimentary event. This event is called the Diamond Dowsing fest, it is complimentary, online, and for 6 days you can have access to the sessions with Marie Diamond.

    What is Diamond Dowsing?

    Many do not know much about Dowsing and when they think of it they think it is just for finding water. You can use dowsing to locate sources of issues such as geopathic stress, interference lines, or negative energy vortexes.

    That may sound complicated but they are really naturally occurring phenomena of energy that can have a dramatic effect on you. The knowledge that Marie shares will help with the Earth’s energy.

    Dowsing is the process of locating this problems within your environment.  By doing so you can resolve physical, emotional and even financial issues.

    Many want answers to the problems they are having but are stuck in the traditional way of finding those answers.  Dowsing is just another way to heal areas of your life where you may feel stuck or out of flow.

    diamond dowsing home study courseDiamond Dowsing Home Study Course

    Of course usually you have to pay for this course but as mentioned during this 6 day event you can learn it all at no charge.  Marie Diamond will show you how to use dowsing rods and You will learn:

    • The causes of energy disturbances
    • How these affect your surroundings and environment
    • How to use dowsing rods
    • How you can find energy disturbances, energy lines, zones, and vortexes.
    • How to remedy the disturbances you do locate
    • How you can enhance positive energy fields.
    • How to measure the energy in any room
    • how to increase the energy level of an environment
    • How to access a higher energy field
    • How to clear and protect your personal energy
    • How to release stuck energy.
    • Plus much more

    Why Attend the Diamond Dowsing Fest?

    Well first is free and the course itself is usually quite expensive.  Secondly you will learn about the Earth’s natural vibrations and how if they are disturbed, their energy turns negative.  This can affect many areas of life from health, relationships, abundance, and more. Marie Diamond will address this and goes beyond just telling you about it but also how to remedy it.

    If you are a skeptic about EMFs this is also an event you may want to look at.  You will learn about electromagnetic fields studies from power lines, cell phones and towers. These can impact our bodies and affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Again, Marie will explain it all Diamond Dowsing Fest.

    When you learn this technique you can find stress lines, negative vortexes that can greatly affect your mood, your families, or your work environment. By finding these you can create harmony.

    This is only 6 days and quite the opportunity to Diamond Dowsing Home Study Course at no charge so   By attending this event you can learn to  fix problems that might be showing in your life and take advantage of naturally occurring positive energy vortexes.


  • What is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?

    What is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?When you hear about it the first thing you wonder is what is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?  I know when it crossed my path I wanted to know and I also did not know who St. Germain was.  In this brief post I will cover what the Violet flame is and who is St. Germain

    Before I get into that I will let you know about an event you can attend with Deborah King. This event is called The First Step to Becoming a Modern Master.  It is offered at no charge and will teach you how to rid yourself of past traumas and emotional wounds.


    Who is St. Germain?

    St. Germain is an Ascended Master even though the name implies Christianity.

    St. Germain is an ascended master he is also called Master Rakoczi. His origins come from Theosophy and post-Theosophical teaching which mystical philosophies are.

    Ascended masters are people who once were on earth and are now enlightened spiritual beings.  Some examples would also be Jesus Christ and Buddha.

    In New Age beliefs He is a master of ancient wisdom and is associated with the color violet, the amethyst crystal or jewel, and the Maltese cross.

    Saint Germain is known as “The God of Freedom for this system of worlds.”

    What is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?

    The Violet flame is a spiritual energy. This energy can help heal emotional and physical problems. The violet flame can transmute your past whether it be past traumas or mistakes of yourself or others.

    Transmute means change in form, in the case of the Violet flame it can erase these past events.  The flame turns the negative into the positive, erases bad karma, and can even help the body heal.


    How Does the Violet Flame work?

    The flame works by changing the vibration of energy. It takes the negative energies and turns them into light.  This leaves you with a higher vibration and more energy spiritually.

    The Violet flame is invoked by a prayer most often by doing a Violet Flame of Transmutation meditation. Depending on the meditation it may just be the flame or also contain St. Germain and a Maltese cross.

    It goes past just mediation, you can use it to help others by visualizing it around them.  You can use it for spiritual protection as well as releasing traumas and negative emotions.

    There is a bit more than we can add to this post, in fact a lot more.  Like always I have a free resource for you.  As mentioned above the Deborah King Be a Modern master masterclass is free. This class not only answers the question what is the Violet Flame of Transmutation but you will also be guided by Deborah through a full meditation so you actually get to experience it.